Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Saving Office Documents With The Damage Damageddocx2txt

Generally there is a disk in a number of documents that Microsoft is broken, this may occur because there are a few things such as problems in the generic host process Win32 or also in the system32 errors, damage to the hard drive, crashing on the Windows OS, I do not know, but in reality it is a file office-file is a file that vulnerable.

Fun time Googling to find out the consequences and solutions, I found a utility called Damageddocx2txt who can fix microsoft word document and other files. Akan Damageddocx2txt to extract text from Microsoft Word document that was damaged, although the result is not the same as Mic.Word save the image as it failed, but the text is important terselamatkan.

Here is a screenshot of recovery from Damageddocx2txt:

If you want to download and save Damageddocx2txt to fix your office document file that is damaged.

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