Natural disaster is a disaster caused by natural phenomenon. Natural phenomenon is actually a very natural phenomenon and is common on the earth. However, only when the symptoms are the nature of man (soul) and all products budidayanya (ownership, property and objects), we can call this as a disaster.
Classification based on the causes of natural disasters can be divided into three types, namely:
1. Geological disasters
This natural disaster caused by the styles that come in from the earth (endogen style). Included in geological disasters are earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunami.
2. Natural disasters klimatologis
Klimatologis natural disasters is a natural disaster caused by the wind and rain. Examples of natural disasters is klimatologis floods, storms, flooding large, waterspout wind, drought, and natural forest fires (not by man).
Soil movement (landslides) as well as natural disasters, although the trigger is the main factor klimatologis (rain), but the symptoms started with geological conditions (type and characteristics of land and rock, and so forth).
3. Of natural extra-terestrial
Natural disasters Extra-Terestrial are natural disasters that occur in space, for example: hiding / meteor impact. When hiding things on the surface of the heavens and the earth will cause a terrible natural disaster for the earth.
Natural phenomenon that can cause natural disasters have essentially common characteristics, the initial symptoms, the main symptom, and the symptoms end. Thus, if we can accurately know the early symptoms of a natural disaster, most likely a result we can reduce the ditimbulkannya.
B. Anticipating Disaster
1. Volcanic eruptions
Volcanic eruptions occur because symptoms vulkanisme. the events associated with the rise of magma in the belly of the earth.
Before the volcanoes erupt, there are usually signs as follows:
temperature rise around the crater
that many water sources dry up
often felt the earthquake (vulkanik)
animal that is in the top of the mountain, many are moving down the slope because it feels heat
heard the sound of thundering in gunun
If there are signs of volcano will erupt, there is some anticipation (business) to reduce the risk of disasters, among others:
create a tunnel-tunnel in the water crater (crater) that berdanau. For example: Mount Kelud in the tunnel.
disseminate information and provide early warning of the monitoring results of the post-observation post volcanoes.
evacuate residents who live in the caster who akan volcano erupt.
2. Earthquake
Earthquake energy release is a symptom of a wave to sweep the surface of the earth due to the disruption in the earth's crust (broken, fall down, or destroyed).
The earthquake is a natural disaster is often the territory of Indonesia, about 400 times a year. This is because Indonesia passed by the two plates (belt) earthquake, the plates Mediterranean (Alpen-Himalaya), and Pacific plates.
Until now people can not predict when an earthquake will occur. Size of the catastrophe that occurred depends on the strength (magnitudo) earthquake itself and the condition of areas affected by the earthquake. Gauge called earthquake seismograph, which is expressed in the Richter scale.
Anticipated to be done for the public what is and how the earthquake occurrence, during and after the earthquake occurred. Some suggestions in the quake occurrence is as follows:
Before the earthquake occurred
Knowing carefully walk out entrance in an emergency no matter where we are. Remember the earthquake can happen at any time.
Leaving the items that are in place a stable and not dependent.
Immediately turn off the lights, stove oil or gas and electricity to avoid the danger of fire.
When the earthquake occurred
If you are in the room: diamlah moment, do not panic and flee out of the building. Immediately seek refuge under the tables or near the door. Avoid places that may cause injury, such as glass, gas or property which may be dependent akan jatuh override.
If you are outside the house: stay or find a place free from buildings, trees or walls. Do not enter the building even though the earthquake is the vibration because it is not impossible to stop building debris may still occur.
If the crowd is in the middle: do not participate thrust to find a solution, even though the people who panic have the same desire. Look where the debris will not fall.
If you are in a high building: as soon as possible seek protection under the table and jauhilah a window or outside wall of the building. Stay in the floor where you are when the earthquake happened, and do not use the lift or the Elevator there.
If you're in a vehicle: a vehicle stop and you are still in the car and the car pinggirkanlah you. Do not stop on the bridge, or under the road layang. If the earthquake has stopped, do not layang directly across the road or bridge that extends until condition is safe.
After the earthquake occurred
To use the footwear in order to avoid fractional fractional-glass or material damage to the feet.
Check whether you get a wound that requires treatment immediately.
Check the flow / gas that is whether the leak occurred. If you smell gas tercium try to close the source immediately and never light a fire and smoke.
Check the damage that may occur in your building.
Listen to information through television, radio, the phone is usually broadcast by the government, if this is possible.
Prepare the possibility of the occurrence of the earthquake-earthquake continuation. And pray to avoid a more serious disaster.
3. Tsunami
Tsunamis are large waves that occur after the earthquake, the earthquake the sea, volcanoes erupt, or hiding in the falling of the sea.
Tsunami can be predicted by various institutions seismologi in various corners of the world and the process of a tsunami can be monitored via satellite. Diterapkannya system with early warning (early warning system), it is expected that the community can make a quick evacuation in the case of the tsunami disaster.
Some of the steps in anticipation of the tsunami disaster:
a. If you are on the seaside or near a river, immediately ran for dear life to a higher place. If possible, berlarilah towards the nearest hill.
b. If the situation allows, go to the evacuation that had been determined.
c. If the situation is not possible to take action No.2, multistory buildings that look bony armor (ferroconcrete building), use the emergency stairs to get to the top of the floor (at least up to the floor 3).
d. If the situation allows, use the rain jacket and make sure you hands-free and does not bring anything.
4. Heavy
Storm is a disturbance in the atmosphere of a planet, especially those affecting surface and show the bad weather. Can be marked with the storms strong winds (wind storm), thunder and lightning (thunder storms), such as a fall-dense ice (ice storm) or the wind that brings a substance through the atmosphere (such as sand storms, snow storms, etc.).
Storms can cause the failure of building, sink ships and uproot trees, power pole, tower, and so forth.
Some kind of storm that needs to be known, are:
a. Tornado
Tornado wind storm is very tight with kelajuan 300-500 km / hour so that it can destroy the things that dilaluinya, both on land and at sea. Tornado characterized as a dark funnel cloud formed spiral movement, depending on the cumulonimbus cloud.
Figure 4:11 Tornado in the land
b. Tropical storms (tropical Siklon)
Siklon tropical storm is the cause sirkuler gale able to devastate the area around 250 miles from the center. Tropical Siklon cause damage mainly by gale, storm waves and heavy rain. Storm waves are the sea level rise along the coast because the wind quickly menggerakkannya to the beach.
b. Tropical storms (tropical Siklon)
Siklon tropical storm is the cause sirkuler gale able to devastate the area around 250 miles from the center. Tropical Siklon cause damage mainly by gale, storm waves and heavy rain. Storm waves are the sea level rise along the coast because the wind quickly menggerakkannya to the beach.
Figure 4:12 Siklon Tropical Catarina.
A tropical siklon depending on the location of the incident. In the Atlantic and Pacific hurricane called, in the Western Pacific called the typhoon, in Australia called Willy. Each year 80-100 siklon appears tropical, tropical siklon names generally use the names of the girls, such as: Anna, Carol, Debbie, Inez, Fiona, Wenda, and so forth.
c. Thunderstorm (Heavy thunder)
Thunderstorm is a thunderstorm accompanied by lightning and the lightning. This incident is typical in the tropics in the period, especially during the transition season to enter the rainy season.
Thunderstorm (Heavy thunder) is a phenomenon fisis atmosphere that often occur in Indonesia. This phenomenon can cause the soul of the victim due to electric shock at the time of lightning occurred. Symptoms of a thundersorm is strong winds with rain downpours that sometimes accompanied by hail, lightning and thunder clap.
Natural disasters and storms can be observed so that if the initial symptoms can be observed with both the main symptoms can be anticipated with such questions when, where, how much and how long it can be. This is able to reduce the number of victims resulting from the disaster.
Figure 4:13 Thunderstorm. (Source:
5. Flood
Heavy rain that occurred continuously cause the river do not again be able to accommodate the amount of water in many. River water will then boil water and form the so-called flooding.
River water can spill into the region because resapan water is reduced. Meluapnya river water can occur due to the stoppage in the flow of these rivers.
Stoppage river caused the deeds of men. Waste disposal to the river will cause the river does not flow smoothly. Too much material in the sediment the river can also obstruct the flow of rivers.
Floods caused by the bad weather system. Meteorologis main factors which caused the floods is heavy rainfall, rainfall distribution and duration of rainfall. Another important factor is the nature fisis surface. Siklon tropical weather can affect the system in Indonesia, especially the increase in the number of clouds, rainfall, wind, waves and sea.
The cause of the flood disaster that occurred because the man is ulah deforestation. The barren forest land can not absorb and hold water if there is rain again, water flows menggerus consequences of land that can cause the occurrence of landslide disasters.
Many regions in India, the land has water resources serapan bad, or the amount of rainfall exceeds the ability of soil to absorb water. When it rains, which sometimes happens is the flood suddenly called large flood.
To anticipate the flood disaster that many things must be done, which are:
a. clean channel water from the waste that can clog the flow of water so that it caused a flood.
b. dredge rivers of sludge-sludge to increase water capacity.
c. route-build alternative drainage routes (canals new river, pipe systems) so that it can prevent excessive load on the rivers.
d. not building up in the region (the area) which is the location of the absorption of water.
e. not repeatedly chop the trees in the forest, because forest is leafless akan difficult to absorb water, so that in case of heavy rain continuously water can not be absorbed directly by land even akan menggerus land, this can also cause landslides.
f. create walls and storm-levee embankment along the river, sea walls along the beaches can maintain the water level so that the height does not enter into the land.
6. Drought
Need to be distinguished between the drought (drought) and dry conditions (aridity). Drought is a gap between the available water with water that is required, while ariditas (dry conditions) defined as the amount of rainfall less.
Drought (drought) can arise because of natural phenomenon that occurs in the earth. Drought occurs due to a seasonal change. Turnover is the impact of seasonal climate. Turnover divided by the number of seasonal rainfall. Knowledge of the useful season for the farmers to determine the time of planting and harvesting agricultural products.
In the dry season, the river will experience drought. At the time of drought, rivers and reservoirs can not function properly. As a result, rice fields which use systems of rain water is also experiencing drought. The dry rice fields can not produce crops. In addition, the supply of clean water is also reduced. Water is needed daily keberadaannya.Kekeringan be rare in a region is a condition that generally disrupt the balance of living things.
Drought conditions can be reviewed from the various terms, including:
a. Meteorologis drought (meteorological drought)
b. Agricultural drought (agricultural drought)
c. Hydrological droughts (hydrological drought)
d. Drought social - economic (socio - economic drought)
Some way to anticipate the drought, including:
a. create a reservoir (dam), which functions as a water supply in the dry season. In addition, reservoirs can prevent the occurrence of flood in the rainy season,
b. create artificial rain to areas that are very dry,
c. Does reforestation or back areas that have been barren land in order to more easily absorb water in the rainy season and as a backup water storage in the dry season,
to diversification in farming in planting for the farmers, for example, to replace rice with palawija plant at the time of season due to arrive palawija can be harvested quickly and does not require much water for growth.
c. Thunderstorm (Heavy thunder)
Thunderstorm is a thunderstorm accompanied by lightning and the lightning. This incident is typical in the tropics in the period, especially during the transition season to enter the rainy season.
Thunderstorm (Heavy thunder) is a phenomenon fisis atmosphere that often occur in Indonesia. This phenomenon can cause the soul of the victim due to electric shock at the time of lightning occurred. Symptoms of a thundersorm is strong winds with rain downpours that sometimes accompanied by hail, lightning and thunder clap.
Natural disasters and storms can be observed so that if the initial symptoms can be observed with both the main symptoms can be anticipated with such questions when, where, how much and how long it can be. This is able to reduce the number of victims resulting from the disaster.
Figure 4:13 Thunderstorm. (Source:
5. Flood
Heavy rain that occurred continuously cause the river do not again be able to accommodate the amount of water in many. River water will then boil water and form the so-called flooding.
River water can spill into the region because resapan water is reduced. Meluapnya river water can occur due to the stoppage in the flow of these rivers.
Stoppage river caused the deeds of men. Waste disposal to the river will cause the river does not flow smoothly. Too much material in the sediment the river can also obstruct the flow of rivers.
Floods caused by the bad weather system. Meteorologis main factors which caused the floods is heavy rainfall, rainfall distribution and duration of rainfall. Another important factor is the nature fisis surface. Siklon tropical weather can affect the system in Indonesia, especially the increase in the number of clouds, rainfall, wind, waves and sea.
The cause of the flood disaster that occurred because the man is ulah deforestation. The barren forest land can not absorb and hold water if there is rain again, water flows menggerus consequences of land that can cause the occurrence of landslide disasters.
Many regions in India, the land has water resources serapan bad, or the amount of rainfall exceeds the ability of soil to absorb water. When it rains, which sometimes happens is the flood suddenly called large flood.
To anticipate the flood disaster that many things must be done, which are:
a. clean channel water from the waste that can clog the flow of water so that it caused a flood.
b. dredge rivers of sludge-sludge to increase water capacity.
c. route-build alternative drainage routes (canals new river, pipe systems) so that it can prevent excessive load on the rivers.
d. not building up in the region (the area) which is the location of the absorption of water.
e. not repeatedly chop the trees in the forest, because forest is leafless akan difficult to absorb water, so that in case of heavy rain continuously water can not be absorbed directly by land even akan menggerus land, this can also cause landslides.
f. create walls and storm-levee embankment along the river, sea walls along the beaches can maintain the water level so that the height does not enter into the land.
6. Drought
Need to be distinguished between the drought (drought) and dry conditions (aridity). Drought is a gap between the available water with water that is required, while ariditas (dry conditions) defined as the amount of rainfall less.
Drought (drought) can arise because of natural phenomenon that occurs in the earth. Drought occurs due to a seasonal change. Turnover is the impact of seasonal climate. Turnover divided by the number of seasonal rainfall. Knowledge of the useful season for the farmers to determine the time of planting and harvesting agricultural products.
In the dry season, the river will experience drought. At the time of drought, rivers and reservoirs can not function properly. As a result, rice fields which use systems of rain water is also experiencing drought. The dry rice fields can not produce crops. In addition, the supply of clean water is also reduced. Water is needed daily keberadaannya.Kekeringan be rare in a region is a condition that generally disrupt the balance of living things.
Drought conditions can be reviewed from the various terms, including:
a. Meteorologis drought (meteorological drought)
b. Agricultural drought (agricultural drought)
c. Hydrological droughts (hydrological drought)
d. Drought social - economic (socio - economic drought)
Some way to anticipate the drought, including:
a. create a reservoir (dam), which functions as a water supply in the dry season. In addition, reservoirs can prevent the occurrence of flood in the rainy season,
b. create artificial rain to areas that are very dry,
c. Does reforestation or back areas that have been barren land in order to more easily absorb water in the rainy season and as a backup water storage in the dry season,
to diversification in farming in planting for the farmers, for example, to replace rice with palawija plant at the time of season due to arrive palawija can be harvested quickly and does not require much water for growth.
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