Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Check Error On your Windows System32

System32 directory on Windows is the most important for the Windows OS. System32 folder is a place where almost all the file system, etc. files, exe executables stored. OS Windows akan we crash or become unbootable if you deliberately / accidentally mendelete any files in the System32 folder.

Error usually occurs in the System32 to restore the old system, where also the error of the latest version in your system even replaced by the older version, this is the Windows OS on ketidakstablian occur.

And indeed we should know what files are on the error System32 folder, and check for error / error in your System32 folder, there is a tool for mengeceknya ie System32 checker, with this tool you can check for errors in the System32 folder.

View screenshot System32 Checker reports:
Please Download System32 Checker to find the errors that occur in your System32 folder.

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