Sunday, July 5, 2009

How to Increase Alexa Traffic Rank is not difficult

There are quite a lot of models pemeringkatan against a site or blog diinternet, pemeringkat three sites which I calculated the PageRank is Google, Alexa Rank and Technorati.

However, in this article I will only discuss how to improve alexa traffic rank for more extra money from the internet. Alexa PageRank of the additional money from the internet does not really have any direct relationship, but if you want to earn from the internet you should have increased your alexa page rank is good enough.

Alexa is pemeringkat that the number of traffic diblog use us as a reference ranking the more traffic we generate the number alexa traffic rank akan our increasingly small, the small number alexa ranking means the better your site or blog our eyes Alexa. The more traffic from the blog that means we are likely adsense is clicked by visitors to our site means more and more big money - khan.

Self-basinya basa now time for some tips how to increase Alexa Traffic:

1. Install Alexa widget on your blog

Alexa widget code can be obtained from the alexa site, write the name of your blog and click on the "build widgets" are a select a layout you like, copy the code, login to your account blogger page element n open how to add page elements html / paste the code before javascipt ago save.

2. Install Alexa Toolbar

Alexa toolbar for the Mozilla Firefox browser can be installed with the firefox add AddOns named Sparky. Mozilla Firefox can be downloaded here while Sparky AddOns can be downloaded at this.

By installing alexa toolbar on your Internet browser each time you open a blog belonging to you the credit points to your blog will grow, with the alexa toolbar you can also view alexa ranking of each site you visit.

3. Create an article about alexa

There is an article about alexa traffic rank diblog than you can provide information for site visitors how to find additional money we will also provide additional credit points from alexa alexa and also the better candidate on our hearts by increasing traffic rank our blog. Create high quality articles and not the result of copy and paste.

4. Submit your articles to the site - Social Bookmarking site

Make this site - Social Bookmarking sites like digg or mister wong backlink field as your site, save the link on any posts you like Technorati (now I also tambahin any posts on your account social Bookmarking yes! He he ..).

Before you start the 4 steps above I do not have one you see and record your alexa rank ago now compare with your ranking alexa blog after 4 steps above 2 or 3 weeks later you will see a very dramatic change.

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