Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Internet Benefits For Media Education

Internet technology is present as a multi-media. Communication over the Internet can be done interpesonal (such as e-mail and chat), or en masse, which is known one to many communication (such as mailing list). Internet is also able to attend in real-time audio-visual as in the conventional method with the application teleconference.

Based on this, the internet as a medium of education is able to confront the typical characteristics, namely
a. as interpersonal and mass media;
b. are interactive,
c. allows communication in sync and asinkron.

This characteristic allows the student to communication with the source of knowledge more widely when compared with conventional media use only.
Internet technology to support students who have limited space and time to still be able to enjoy education. Chalk and talk method, "nyantri", "usrah" can be modified in the form of communication through e-mail, mailing lists, and chat. Mailing list can dianalogikan with "usrah", where experts will discuss with the member mailing list. This method is able to eliminate the distance between the experts with the students. The atmosphere is warm and non-formal on the mailing list was to be an effective way of learning as in the method "usrah".

Here are some benefits of the use of information technology:
• flow permanent flow of information each time without any limitation of time and place;
• easy to get a complete resource,
• increased student learning activities,
• increased capacity,
• the standardization of learning,
• Outcomes to improve learning both the quantity / quality.

Based on the description above, it can be said that the internet is not a substitute for the education system. The presence of the internet and more suplementer complement. The conventional method still required, it can only be modified to form another. Chalk and talk method is modified to be online conference. Method "nyantri" and "usrah" have to be modified through discussion mailing list.

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