Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How to Create Firewall Rule Script Automation in Mikrotik

Firewall Rule Script techniques in order to run automatically Mikrotik

Mikrotik Router is a reliable OS.
We can add different kinds of filtering firewall that we need for comfort and security of our network. In addition in mikrotik firewall filters can be given a name for each filter in the form of a comment.
Because of this capability we can also perform automated switch to activate and deactivate the rule of the firewall. We live save the following script in his scheduler mikrotik. Seagai example I have a firewall filter rule with the comment "Blok_Cam _Yahoo":

# To activate the rule
: Global list "";: foreach i in [/ ip firewall filter find] \
do = (: if ([: find [/ ip firewall filter get $ i comment] "Blok_Cam_Yahoo"] = 0) \
do = (/ ip firewall filter sets $ i disabled = no));

# To turn off rule
: Global list "";: foreach i in [/ ip firewall filter find] \
do = (: if ([: find [/ ip firewall filter get $ i comment] "Blok_Cam_Yahoo"] = 0) \
do = (/ ip firewall filter sets $ i disabled = yes));

So for now, I continue with the installation of a proxy first
Centos 4.7 server + Squid + Squid Guard + Videocache (Youtube Cache)

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