Monday, October 26, 2009

Healthy with Juice Therapy

One way to keep your body to stay healthy is to therapy fruit and vegetable juices. Has long been known that fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants countless. Antioxidants are able to change the body's cells become security to fight free radicals cause aging. Indeed, free radicals can help to destroy the infection efficiently, but sometimes can not be controlled in the body, and can attack the body's cells.

As a result, the cells were dead bodies. Well, antioxidant prevents the development of free radicals in the body and improve body cells are damaged. That is why, antioxidants help prevent premature aging.

According to Prof. DR. King Safe Nainggolan, "We are what we eat (we are what we eat). If we eat nutritious foods, we will obtain a healthy body." Therefore, we must be able to choose nutritious foods, ie foods that can meet all your body needs to stay healthy, including fruits and vegetables earlier.

The ideal meal is only 30 percent who may be cooked, the rice, potatoes, yams and so forth. While the rest (70 percent) in the form of seeds, fruits, vegetables, should be in a raw state. The problem, "mature cooked food nutritional value will decrease and will not grow new cells in the body, because the enzymes in the food will die."

Fresh fruit and vegetables can also prolong life. In contrast, mature cooked food would shorten the age. "No need to fear raw foods will damage the health, the importance kept clean. Wash first, soak and rinse again with clean water before consumption," said Radja.

To obtain the juice, now can be assisted by juicer or blender. "They are the same function. Fruit blend will be absorbed by the intestines out for 20 minutes, whereas if you do not blend will spend about 18 hours," explained King.

Juicer better, because it produced a fruit or vegetable juices are very high nutritional value. While the blender produces a mixture of fruit / vegetables and pulp, with nutritional value for less. "However, both devices are equally easy to measure the amount of juice will be consumed. For example, one glass of carrot juice with 1 kg of carrots."

In terms of price, juicer is more expensive than a blender, but it could be made easier with the fruit peel before the blend. "Another way is easier and cheaper is to grate the fruit or vegetable. The result was not as good juicer or blender, because once again shredded should be filtered to separate amplasnya," said Radja.

Aids digestion
Juice therapy will also help the work of digestion. If solid food requires several hours to digest and be absorbed into the cells and tissue, then in the form of fruit / vegetables, in just 30 minutes was absorbed by the body. "Juice therapy to help those who have weak digestion and elderly, because the food absorbed by the body immediately."

Fruit juice is also very necessary and more practical for those who are in the process of healing disease. "You see, the body juice is absorbed rapidly and digestive system was working so not too heavy. Anyway, to prevent disease, we need to eat fresh food and varied regularly, while occasional consumption of fruit and vegetable juices," explained King.

How much should we eat juice every day? "Ideally 3 kg, especially for those who just run juice therapy," said Radja.

Before doing juice therapy, keep in mind certain things in order to obtain maximum results, among others:
1. Fruit or vegetable juices do not mix anything, like sugar and water.
2. Must be taken, allowed to be stored in the bottle and put in the refrigerator the longest 5 hours.
3. Be juiced watermelon, but should only be mixed melons, carrots and pineapple. This is because watermelons contain too much sugar, which can happen pickling.
4. Fruit and vegetables should be fresh and washed once. Characteristics of fruit / vegetables fresh yellow reddish
5. We recommend fruit juice / vegetable drink before dinner, to be more rapidly absorbed because there is no other food substances, with the gap 10 minutes after eating fruit or vegetable juice.
6. Juice therapy can be done without age limit. Babies can do therapy is no longer the juice after drinking milk.

One way to help cleanse the body from the remains of food that is protected from the disease three-day cleansing with juice therapy. "Cleaning can be done at least 4 times a year, but if able, can be done once a month. One good body cleanser is the fruit of apples and carrots."

First day
Around 6 o'clock in the morning, drink 1.5 to 2 glasses of papaya juice. Choose papayas that are not too ripe or raw, which serves as a laxative to cleanse the stomach. Half an hour later, the consumption of carrot juice, without any mixed. Should be taken 5 to 6 times a day (every two hours or so) as much as 3 liters. If not match, can be replaced with fruit juice or other vegetable. "During this cleansing, not allowed to eat anything."

Day two
Same with the first day, but add one carrot sticks during the day, plus a teaspoon of olive oil, 3 times a day (morning, noon and night). Function as a lubricant for the throat and intestines.

Third Day
No need to consume papaya juice. Others, like the first and second day. On the third day, you will feel hungry, "But this is not because of lack of substances the body needs, but because the body is cleansed of the remnants of food thrown away in the body," said Radja.

The fourth and fifth day
If it can not survive, can consume fruit juice or other vegetable. However, if you want to eat foods, raw foods should be consumed without cooking. After one week, may return following the diet daily habits to reduce the cooked food, sugar, salt and oil, eggs, meat and fish. "Do not drink white milk, white bread, butter and cheese, smoking, drinking coffee and tea."

Although the three day cleansing has been done, do not forget to drink water as much as possible and continue the consumption of fruit or vegetable juice every day.

Some of the recipes below can be useful to cure various diseases, among others:
* Aphoni (loss of voice)
1 cup carrots, spinach 1 / 2 cup
1 cup carrots
1 cup carrots, dandelion 1 / 3 cup
Radish: 1 / 4 cup
1 cup carrots, lettuce 1 / 2 cup
Parsley 1 / 3 cup

* Headaches
1 cup carrots, spinach 1 / 2 cup
Celery (celery) 1 / 2 cup, 1 cup carrots
Spinach 1 / 3 cup
1 cup carrots, Bit 1 / 3 cup
Cucumber 1 / 3 cup

* Insomnia (difficulty sleeping)
1 cup carrots, spinach 1 / 2 cup
1 cup carrots, celery (celery) 1 / 2 cup
1 cup carrots, Bit 1 / 3 cup
Cucumber 1 / 3 cup

* Bad breath (halitosis)
1 cup carrots and spinach 1 / 2 cup, 3 times a day.

* The dose is based on 1 quart = 4 cups.

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