Sunday, October 18, 2009

Freebsd installation (detail)

As I promised in previous post, that I will post freebsd installation steps. Following steps:

First boot the computer to first boot from cd / dvd rom do not forget to input the CD / DVD freebsd nya.Pada when his boot cd we will be given the option to select the boot mode, select the boot mode 1 or default.Setelah number on the menu "country selection "select the appropriate country or countries enter anda.Gunakan spaces to choose, the next menu" system console keymap "select the type of keyboard that is used by default or allow the U.S. ISO keyap.

In the menu "sysinstall Main menu. Please select the installation mode. which for the moment we will use the standard fashion, going out warning that we must create a disk partition fdisk manually ok answer (yes karna ga bro no other choice ...)

In the next section will go out model selection "FDISK Partition Editor". Here we will choose which HDD to be used as freebsd installation. for this right in accordance with your HDD. Here I assume that hdd will we use it is the whole. how:
Remove the entire existing partitions by selecting and hit keymap d. after it hit keymap a to use entire disk (all HDD) move the cursor down and hit keymap s to make the partition we have made over hit keymap bootable.setelah q to exit.

In the next section we will be required to select the Boot manager is used if we have more than one OS in a single hdd. because now we only have one partition and one OS then select standard mode. the next section we are asked to make a freebsd partition in Fdisk partition that we created earlier. press enter to go.

on the part of editors for disklabels freebsd freebsd partition. by pressing the key c.
to partition freebsd to be
Swap = 2 times RAM computer
/ = 2500m
/ var = 512M
/ cache = 16000M
/ usr = rest of the HDD

how to make it press the key of C input capacity to provide such letters at the end of 512M m after it hit enter and select swap to swap, FS to the other and his input pasrtisi name.

distributions choose menu select number 4 (developer) after the returns will be out the question of whether attendance will follow ita freebsd install ports. select yes to that menginstall.setelah choose exit from the menu select installai media distrib.pada select number one because we are installing via CD / DVD rom. At the end of the select yes to mengisntall.
Wait until the installation selesai.Pada the end will be out the message that we have successfully installed freebsd press enter.

in the next section we will be asked whether we would menkonfigurasi ethernet (jaringanya) or do not select "yes". The next menu you will be given the choice of which interface we are configuring. This menu customized to your LAN card. My assumption here lan card that we use is realtek.pilih Lancard chipsets and ktia pressing enter will be faced with the question of whether we will use the ipv6 or not. customize to your next choice whether we will provide a dhcp ip or no answer. adjust with your choice.
next to the network configuration menu:
hosted content with our freebsd computer name.
content domain with the domain (up to you)
ipv4gateway content with our freebsd gateway
dns nameservers content with freebsd in case we connect to the internet.
ipv4 address ip address content with freebsd ktia
netmask customize to your network
after completion select ok and press enter
mengaktivkan answer yes to our new ethernet configuration
if we want to make our freebsd was installed as a network gateway then answered "yes"
the next question answered "no" to not configure inetd.
in the next section answered "yes" to mengaktivkan ssh services on our freebsd machines.
answered "no" to not enable ftp services.
answered "no" to not mengakatifkan nfs server

on the menu configuration selanjtunya your time zone.
on the question whether we want our machines to the linux binary kompatibility answer according to your needs. If you answered "yes" then the system will automatically install from cd / dvd rom.

the next question answered "yes" if you use the mouse or no answer if you do not use the mouse.
the next question answered "no".
the addition of new user questions answer yes if you want to add users who can use a freebsd machine.
The next section sets the password for root.
at the end of answer yes if you want to see the detail configuration of which we have set earlier or no responsibility for the information.
We will return to the menu on the main menu select sysintall exit install. then press enter answer yes to reboot the system.

Congratulations now you have your own freebsd machine.

So step ² freebsd installation for more details please refer to the website freebsd

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