Saturday, September 5, 2009

Network Topology

When viewed from the type of relationship, then the network topology can be divided into three, namely:

1. Ring topology (ring topology)
2. Bus topology (bus topology)
3. Star topology (star topology)

1. Ring topology (ring topology)

This type of ring topology connects one computer in a closed loop. On the topology of this type of data or
message going around the network with a one-way delivery to the next computer on until it reaches
destination computer. The time needed to reach the destination called the walk time (transmission time).

ring topology

There are two things done by a terminal when receiving data from a computer before, namely:

1. Checking the address of the data and take it if the terminal is a destination of data
2. Terminal will forward the data to the next computer by giving a negative signal to the sender computer.

If there is a computer that does not work then it will not disrupt the network, but if
a broken cable will cause the network does not work.
2. Bus topology (bus topology)

This type of network topology uses a central wire which is the main medium of the network. Terminalterminal
which will build a network connected to the main cable which is the core of the network.
The data will be sent directly to the destination terminal without having to pass the terminals in
network, or will in routingkan to the head end controller. Not the workings of a computer will not stop
work of the network, the network will not work if the main cable is cut or broken.

Bus Topology

This network is a network that is widely used because only a few meters can be connected to cable
to many client terminals. These networks typically use coaxial cable as the transmission medium.
Coaxial cable adri seen similar physical form of antenna. This cable has a bandwidth capacity
large (2MB), so that when connected to many terminals will be well served.
3. Star topology (star topology)

This type of network topology uses a central terminal as a terminal to all terminals connecting
client. This central terminal that directs any data that is sent to the destination computer. Network types
if there is one client terminal is not functioning or transmission media or interrupted meal break will not be
affect the work of the network, since such interference affects only the terminal in question.

Star Topology

The weakness of this type of network topology is the dependence on a central terminal. This
is a very significant disruption if the central terminal is a disturbance, so
sought a solution that can solve the problem. One solution that many do is to
use two terminals as a server, so if one server in a state of down can be transferred to
The second server and so on.

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