Saturday, August 1, 2009

What is Solar system?

solar system consists of a star called the sun and all objects that mengelilinginya. The solar system is a collection of objects where the sky as the sun center. Solar system according to the latest knowledge is surrounded by eight pieces of the planet already known to the ellipse-shaped orbit, meteor, asteroid, comet, planet-planet dwarf / gnome (asteroid), and satellite-satellite experience.

Note the picture below

Solar system since the form is 4.6 billion years ago through some terori forming solar system, as presented by experts.

Solar system is located on the edge Bima Sakti galaxy with the distance about 2.6 x 1017 km from the center of galaxy, or about 25,000 to 28,000 light years from the galaxy center. Solar system beset central galaxy Bima Sakti with speed 220 km / sec, and the time needed for 225-250 million years to encircle the center of galaxy. With the age of the solar system 4.6 billion years, the solar system we have been beset central galaxy as much as 20-25 times of the form ever since.

Solar system preserved by the influence of gravity and the sun and the style of the equivalent system solar system, which has the speed of light the center one year, by sowing the comet is called the Oort cloud. There is also Oort cloud-shaped plates in the solar system known as the Oort cloud.

Caused by the planet's orbit is longitudinal, the distance and position of the planet proportionate change in the position of the sun's position in the planet's orbit.

Theory of origin proposal Solar System

Many of the hypothetical origins of solar system had been presented by experts, including:

* Hypothetical Nebula

Hypothetical Nebula was first raised by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) in the year 1775. Then this hypothetical enhanced by Pierre Marquis de Laplace in 1796. Hence, this hypothetical more hypothetical Nebula known as the Kant-Laplace. At the beginning of the solar system is still a giant fog. Fog was created from dust, ice, gas and called Nebula. Gas elements are mostly hydrogen. Because the style that has gravity, clouds wane, and it rotates with a certain direction. As a result, the temperature of fog and heat eventually become a giant star called the sun. Sun giant continues to shrink and perputarannya more quickly. Then the ring-ring of gas and ice terlontar around the sun. Style due to gravity, these gases condense in line with the decrease in temperature and the planet in the form. In the same way, the planet outside the form.

* Hypothetical Planetisimal

Hypothetical planetisimal first raised by Thomas C. Chamberlain and R. Forest Moulton in 1900. Hypothetical planetisimal say that our solar system form due to the existence of other stars who almost hit the sun.

* Hypothetical Tidal Stars

Hypothetical tidal stars was first raised by James and Jean Herold Jaffries in the year 1917. Hypothetical tidal stars are very similar to the hypothetical planetisimal. However, the difference lies in the amount originally sun.

* Hypothetical condensation

Hypothetical condensation initially raised by the Dutch astronom named GP Kuiper (1905-1973) in 1950. Hypothetical condensation explain that solar system form of a giant ball of rotating clouds formed a giant disc.

* Hypothetical Twin Stars

Hypothetical twin stars raised originally by Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) in 1956. Revealed that the hypothetical solar system we used to be two stars of almost equal size and adjacent to one of them burst out serpihan-serpihan small.

Among the many theories of truth is approaching the theoretical Big Bang, or often referred to as the explosion of the reserve. Evidence of big bang theory is the feast of the year Jagat ketahun the flare, and the more knowledgeable.

History of discovery of some of the planet

Five nearest planet to the Sun than the Earth (Merkurius, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) has been known since days of old because they all can be seen with the naked eye. Many nations in the world has its own name for each planet.

Development of science and technology on the observation of five centuries ago to bring people to understand things from the heavens unveil mythology. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) with the telescope refraktornya the human eye is able to make "more sharply" in the sky objects that can not be observed through naked eyes.

Because Galileo telescopes can observe more sharply, he could see many changes penampakan of Venus, as Venus Venus Purnama crescent or as a result of changes in the position of Venus against the sun. Reasoning Venus orbit the Sun heliosentris strengthen the theory that the sun is the center of the universe, not the Earth, which is initiated by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) before. Heliosentris layout is surrounded by Merkurius Sun to Saturn.

Galileo telescope continuously refined by other scientists such as Christian Huygens (1629-1695) found that Titan, Saturn satellite, which is almost 2 times the distance Earth-orbit Jupiter.

Development of the telescope also offset with the development of the movement calculation sky objects and the relationship with each other through Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) with the Kepler law. And the peak, Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) with the gravity law. With two theoretical calculations is what allows the search and calculation of the things of heaven more

At 1781, Hechell William (1738-1782) to find Uranus. Careful calculation of Uranus orbit the planet concluded that the interrupt. Neptunus found in August 1846. Neptunus findings are not quite explain interference orbit Uranus. Pluto discovered in 1930 and then.

At the time Pluto is found, it was only known as the only celestial object that is located after Neptunus. Then in 1978, Charon, satellite of Pluto beset found, had previously dikira as a planet because the actual size does not vary much with Pluto.

The astronom and find about 1000 other small object on the back of Neptunus (called the object trans-Neptunus), which is also beset Sun. There may have about 100,000 objects similar to objects known as the Kuiper belt (Kuiper belt is part of the objects trans-Neptunus). Sky objects, including a dozen in the Kuiper belt object Quaoar of them (1,250 km in June 2002), Huya (750 km in March 2000), Sedna (1800 km in March 2004), Orcus, Vesta, Pallas, Hygiea, Varuna, and 2003 EL61 (1,500 km in May 2004).

Discovery of 2003 EL61 is scandalize Kuiper belt object because this is also a known satellite in January 2005 although the size is smaller than Pluto. And the peak is the invention of UB 313 (2700 km in October 2003) is the name given by penemunya Xena. In addition to greater than Pluto, this object also has a satellite.

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