Geography is the science of location and variation over space physical and human phenomena on the surface of the earth. The word geography comes from the Greek ge ( "Earth") and graphein ( "write", or "explain").
Geography is also the name of the book title on the historical subject, which is famous Geographia any posts Klaudios Ptolemaios (second century).
Geography more than cartography, the study of maps. Geography is not just the what and where on the earth, but also why there and not in other places, sometimes defined as "location in space." Geography learn this, whether caused by nature or man. Also learn from the result because of the differences that occur.
History Geography
Greek nation is the nation's first known to actively explore geography as a science and philosophy, the main thinker Thales of Miletus, Herodotus, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, Aristotle, Dicaearchus of Messana, Strabo, and Ptolemy. Roman nations give a donation to the mapping as they explore the many country and add new techniques. One technique is periplus, description of the harbor and along the mainland coastline, which can be viewed in the sea offshore; first example is Hanno the Navigator's Carthaginia and one from the Sea Erythraea, both safely in the sea using a technique periplus identify with the Red Sea coastline Bay and Persi.
In the Middle Age, Arab nations such as al-Idrisi, Ibn Battuta and Ibn Khaldun maintain and continue to build the nation's heritage and the Greek Roman. Travel with Marco Polo, geography spread throughout Europe. During the Renaissance era and the century-16 and 17 made many
trips to find great theoretical basis and details more accurately. Geographia Generalis by Bernhardus Varenius and Gerardus Mercator map of the world is the biggest example.
After a 18-century geography began as a complete discipline and be a part of the curriculum at universities in Europe (mainly in Paris and Berlin), but not in the UK where geography is taught as a sub-discipline of other sciences. One of the great works of this era is the cosmos: physical description sketches of Hosts, by Alexander vom Humboldt.
For more than two centuries the quantity of knowledge and many parlormaid device found. There is a strong relationship between geology and geography with the botany, but also economics, sociology and demography.
In the west, during the 20th century, geography disciplines through four major phases: environmental determinism, regional geography, geography and quantitative revolution critical.
Environmental determinism is a theory that states that the characteristics of human culture and the environment caused by nature. The fanatical deteriminisme environment is Carl Ritter, Ellen Churchill Semple and Ellsworth Huntington. Hypothetical popular is "a hot climate causes people to be in the tropics lazy" and "the many changes in air pressure in the region are latitude to make people more intelligent." Geographic determinism environmental experts try to make a study into the theory of the effect. Around 1930, an idea this many be gazed because they do not have a foundation and generalization is too easy to make (even more often forced). Environmental determinism much put to shame geografer contemporary, and the skeptical attitude among geografer with the claims of nature is the main culture (such as the theory of Jared Diamond).
Geography reaffirms regional geography discussion topics on space and place. People of the regional geography focuses on collecting descriptive information about a place, as well as the appropriate method to divide the earth into several areas or regions. The philosophical basis of this study was introduced by Richard Hartshorne.
Quantitative revolution was geography effort to strengthen itself as a science (science), the resurrection of interest in science after the launch of Sputnik. Quantitative revolutionary, often called "space-cadet", states that the use of geography is to test the general agreement on the setting keruangan a phenomenon. Positifisme they adopt the philosophy of science and nature by using mathematics - especially statistics - as a way to test the hypothetical. Quantitative revolution was the main basis of Geographical Information System.
Although the approach positifisme and post-positifisme remains the things that are important in geography, critical geography, but then appear as above criticism positifisme. The first is the emergence of human geography. With his background and philosophy of existentialism fenomenologi, expert human geography (such as Yi-Fu Tuan) focused on the role and relationship with human place. The other is the influence of geography marxis, which operates a social theory of Karl Marx and followers in the geographic phenomenon. David Harvey and Richard Peet are geografer marxis famous. Feminist geography, such as the name suggests, uses ideas from feminism in geographic contexts. Flow of critical geography is geography post-modernis, the theory of ideas to take the post-modernis and post-strukturalis to explore the social construction of relationships keruangan.
Keruangan relationship is the key to the science sinoptik this, and use the map as the main device. Cartography combined with the classical approach to geographical analysis of a more modern and the Geographical Information System (GIS)-based computer.
Geografer using four approaches:
* Systematic - Grouping geographical knowledge into categories and discussed the global
* Regional - Learn a systematic relationship between a category for a specific region or location on the planet.
* Descriptive - describes the location of a simple problem and population.
* Analytical - I found a problem and a population on a particular geographic region.
Physical geography
This branch focuses on geography as an earth science, biology to understand the pattern of global flora and fauna, and mathematics and physics to understand the movement of the earth and the relationship with members of another solar system. Included also in the earth, ecology and geography environment.
Related Topics: atmosphere - archipelago - continent - desert - island - the form of the earth - ocean - sea - river - lake - ecology - climate - soil - geomorfologi - biogeografi - timeline geography, paleontology - paleogeografi - hydrology.
Human geography
Branch of human geography, or political / cultural - also called antropogeografi as the focus of social science, non-physical aspects of the phenomena of the world. Learn how humans adapt to humans and other regions, and the transformation of how the human makroskopis role in the world. Can be divided into: economic geography, political geography (including geopolitics), social geography (including geography of the city), geography and feminism military geography.
Related topics: Countries in the world - country - nation - state - the individual associations - province - district - city - district
Human-environment geography
During the environmental determinism, geography is not the knowledge about the relationship keruangan, but about how humans and the environment interact. understand the environment even if determinism is not growing, there is still a strong tradition among geografer to examine the relationship between human beings with nature. There are two fields on the human-environment geography: cultural and political ecology dam disaster-risk research.
Planning and Development Region
Geography is a branch of this branch is relatively new. Developed around 1980 by the Geografiwan Europe, especially from the Netherlands. While cooperation between the University of the two countries is made, a number of Dutch origin Geography experts participate in the program pencangkokan lecturer at UGM. The result is the birth of a new course called Studies Planning Development Region. Standing before a discipline which combines Science Geography with Science Planning Region, the project known as Rural and Regional Development Planning (RRDP).
Cultural and political ecology
Cultural ecology emerged as the work of Carl Sauer in geography and anthropology in mind. Ecological culture learn how human adapt to natural environment. Science sustainability (sustainability) and then grow from this tradition. Ecology poltik rise when geografer use some aspects of critical geography to see the strength of the relationship of nature and how they affect humans. For example, a study by Micahel Watts argued that the famine in the Sahel are caused by changes in political and economic system in that region as a result of colonialism and capitalism spread practice.
Disaster-risk research
Research on the disaster started by Gilbert F. Withe, who tries to understand why people live on flood plains that is easily affected. Since then, this area evolved into a multi-disciplinary study with natural disasters (like earthquakes) and technological disasters (such as leakage of nuclear reactor). Geografer learn that interested in the dynamics of the disaster of disaster and how people and communities to face.
Geography history
Branch is looking for an explanation of how the culture of various places in the developing world and be like now. Studies on the face of the earth is one of many locks on this field - many concluded about the influence of society on the first and the surrounding environment.
What's behind the name? Geography and history Berkeley campus
"Geography History", of course, is the result of interaction of geography and history. But in the United States, has a meaning that is more specific. This name is introduced by Carl Ortwin Sauer of the University of California, Berkeley with a program-me reorganisir cultural geography (some people said all geography) in all areas, starting in the early 20th century.
For Sauer, land and culture on top of it can only be understood if they learn all the (physical, cultural, economic, political, environmental) according to history. Sauer emphasizes the study area as the only way to get exclusivity on the area above the earth.
Sauer's philosophy is a major maker of thought geography in the United States in mid-20th century. Until now the study area is still a part of the geography department at the campuses in the U.S.. But many geografer thought this would endanger the geographic knowledge itself to the long term: it is too much data collection and classification, while the analysis and too little explanation. This study to be more specific in the area while the next geografer tried to find the right name for this. This may cause a crisis in the 1950s that almost menghancurkannya geography as an academic discipline.
Geographical techniques
Far Pengindraan is a translation of the term remote sensing, is the science, technology and art in obtaining information about objects or phenomena in the (near) the earth surface without direct contact with the object or phenomenon that is reviewed, but through the media recorder objects or phenomena that utilize the energy derived elektromagnetik of waves and achieve results in the form of recording the image. The 'without direct contact' here can mean the narrow and broad. The narrow meaning is that there is no contact between the object with the analyst, for example, when data and satellite imagery processed ditransformasi a distribution map of the surface temperature at the time of recording. Widely means that the contact is possible in the form of activity 'ground truth', which collecting field samples as the basis for modeling through interpolation and extrapolation in the region a far more extensive and in kerincian higher.
Initially penginderaan much less be seen as part of geography, cartography compared. However, slowly we realize that penginderaan far is the only major tool in the geography that is capable of providing synoptic overview views briefly but comprehensively-up areas as a point of departure of the study further. Penginderaan far also able to produce various kinds of information keruangan in the context of ecological and kewilayahan which the geographical characteristics of the study. In addition, the percentage of education penginderaan far in the United States, Australia and Europe over many areas of science provided by (department, 'school' or faculty) geography.
In terms of the method used, known Sensing method manual or remote visual and digital remote Sensing method. Penginderaan remote image using the printed manual or hardcopy '(aerial photo, image scanning skaner result in aircraft and satellite) through the analysis and interpretation manual / visua]. Penginderaan far using digital image in digital format, for example, the digital camera shooting, the results of scanning images of the air sudha printed, and the results of a scan by satellite sensors, and menganalisisnya with the help of computers. Both manual methods and produce digital maps and reports. Map of the method can be converted into digital thematic maps through the process digitisasi (often termed digitasi). Manual method is also sometimes done with the help of computers, namely through the process of interpretation in the screen (on-screen digitisation), which directly reduce the digital map. Digital image analysis methods reduce digital thematic maps directly. Digital maps can tersebutd in'lay-out 'and printed products to be kartografis (called base kartografis dat), but can also menjaid input (input) in a geographic information system as the basis for geographic data. Maps for the next menjaid point toak the geografiwan in the study of geography.
* Learn cartography representation earth surface with abstract symbols. Can be spelled out, without much controversy, cartography is a study of the causes of geographic expansion. Most geografer acknowledge that their interest in geography started when they were stunned by a map in their infancy. although subdisiplin other science geography still rely on maps to show the results of the analysis, making the map itself is still too abstract for the study are considered as separate.
Cartography collection of techniques developed from the drawing into a science. Kartografer a need to understand psychology and cognitive ergonomi to create what is the appropriate symbol to represent information about the earth that can understand other people effectively, and behavioral psychology to influence the reader understand the information dibuatnya. They also must learn geodesy and mathematics is not simple to understand how the earth affects the form of misuse or distortion of the projection to the field even.
* Geographical Information System problem information about how the earth with the automatic machine through the information accurately. In addition to the other subdisiplin sciences geography, GIS specialists must understand computer science and database systems. GIS cartography spur the revolution so that now almost all are made with the mapping software (software) SIG.
* Method quantitative geography discuss a typical numerical methods (or at least that many found) in geography. In addition to the analysis keruangan, you'll probably find the cluster analysis, analysis and test statistics diskriminan non-parametris in the study geography.
Field Related
City and Regional Planning
Town planning and use of geographic knowledge to help learn how to build (or build) a land according to certain criteria, such as safety, beauty, economic opportunities, protection of nature is heritage, and so on. Planning of the city, both small town and big city, or rural planning may be seen as applied geography may be seen even though more studies and art history. Some of the problems that faced the planners of them are eksodus village and town and Smart Growth (Smart Growth).
Science Area
In the 1950s, the movement of knowledge appear, led by Walter Isard to produce more basic quantitative and analytical problems in geography, as a response to a qualitative approach on the traditional geography programs. Knowledge of how the area containing keruangan dimensions become important roles, such as regional economics, resource management, the theory of location, city and regional planning, transportation and communication, human geography, population distribution, land and ecological environment quality.
Higher Education Geography
In Indonesia, the university environment in Geography was opened only two universities in the country (the University of Indonesia (UI) and UGM (Gadjah Mada University) and one private university (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta).
At the UI, a Department of Geography Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA). Geography learned as part of applied sciences with pure Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. While in the UGM, Geography has grown more so since withdrawn into the Faculty of 1963.
UMS Faculty of Geography was founded by a number of alumni and lecturers at the Faculty of Geography Gadjah Mada University. The Higher Education Geography Alumni and formed a professional association called the Association Geografiwan Indonesia (igi). In addition, in case a more narrow, the UGM Geografiwan of the Association will also have the vessel Geografiwan of Gadjah Mada University (abbreviated IGEGAMA).
Bakosurtanal, one of the Ministry of Non-Government Institutions (LPND) gathered many alumni Geography, both from the UI, UGM and UMS.
* The facts of geography
Geography is also the name of the book title on the historical subject, which is famous Geographia any posts Klaudios Ptolemaios (second century).
Geography more than cartography, the study of maps. Geography is not just the what and where on the earth, but also why there and not in other places, sometimes defined as "location in space." Geography learn this, whether caused by nature or man. Also learn from the result because of the differences that occur.
History Geography
Greek nation is the nation's first known to actively explore geography as a science and philosophy, the main thinker Thales of Miletus, Herodotus, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, Aristotle, Dicaearchus of Messana, Strabo, and Ptolemy. Roman nations give a donation to the mapping as they explore the many country and add new techniques. One technique is periplus, description of the harbor and along the mainland coastline, which can be viewed in the sea offshore; first example is Hanno the Navigator's Carthaginia and one from the Sea Erythraea, both safely in the sea using a technique periplus identify with the Red Sea coastline Bay and Persi.
In the Middle Age, Arab nations such as al-Idrisi, Ibn Battuta and Ibn Khaldun maintain and continue to build the nation's heritage and the Greek Roman. Travel with Marco Polo, geography spread throughout Europe. During the Renaissance era and the century-16 and 17 made many

After a 18-century geography began as a complete discipline and be a part of the curriculum at universities in Europe (mainly in Paris and Berlin), but not in the UK where geography is taught as a sub-discipline of other sciences. One of the great works of this era is the cosmos: physical description sketches of Hosts, by Alexander vom Humboldt.
For more than two centuries the quantity of knowledge and many parlormaid device found. There is a strong relationship between geology and geography with the botany, but also economics, sociology and demography.
In the west, during the 20th century, geography disciplines through four major phases: environmental determinism, regional geography, geography and quantitative revolution critical.
Environmental determinism is a theory that states that the characteristics of human culture and the environment caused by nature. The fanatical deteriminisme environment is Carl Ritter, Ellen Churchill Semple and Ellsworth Huntington. Hypothetical popular is "a hot climate causes people to be in the tropics lazy" and "the many changes in air pressure in the region are latitude to make people more intelligent." Geographic determinism environmental experts try to make a study into the theory of the effect. Around 1930, an idea this many be gazed because they do not have a foundation and generalization is too easy to make (even more often forced). Environmental determinism much put to shame geografer contemporary, and the skeptical attitude among geografer with the claims of nature is the main culture (such as the theory of Jared Diamond).
Geography reaffirms regional geography discussion topics on space and place. People of the regional geography focuses on collecting descriptive information about a place, as well as the appropriate method to divide the earth into several areas or regions. The philosophical basis of this study was introduced by Richard Hartshorne.
Quantitative revolution was geography effort to strengthen itself as a science (science), the resurrection of interest in science after the launch of Sputnik. Quantitative revolutionary, often called "space-cadet", states that the use of geography is to test the general agreement on the setting keruangan a phenomenon. Positifisme they adopt the philosophy of science and nature by using mathematics - especially statistics - as a way to test the hypothetical. Quantitative revolution was the main basis of Geographical Information System.
Although the approach positifisme and post-positifisme remains the things that are important in geography, critical geography, but then appear as above criticism positifisme. The first is the emergence of human geography. With his background and philosophy of existentialism fenomenologi, expert human geography (such as Yi-Fu Tuan) focused on the role and relationship with human place. The other is the influence of geography marxis, which operates a social theory of Karl Marx and followers in the geographic phenomenon. David Harvey and Richard Peet are geografer marxis famous. Feminist geography, such as the name suggests, uses ideas from feminism in geographic contexts. Flow of critical geography is geography post-modernis, the theory of ideas to take the post-modernis and post-strukturalis to explore the social construction of relationships keruangan.
Keruangan relationship is the key to the science sinoptik this, and use the map as the main device. Cartography combined with the classical approach to geographical analysis of a more modern and the Geographical Information System (GIS)-based computer.
Geografer using four approaches:
* Systematic - Grouping geographical knowledge into categories and discussed the global
* Regional - Learn a systematic relationship between a category for a specific region or location on the planet.
* Descriptive - describes the location of a simple problem and population.
* Analytical - I found a problem and a population on a particular geographic region.
Physical geography
This branch focuses on geography as an earth science, biology to understand the pattern of global flora and fauna, and mathematics and physics to understand the movement of the earth and the relationship with members of another solar system. Included also in the earth, ecology and geography environment.
Related Topics: atmosphere - archipelago - continent - desert - island - the form of the earth - ocean - sea - river - lake - ecology - climate - soil - geomorfologi - biogeografi - timeline geography, paleontology - paleogeografi - hydrology.
Human geography
Branch of human geography, or political / cultural - also called antropogeografi as the focus of social science, non-physical aspects of the phenomena of the world. Learn how humans adapt to humans and other regions, and the transformation of how the human makroskopis role in the world. Can be divided into: economic geography, political geography (including geopolitics), social geography (including geography of the city), geography and feminism military geography.
Related topics: Countries in the world - country - nation - state - the individual associations - province - district - city - district
Human-environment geography
During the environmental determinism, geography is not the knowledge about the relationship keruangan, but about how humans and the environment interact. understand the environment even if determinism is not growing, there is still a strong tradition among geografer to examine the relationship between human beings with nature. There are two fields on the human-environment geography: cultural and political ecology dam disaster-risk research.
Planning and Development Region
Geography is a branch of this branch is relatively new. Developed around 1980 by the Geografiwan Europe, especially from the Netherlands. While cooperation between the University of the two countries is made, a number of Dutch origin Geography experts participate in the program pencangkokan lecturer at UGM. The result is the birth of a new course called Studies Planning Development Region. Standing before a discipline which combines Science Geography with Science Planning Region, the project known as Rural and Regional Development Planning (RRDP).
Cultural and political ecology
Cultural ecology emerged as the work of Carl Sauer in geography and anthropology in mind. Ecological culture learn how human adapt to natural environment. Science sustainability (sustainability) and then grow from this tradition. Ecology poltik rise when geografer use some aspects of critical geography to see the strength of the relationship of nature and how they affect humans. For example, a study by Micahel Watts argued that the famine in the Sahel are caused by changes in political and economic system in that region as a result of colonialism and capitalism spread practice.
Disaster-risk research
Research on the disaster started by Gilbert F. Withe, who tries to understand why people live on flood plains that is easily affected. Since then, this area evolved into a multi-disciplinary study with natural disasters (like earthquakes) and technological disasters (such as leakage of nuclear reactor). Geografer learn that interested in the dynamics of the disaster of disaster and how people and communities to face.
Geography history
Branch is looking for an explanation of how the culture of various places in the developing world and be like now. Studies on the face of the earth is one of many locks on this field - many concluded about the influence of society on the first and the surrounding environment.
What's behind the name? Geography and history Berkeley campus
"Geography History", of course, is the result of interaction of geography and history. But in the United States, has a meaning that is more specific. This name is introduced by Carl Ortwin Sauer of the University of California, Berkeley with a program-me reorganisir cultural geography (some people said all geography) in all areas, starting in the early 20th century.
For Sauer, land and culture on top of it can only be understood if they learn all the (physical, cultural, economic, political, environmental) according to history. Sauer emphasizes the study area as the only way to get exclusivity on the area above the earth.
Sauer's philosophy is a major maker of thought geography in the United States in mid-20th century. Until now the study area is still a part of the geography department at the campuses in the U.S.. But many geografer thought this would endanger the geographic knowledge itself to the long term: it is too much data collection and classification, while the analysis and too little explanation. This study to be more specific in the area while the next geografer tried to find the right name for this. This may cause a crisis in the 1950s that almost menghancurkannya geography as an academic discipline.
Geographical techniques
Far Pengindraan is a translation of the term remote sensing, is the science, technology and art in obtaining information about objects or phenomena in the (near) the earth surface without direct contact with the object or phenomenon that is reviewed, but through the media recorder objects or phenomena that utilize the energy derived elektromagnetik of waves and achieve results in the form of recording the image. The 'without direct contact' here can mean the narrow and broad. The narrow meaning is that there is no contact between the object with the analyst, for example, when data and satellite imagery processed ditransformasi a distribution map of the surface temperature at the time of recording. Widely means that the contact is possible in the form of activity 'ground truth', which collecting field samples as the basis for modeling through interpolation and extrapolation in the region a far more extensive and in kerincian higher.
Initially penginderaan much less be seen as part of geography, cartography compared. However, slowly we realize that penginderaan far is the only major tool in the geography that is capable of providing synoptic overview views briefly but comprehensively-up areas as a point of departure of the study further. Penginderaan far also able to produce various kinds of information keruangan in the context of ecological and kewilayahan which the geographical characteristics of the study. In addition, the percentage of education penginderaan far in the United States, Australia and Europe over many areas of science provided by (department, 'school' or faculty) geography.
In terms of the method used, known Sensing method manual or remote visual and digital remote Sensing method. Penginderaan remote image using the printed manual or hardcopy '(aerial photo, image scanning skaner result in aircraft and satellite) through the analysis and interpretation manual / visua]. Penginderaan far using digital image in digital format, for example, the digital camera shooting, the results of scanning images of the air sudha printed, and the results of a scan by satellite sensors, and menganalisisnya with the help of computers. Both manual methods and produce digital maps and reports. Map of the method can be converted into digital thematic maps through the process digitisasi (often termed digitasi). Manual method is also sometimes done with the help of computers, namely through the process of interpretation in the screen (on-screen digitisation), which directly reduce the digital map. Digital image analysis methods reduce digital thematic maps directly. Digital maps can tersebutd in'lay-out 'and printed products to be kartografis (called base kartografis dat), but can also menjaid input (input) in a geographic information system as the basis for geographic data. Maps for the next menjaid point toak the geografiwan in the study of geography.
* Learn cartography representation earth surface with abstract symbols. Can be spelled out, without much controversy, cartography is a study of the causes of geographic expansion. Most geografer acknowledge that their interest in geography started when they were stunned by a map in their infancy. although subdisiplin other science geography still rely on maps to show the results of the analysis, making the map itself is still too abstract for the study are considered as separate.
Cartography collection of techniques developed from the drawing into a science. Kartografer a need to understand psychology and cognitive ergonomi to create what is the appropriate symbol to represent information about the earth that can understand other people effectively, and behavioral psychology to influence the reader understand the information dibuatnya. They also must learn geodesy and mathematics is not simple to understand how the earth affects the form of misuse or distortion of the projection to the field even.
* Geographical Information System problem information about how the earth with the automatic machine through the information accurately. In addition to the other subdisiplin sciences geography, GIS specialists must understand computer science and database systems. GIS cartography spur the revolution so that now almost all are made with the mapping software (software) SIG.
* Method quantitative geography discuss a typical numerical methods (or at least that many found) in geography. In addition to the analysis keruangan, you'll probably find the cluster analysis, analysis and test statistics diskriminan non-parametris in the study geography.
Field Related
City and Regional Planning
Town planning and use of geographic knowledge to help learn how to build (or build) a land according to certain criteria, such as safety, beauty, economic opportunities, protection of nature is heritage, and so on. Planning of the city, both small town and big city, or rural planning may be seen as applied geography may be seen even though more studies and art history. Some of the problems that faced the planners of them are eksodus village and town and Smart Growth (Smart Growth).
Science Area
In the 1950s, the movement of knowledge appear, led by Walter Isard to produce more basic quantitative and analytical problems in geography, as a response to a qualitative approach on the traditional geography programs. Knowledge of how the area containing keruangan dimensions become important roles, such as regional economics, resource management, the theory of location, city and regional planning, transportation and communication, human geography, population distribution, land and ecological environment quality.
Higher Education Geography
In Indonesia, the university environment in Geography was opened only two universities in the country (the University of Indonesia (UI) and UGM (Gadjah Mada University) and one private university (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta).
At the UI, a Department of Geography Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA). Geography learned as part of applied sciences with pure Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. While in the UGM, Geography has grown more so since withdrawn into the Faculty of 1963.
UMS Faculty of Geography was founded by a number of alumni and lecturers at the Faculty of Geography Gadjah Mada University. The Higher Education Geography Alumni and formed a professional association called the Association Geografiwan Indonesia (igi). In addition, in case a more narrow, the UGM Geografiwan of the Association will also have the vessel Geografiwan of Gadjah Mada University (abbreviated IGEGAMA).
Bakosurtanal, one of the Ministry of Non-Government Institutions (LPND) gathered many alumni Geography, both from the UI, UGM and UMS.
* The facts of geography
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