1. Model textarea box Blogroll
For example, such as the blog roll punyaku like that, that lho I have over tulisanya "Friend links"
Nha so I make them:
Place the following code in the element you (Page Elements -> Add a Gadget -> HTML / Javascript)
# link1
# link2
# link3
# link ...
- Code width: 200px and height: 200px; is a measure of the width and length of the box, you can change the size and menyesuaikanya I love you.
- Replace any posts "# link1, # link2, link3 # ff" with a list of links for you, oh yes it can also be filled with a banner link.
- If you Pingin list of link-link punyaku kayak park, then remove the code
2. Blogroll Marquee Box Model
This box is also able to accommodate many of the links in a narrow place. However, the blog roll is different from the box above you, because this box does not have a rollbar (I usually on the right are drawn down over the lho). Links ato fill in this box will move / run, what can vertical horizontal. Now I do it? Gini:
Place the following code in the element you (Page Elements -> Add a Gadget -> HTML / Javascript)
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