Monday, August 10, 2009

How to backup blog

After the incident hilangya blog yesterday that, in fact know how important a new backup for our blog. After finally finding also find services to our blog membackup, namely in blogbackuponline. With this service we can with our easy membackup blog there for free. But this service only 5 MB of space (I do a bit). But do not worry walopun only 5 MB, but I think enough to membackup data our blog. If we post an average perpostingan the 1000 characters, then it is enough to membackup until 5000 posting, lumayan kan. But for the FREE version of the alias free we can not be membackup data and video images. We can only membackup posting articles of our time.

Why? interested to membackup datamu? Quite easy to do, namely:

1. Go to the website https: / / and you register there. After registering you will receive a shipment email to activate your account km.
2. I have logged on to the website. Login immediately after the addresses registrasikan blogging by clicking the button "Start Your Blog registering."
3. Enter the blog address km in the field provided, then click the "Register Blog"
4. After that then wait backupnya process. after that select the "Start Full Backup," Done deh.

How do we restore the data I?
For the pay version, it is very easy and can be done automatically with the push restore. But for the FREE version, we can only get data we are posting. I go to "Dashboard" trus click the "Manage" after the menu select "Content". Nha disitulah all data postinganmu are. Giamna lumayan kan, from having to re-type ampe create a live hand gempor mending copy paste aja. Lagian what we remember all the content we post? to ya?

OK Trying Congratulations ..........

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