Friday, July 3, 2009

Wireless Antenna Connector

This time I definitely post various types of wireless antenna connector that we use often in the making or pengiplementasian an antenna. I create a message that I think are expert does not need to read this posting. Will only dispose of waste you time. But for the newbie or beginner, happy reading and hopefully useful.

Next few images and descriptions of several types of connectors that we use often:

1. N Connector.

N-Female usually located on an antenna, spliter, booster, etc.. While N-Male usually located in a pigtail (cable jumpers) to be able to connect to the wireless device radio.

2. RP-SMA Connector.

RP-SMA Female usually found in the wireless radio devices, in general, and the body attached to the back of the radio line of the LAN or WAN port that serves as a link between the radio antenna to the wireless device. Sedangakan RP-SMA Male usually found in the Omni antenna rubber duck (default radio wireless antenna) and in a pigtail cable (cable jumpers).

3. RP-TNC Connector.

RP-TNC basically works the same as the N-Connector. Usually RP-TNC Female on the device there is a wireless radio brands and types such as senao, linksys, etc..

4. MC Connector.

This connector is usually used / found in the laptop PCMCIA WLAN device (in the form of a paste board on the side of the body laptop). Now for a wireless adapter and want to add external antenna, please change konektro RP-SMA pigtail on the antenna with Male connector MC this. The only MC Connector is quite difficult to find in the market.

In fact there are many more connectors that are often in use on the device of 2.4 GHz wireless radio. But considering the topic of this article only the "general" enough is just a means to-4 type connectors on the top.

Ok! good luck ....!

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