Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is Fundamental Winisis??

Winisis is a CDS-Isis (Computerized Documentation Services - Integrated Set of Information System) that operates on the windows system which is developed by the world (UNESCO) to manage bibliographic data base form of the text of the various collections that can be used by the librarian, documentalist, arsiparis , researcher, and academician. Thus, information that can be owned in diseminasikan and access globally. After this training the participants can design a web-based database library.
1. Introduction Winisis
2. Install Software Winisis
3. Making Great New Data
4. Data Entry to Winisis
5. Editing Record / Field
6. Place Editing Data
7. The Data
8. Shorting / Indexing
9. Printing (File to the printer)
10. Data over to Word & HTML

1. Add / mamperbaiki Pangkalan Data Structure
2. Adding / improving the Work Sheet
3. Add / fix Table Index
4. Create and edit a new display format
5. Database Maintenance

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