Along with the development of Information Technology (IT) is increasingly rapidly, the need for a concept and mechanism of learning (education) are based on a TI does not terelakkan again. Concept, which was then famous as the e-Learning is to bring the influence of a process of transforming education in the form of conventional to digital, either the contents (contents) and the system. Currently, the concept of e-Learning has been received by the people of the world, as evidenced maraknya with the implementation of e-learning in educational institutions (schools, training and university) and industry (Cisco Systems, IBM, HP, Oracle, etc.).
John Chambers is the CEO of the company Cisco Systems said that the era for the future, the application in education will be the "killer application" that is very influential. Ministry of trade and education departments and even the United States with a Vision 2020 related to the concept of education-based information technology (e-Learning) [Vision, 2002]. How should the e-Learning applications to be developed with a balance between user needs and desires of developers. Explanation will start from the eLearning, why we need e-Learning, e-learning history, some failure analysis and strategy development eLearning e-Learning.
1. Introduction
* The Moodle Philosophy
* The Moodle Experience
* The Moodle Architecture
2. Installing and Configuring Moodle
* Installing Moodle
* Configuration Choices after Installation
3. Creating Categories and Courses
* Using the Course Categories and User Experience
* Creating Courses
* Adding Teachers and Students
4. Adding Static Course Materials
* What Kinds of Static Course Materials to be Added?
* Files
* Text Page
* Web Page
* Links
* Directory
* Label
5. Adding Interactive Course Materials
* Assignments
* Choices
* Journal
* Lesson
* Quizzes
* Survey
6. Adding Social Course Material
* Chat
* Forum
* Glossary
* Wiki
* Workshop
7. Your welcoming Students
* First Impression: Login Page, Front Page, or Your Page?
* Customizing the Login Page
* Customizing the Front Page
* Combining Anonymous, Guest, and Registered Access
* Look and Feel
8. Features for Teachers
* Logs: Where Are They Stored?
* Scales for Using Feedback, Ratings, and grading
Grades *
* The Teacher Forum
9. Extending and Administering Moodle
* Add-On Modules
* Creative Usage of Backup and Restore
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