Setting IP
D debian configuration file located in / etc / network / interfaceEdit # mcedit with the command / etc / network / interface or # vi / etc / network / ip configuration interfaceMasukkan as berikutauto loiface lo inet loopbackallow-hotplug eth0iface eth0 inet staticaddress == ===> ip that you gunakannetmask akan =====> netmask ip's do you pakaigateway gateway ip =====> you (usually the earliest ip) To address netnask and filled with the ip and netmask network anda.Setelah finished save the file and then restart your network # / etc / init.d / networking restart
MAIL server
web mail server # apt-get install apache2 and press enter # apt-get install PHP5-cgi # apt-get install courier-imap select yes # apt-get install squerrelmail # cd / var / www # ln-s-d / usr / share / squerrelmail # L # http://ip-server/squirrelmail/src/configtest.php # vim / etc / courier / authdaemonrcauthmodulelist = "autpam" on line # 27 to squerrelmail-configureada option 1-10pilih: 2, A, 8, courier, point 9, detect, s, qMembuat Mail directory # maildirmake-courier / root / Maildir # maildirmake-courier / home / user (the name of the user) / Maildir # chown user: user-R (rekursif for all directory) / home / user / MaildirMengkonfigurasi Exim4 # dpkg-reconfigure exim4-configakan have the option and select as below iniyes, ok, select the top, enter, enter, enter, enter, enter, nomenambah user # useradd mailtest (user name)-d / home / Mailtest # passwd ailtest # mkdir / home / mailtest # chown mailtest: mailtest-R / home / mailtest # maildirmake.courier / home / mailtest / Maildir # chown mailtest: mailtest / home / mailtest / Maildiruntuk client tries to open a browser type the url no_ip_webserver / suqerrelmailuntuk menguninstal # aptitude purge apache # aptitude autoclean # deselect (to paket2 you already know or have not yet installed)
Posted by the_bassor at 19:24
Calculation of Antenna HELICAL
Helical Antenna Calculation 2.4 GHzOleh: Onno W. 2437 Purbo YC1DAVFrekuensi Ghz Diameter Pipe (Dlambda) 0,042 meters Diameter Ground Plane 0130 meterSlambda 0035 meterPanjang Waves (lambda) 0.1231 meter 0.1319 meters Clambda lambda 1.0718 (0.75-1.33 hrs between lambda) G (Ground Plane Diameter) 0.1300 meter 1.0560 lambda (hrs between 0.8-1.1 lambda) lambda S 0.2653 Clambda (hrs between 0.2126-0.2867 Clambda) Gain Beam winding L (m) dBi (deg) 1 6.64 94.2 0,042 9.65 66.6 0,073 11.41 54.4 0,114 12.66 47.1 0,145 13.63 42.1 0,186 14.42 38.5 0,217 15.09 35.6 0,258 15.67 33.3 0,289 16.18 31.4 0.3210 16.64 29.8 0.3511 17.05 28.4 0.3912 17.43 27.2 0.4213 17.78 26.1 0.4614 18.10 25.2 0.4915 18.40 24.3 0.5316 18.68 23.5 0.5617 18.94 22.8 0.6018 19.19 22.2 0.6319 19.43 21.6 0.6720 19.6521.1 0.70Matching need Impedance in Impedance due to a helical antenna 150 ohm, coax 50 ohm.Matching are made from the panel Impedance / metal plate.
Helical Antenna Calculation 2.4 GHzOleh: Onno W. 2437 Purbo
YC1DAVFrekuensi Ghz Diameter Pipe (Dlambda) 0,042 meters Diameter Ground Plane 0130 meterSlambda 0035 meterPanjang Waves (lambda) 0.1231 meter 0.1319 meters Clambda lambda 1.0718 (0.75-1.33 hrs between lambda) G (Ground Plane Diameter) 0.1300 meter 1.0560 lambda (hrs between 0.8-1.1 lambda) lambda S 0.2653 Clambda (hrs between 0.2126-0.2867 Clambda) Gain Beam winding L (m) dBi (deg) 1 6.64 94.2 0,042 9.65 66.6 0,073 11.41 54.4 0,114 12.66 47.1 0,145 13.63 42.1 0,186 14.42 38.5 0,217 15.09 35.6 0,258 15.67 33.3 0,289 16.18 31.4 0.3210 16.64 29.8 0.3511 17.05 28.4 0.3912 17.43 27.2 0.4213 17.78 26.1 0.4614 18.10 25.2 0.4915 18.40 24.3 0.5316 18.68 23.5 0.5617 18.94 22.8 0.6018 19.19 22.2 0.6319 19.43 21.6 0.6720 19.6521.1 0.70Matching need Impedance in Impedance due to a helical antenna 150 ohm, coax 50 ohm.Matching are made from the panel Impedance / metal plate.
Helical Antenna Calculation 2.4 GHzOleh: Onno W. 2437 Purbo
YC1DAVFrekuensi Ghz Diameter Pipe (Dlambda) 0,042 meters Diameter Ground Plane 0130 meterSlambda 0035 meterPanjang Waves (lambda) 0.1231 meter 0.1319 meters Clambda lambda 1.0718 (0.75-1.33 hrs between lambda) G (Ground Plane Diameter) 0.1300 meter 1.0560 lambda (hrs between 0.8-1.1 lambda) lambda S 0.2653 Clambda (hrs between 0.2126-0.2867 Clambda) Gain Beam winding L (m) dBi (deg) 1 6.64 94.2 0,042 9.65 66.6 0,073 11.41 54.4 0,114 12.66 47.1 0,145 13.63 42.1 0,186 14.42 38.5 0,217 15.09 35.6 0,258 15.67 33.3 0,289 16.18 31.4 0.3210 16.64 29.8 0.3511 17.05 28.4 0.3912 17.43 27.2 0.4213 17.78 26.1 0.4614 18.10 25.2 0.4915 18.40 24.3 0.5316 18.68 23.5 0.5617 18.94 22.8 0.6018 19.19 22.2 0.6319 19.43 21.6 0.6720 19.6521.1 0.70
Making parabolic antenna, OMNI AND ROTENA
parabolicantena first antenna is a parabolic antenna that resembles parabole just like parabolic antenna is made of aluminum and pembuatannya singkatalat and materials with the required functions: power-drill to put a nail-rivet pliers merivet aluminum rivet for rivet-nails to hang aluminum obenk-minus for the type of minus menutar mur-mur unutuk hand-tighten the antenna equipment grinda to clamp alunium-soldier with a cable to connect the aluminum flat-konnector to make antenanya in the pipe-hitsring to coat the cable picrtail-capillary tube to place the AC cable and make default-holder for the default drive to monting-monting is to paste the parabolic antenna to the tower-key English or wrench no parabolic antenna size of 10 first-cut size to 300 cm 3 for the middle-round 210 for the 3-round 30 for akir the 3-size aluminum 48.5 cm 2 for the one who is only 28.5 and 25-create content with the antenna cable rj 8upembuatan omnialat and materials that need to be used for the soldier-connect cable with konnector-hitsring to coat the cable picrtail-pipe AC capillary to put the cable and make default-holder for the default drive to monting-monting is for attaching a parabolic antenna to the tower-cable content 8u rj antenaOmni to be or is often called in as the Omni antenna Sectoral spread signal one direction but not the Omni transmit signals to all directions and jangang meletakkn near Omni cable prophylactic because lightning can-can also Omni tersambar lightning tersebut.pembuatan antenna or antenna rotena kupu-kupumembuat antenna rotena using cable rj 8ualat content and materials to create an antenna to unify each rotenasoldier aluminum flat that has been in the body of the cable rj 8ulem shoot merakatkan for the content of cable rj 8u to aluminum flatpipa capillary acclammontingantena rotena often use to make in testing radio-radio
Antenna OMNI MAS
I. Omni directional Antenna
a. Rubber Ducky AntennaBanyak found diperalatan 2.4GHz 802.11 wireless network, such as access point and router wireless.Penambahan average gain antenna like this for about 2-2.2dbi ( One way to add the power of wireless power Omni directional antenna / rubber ducky antenna is to add this kind of right in the back of the parabola antenna, so that the antenna was a wide spread can be directed to one area in particular. Gain obtained in about 10 to 12 dB.b. 360 Degree OmniGain obtained is 5-6 dbi.2. Directional Antennaa. Directional YagiGain are + - 15 dbi.b. Directional SectorBanyak used in the telecommunication tower-the tower. Wide ranging distribution of 90-180 degrees. The antenna is used for both mengjangkau 360 degree area, but not mengingingkan all point to one antena.c. Directional PatchGain obtained about 18dbi.Penyebaran more narrow range than the antenna yagi.Mudah hidden d. Directional ParabolicDapat reach areas jauh.Dapat reach 16 km with 22 dBi gain ( E. Directional DishGain obtained 16-24 dbi.digunakan in my office. By using standard 802.11b 11Mbps, directional antenna 18dbi Dish, Poe bridge the distance under 500 meters, and LOS. Speed ranges are 2-3 Mbps can be reference for all his friends.
Antenna-antenna is an antenna above the standard often used a lot of people, not closed the possibility still many types of antennas that have to do with merging or modification of the forms diatas.Pengertian dBi antenna, the distance range, wide coverage and can be searched on Google , because I still understand it. (for those who want to share my knowledge to be: p). The images obtained from the above website and all copyrights in the hands mereka.6 Responses to "Types wireless antenna that needs to note! (part 1) "
1. information.
2. This article will also continue kok3 again. I tambahin so little for all: In the wireless system, the antenna used for the conversion
waves into electrical waves elektromagnit. Large energy can increase the antenna signal and send the receipt, referred to as Antenna Gain measured in: dBi: relative to the isotropic radiatordBd: relative to the dipole radiator is 0 dBd = 2.15 dBi
Conducted by the FCC must meet the terms of the amount of power out of the antenna. Power is measured by two ways:
1. Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) measured in dBm = power in the antenna input [dBm] + relative antenna gain [dBi] 2. Effective Radiated Power (ERP) measured in dBm = power in the antenna input [dBm] + relative antenna gain [dBd]
LOSS OF DAYAPada wireless system, there are many factors that cause loss of signal strength, such as cables, connectors,
prophylactic lightning and the other will cause the decrease in the performance of the radio if radio is installed sembaranganPada that its low-power, such as 802.11b, the dB is very valuable, and should note "3 dB Rule". Each increase or loss of 3 dB, we get twice the power or lose half.
-3 DB = 1 / 2 power 6-dB = 1 / 4 power +3 dB = 2x power +6 dB = 4x dayaSumber that cause loss of power in the wireless system: free space, cables, connectors, jumpers, anything that is not visible.
3dB Rule can be applied prak-tis antenaAccess Point with the help of the 802.11b standard has 13dB for the 300 meter distance, so if we use an antenna 15dB (28dB total) rumusannya to be:
13 + 3 dB - distance to 600 + 3 dB meter16 - KM19 distance to be 1.2 + 3 dB - distance to be 2.4 + 3 dB KM21 - KM24 distance to be 4.8 + 3 dB - distance is considered to be 9.6 KM1dB loss ....
ON signal strength:
PropagationSinyal signal leaving the antenna, it will spread in the air and disappeared. Antenna selection will determine how the type of rambatan will happen. At 2.4 GHz is very important if we install the devices on the path that is free from obstruction. If the signal is interrupted rambatan, the decrease in signal quality will occur and disrupt komunikasinya.
Trees, buildings, floatation tank water, and the tower is a device that often disrupt rambatan signal power loss in the wireless system is the Free Space Propagation Loss. Free Space Loss is calculated with the formula:
FSL (dB) = 32.45 + 20 log10 F (MHz) + 20 log10 D (km) Be Free Space Loss at a distance of 1 km using a 2.4 GHz frequency: FSL (dB) = 32.45 + 20 log10 (2400) + 20 log10 ( 1) = 32.45 + 67.6 + 0 = 100.05 dB
ABOUT Antenna: Radiasi AntenaParameter general pattern: main lobe (boresight) half-power beamwidth (HPBW) front-back ratio (F / B) pattern nulls Typically, measured on two conditions: Vector electric field that draws on the E-fieldVector the magnetic field refer to the H-field
Polarization relative to the antenna polarization E-field of E-field antena.Jika its horizontal, then antenanya Horizontally Polarized.Jika vertical E-field, then antenanya Vertically Polarized.Polarisasi you choose, the antenna on a single RF network must have a polarization that samaPolarisasi can be used to: --
Increasing isolation from unwanted signals (Cross Polarization Discrimination (x-pol) is usually around 25 dB) - Reducing the interference-Assist one area of particular
IMPEDENSI Antenna: Impedance matching will result in the transfer of power is maximum. The antenna also functions as a load-matching its transmitter (50 ohms) Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is a unit that showed up where the antenna according to (match) with the transmission path sent.
Loss RETURN: Return Loss VSWR deal with, namely the power of the signal by dipantulkan antenna with power sent to antena.Semakin large value (in units of dB), the better. 13.9dB with the same number VSWR 1,5:1. Return Loss of 20dB is quite good value, and is equivalent to the calculation of VSWR of 1,2:1 To Create Self-Antenna
The formula used by Jason Hecker ( in the capture of many Bab19 from ARRL Antenna Handbook ( where we will see cukupbanyak example helical antenna design, including how to measure performance . in the helical antenna formula taken from page 19-23 ARRL Antenna Handbook listed under ini.Ccircumference of windingSaxial length of one turnG = 0.8 to 1.1diameter of ground plane / reflector Ccircumference is pi times the diameter Diameter of the coil is usually fixed, with the pipe pralon 40 mm diameter of the coil is 42 mm. If we use a frequency that is (2.425GHz) then wavelength = 0.123711 meter.C = 0.13195m = 1066 If we measure, the court of the S30 range. But it seems not a problem that fatal.________________________________________Page 21SDiameter ground plane G = 1:05 = 0.130mGain from the antenna in dBi defined as: Gain = 11.8 + 10log10 (C * n * n Sdimana
is the number of lilitan.Gain = 11.8 + 10log10 (1,066 * 1,066 * 13 * 0.31830) = 18.5dBi In the table below show clearly that gainan tenna akan increased by adding the amount of twist. Approximately 3dB increase in accrued akan men-with the number of double twist. Approximately 13 twist to fit the length of pipe & meter is 0:55 a good compromise between length vs. gain.Pada card 801.11 a dipasaran more generally we can set the frequency of use of 11 channels (U.S. FCC).
Therefore you may inginmengubah Cuntuk frequency where we work.
Another thing to note is in the antenna beam width.
Width beambiasanya are calculated using the power at 50% (3 dB) lower
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
What how to??
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