Sunday, July 19, 2009

Love your mobile phone tap

Ok, bro this time posting on a mo ngereview software keren banget, this software can spy mobile phone or your boyfriend love you tap mobile phone software for symbian mobile bersystem operation, after you try to install the program icon you put a place not directly visible and turn off the delivery report function so you do not suspicious girlfriend.

side of the image display settings in the example application
although not fully disadap in the sense that we do not tap the conversations that we made but boyfriend sms received by our love, so how is this software work every sms received your girlfriend will be in a forward or to the number we want in this case for example the number you as the girlfriend
settings for the change to be activated for mengaktivkan ON DESTINION NUMBER on the telphone number of entries for the purpose of such memforward SMS the number you select Unicode coding after that sms is received you will be steady in the number you forward to, ok colleagues here to review software so in the next posting

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