Sunday, July 19, 2009

Applying Pattern Healthy Lifestyle

Could not be denied health again became the invaluable and can not be bought with the price regardless. Therefore, berusahalah to implement a healthy pattern of life with these tips below.

1. active move
Actively try to move every day, whether it goes to work, clean the house, or exercise regularly, such as jogging, calisthenics, swimming, cycling, fitness, and others. On moving to make your metabolism more active in the body so that makes the body more healthy.

2. Consumption of healthy food
You'll already know if consumption of healthy food bernutrisi balance in the amount that is capable of maintaining optimal body health. And why still only gorengan food, fatty food and berkolesterol high, food is too sweet, and bersoda drink? Better not choose non-fried side dish, vegetables and fruits. Once you have principles of healthy diet, you will enjoy and to enjoy.

3. Enough rest
Rest enough sleep during the 7-8 hours per day makes your body more fit and fresh. Try to have a night sleep schedule no more than 10 hours. Bedroom at the routine is able to prevent interference difficult to sleep or insomnia.

4. Fuel your body fat
Excess body fat can aggravate your health as well as appearance. Excess fat increases the risk of various diseases such as stroke and aterosklerosis heart. Crop your body fat from now with a healthy life style and sport.

5. Stop smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
Quitting smoking is difficult, but you will be more difficult if not stopped. Set your intention to stop smoking from now on also. For the drinker of alcohol, you should choose to drink wine with the frequency because kalorinya are lower than beer or alcoholic beverages other than antioksidannya also quite high.

6. prose clean living
What is also still a lazy bath or washing face beraktivitas after day? Avoid the body clean of any skin disease other than of course making you look more interesting.

7. Reduce stress
Stress can trigger a variety of physical or mental illness. Useless you work hard day and night if the cause stress. Your health is far more valuable. Seimbangkan with your routine activities such as relaxation and relaxing holiday with family or friends. Merelaksasi themselves with pemijatan, spa and yoga are also quite effective to eliminate stress.

8. Protect themselves from the pollution
Air pollution, including one of the media free radicals attack the body's immune. Do not remehkan or various diseases degeneratif attack you. Use a mask while driving motor konsumsilah and multivitamin supplements, minerals or antioxidants prophylactic free radicals.

9. Make peregangan
Do peregangan for the entire body at the beginning and end of your day. Peregangan add kelenturan body, smooth circulation of blood and oxygen to the entire distribution of the body, and align the bones.

10. Set routines
Organize yourself. Solid routines that will not only make regular overwhelmed so that your lower and mental stamina. Make a note or a structured schedule so that your life more organized.

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