Saturday, July 18, 2009

Benefit lemon fruit

Some of the benefits of the lemon fruit in general have long been known for example to:

1. Cough medicine. Generally, fruit lemon be split, and then on the surface belahannya be spread whiting, heated, and then drink water perasan clear water with lime juice because it functions as pelancar sputum that can cause cough-cough, and can be quickly removed. As a result, the sense of cough-cough can be reduced. There is also a mix of water perasan fruit lemon fruit with cloves, sugar, if necessary, by a little-rock mixed with hot water, after a protracted new drink. This will also serve as way above the line.

2. Weaken the sense of tense muscles, eg the hands, feet, or the other, in a way: Air perasan lemon added a little water, and then to digosokkan flat on the felt pain or tense. In fact, there are also water perasan added to citrus fruit in warm water in small buckets, and then used to soak the bottom of the foot feeling weary-weary or sick will be lost as soon as possible.

3. Decrease the feeling of body heat, especially in children. Air perasan lemon added sheet betel leaf, added warm water, used for heartburn pengompresan akan then quickly disappear, if only in comparison with the mixture without water.

4. Antimabuk drugs, that is before or during the long journey perasan lemon juice, especially for those who are always drunk travel. In fact, for certain people only with the smell the smell remasan skin jeruknya are already more than enough to feel drunk on the trip despite travel also.

5. For those who suffer harassment at the time of waste water a small water perasan then drink fruit lemon added a little sugar so that the stone is not too acid, the many benefits. In fact, fatigue often experienced by someone because of too many using "otaknya" with how much this will help to alleviate.

6. In the environment of the community, and many mothers who use water perasan lemon fruit to decrease and "dry out" after giving birth to the half way perasan mix water with the whiting, and then made parem, and dibalurkan to the stomach for 40 days. In fact, there is also a sink and the water orange perasan page. mixed with a little salt, a little whiting with warm water.

7. Eliminate perspiration odor, armpit odor, smells and other agencies. Air perasan lemon fruit with a lot of ways to help blend it with a little perasan whiting, and then used as liniment to the body that produces odor page.

Still a myriad of other benefits from the water perasan lemon fruit in the life of man so that by the experts were given traditional treatment nickname "fruit beribu with benefits."

Because as nutritious than drugs, perasan lime juice is also used to remove the smell of fish or result in the other compound glasses, plates, other places, or on the hands after cleaning fish. Also back for mengilapkan goods made of brass and other metals more widely used solvent that contains water perasan lemon fruit.

Even before circulating "detergent bleach" because of the clothing is exposed to ink or other colored materials, many community members who add the first water perasan lemon fruit stains the page. washed before the results of all stains will be lost and the clothes remain a pure white.

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