Monday, June 21, 2010

Police catch the perpetrators spreading hot video luna maya, cut tari, and ariel

JAKARTA-The police arrested two people suspected of spreading porn videos like Ariel, Luna Maya, and Cut Tari. Now both are in the examination.

This was revealed by Head of Public Relations Inspector General of Police Police Headquarters Edward Aritonang at Police Headquarters, Jalan Trunojoyo, Jakarta, Thursday (17/06/2010).

However, Edward did not want to mention the identity and where the two men were arrested. "We have to forward the principle of presumption of innocence. They are still under investigation," he explained.

On that occasion, Edward asks people not to perpetuate personal sex scenes video into mobile phones or camcorders. Because the police, was able to prove with scientific identification.

Previously, PR Kemenkominfo Gatot S revealed it had succeeded in identifying the perpetrators of the video spreader 'Ariel'. Perpetrators and uploaded two people in Indonesia and not overseas.

Then, developed two players to upload videos from Bandung and also Kendari. However, when confirmed police were not justified, the police said only two locations in Sulawesi and West Java.

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