Sunday, January 31, 2010

knowledge of the system approach

* Systems Approach

To learn, observe, and understand a system
particular, the knowledge of the systems approach is very helpful. Mueller -
Merbach (1994) stated, that the approach focusing system
on the whole (whole) system and their interaction. Thus, already
properly if the system approach is comprehensive, holistic, and cross -
discipline. Dyer (1993) says that the two main themes of the systems approach
(1) Managing what is at present (managing the present) and
(2) Design what you want in the future (Redesigning
the future).
While typologies of their own systems approach is twofold. Mueller -
Merbach (1994) calls it a systematic approach pioneered
by the western and systemic approach inspired by the philosophy of
east. Systematic approach is classified into three approaches, namely:
Introspection, Ekstraspeksi, and Construction. The third approach is the system
have differences in the factors that have such systems in research
superiority researchers, independence, cross-discipline, and how the division of tasks
in the study will be the system.
Systemic approaches are also known as contemplative approach
based on the philosophy that there is something in this world can not be separated
separate. And when researchers try to separate the means he has
destroy the system. To the researchers must unite (identical)
the system studied to determine the characteristics of the system
observed to further take measures for the system development
it. Here, researchers tried to identify himself with the system

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