Sunday, January 31, 2010




Modern communication media are now countless, diverse, and wide range of abilities, it has become part of our lives. In these places we solitude, in our room, on remote even remote villages, many available communications media. Even through the work room at home for those who have computers and internet facilities, able to access information that place far in the world there. Science communication as a medium of communication call, while calling the library world as sources of information. There is no common definition of the media firm is, unless dikonteksan into specific subject areas.
In a study in the psychology of communication, the communication process occurs not only among humans, but also among human beings themselves, before the (IP) content of the statement issued, as a feedback response issued by the communicant. Jalaudin Grace in his psychology of communications, explained about interpersional communication. Interpersonal communication is how people receive communications, process it, store it, and produce again. Stages of the process include sensation, perception, memory, and thinking.
Human communication is about communication as a result everything is very basic in human life, communication is a universal process that human beings can not be separated from communication. Communication is done by a human being with another human being is said to be a personal communication (interpersonal communication). Essentially inter-personal communication (interpersonal communication) is a communication between a communicator with a communicant.


From the above background obtained following the formulation of the problem:

* The main purpose of communication is for?
* What are the benefits of interpersonal communication for the association?
* What is the difference between intrapersonal communication and interpersonal communication?


Communication is the process of delivering a message from the communicator to communicant through media terrtentu to produce the effect / purpose of expecting feedback or feedback.

1. Interpersonal Communication: communication within
2. Communication Transendenta: ex. Communication with God
3. Communication Organization: ex. Public Relations press conference apmd

The experts saw the symbolic interactionism perspective that the individual is an object that can be directly studied and analyzed through interaction with other individuals. They found that these individuals interact with the use of symbols, that contains the signs, gesture and words. Symbol or emblem is something that is used to refer to something else, according to the consensus group of people. Coat of arms include the words (verbal messages), nonverbal behavior, and object mutually agreed (Mulyana, 2001:84).
Symbolic Interaction, by Herbert Blumer, referring to ... "character special interaction that took place between people." Actors do not merely react to the actions of others but he interprets and defines every action of others. Actor response either directly or indirectly, is always based on the meaning of these assessments. Therefore, human interaction mediated by the use of symbols of interpretation or by finding the meaning of the actions of others. In that context, according to Blumer, the actor will choose, examine, think, mengelompokan, and transform meaning in relation to the situation where and in what direction his actions.
The theory of symbolic interactionism stresses the importance of "mental processes" or the process of human thinking before they act. Human action is not a stimulus - response, but the stimulus - the process of thinking - the response. Thus, there is a variable or variables of the bridge between the stimulus with the response, the mental process or processes of thinking, which is none other than interpretation. The theory of symbolic interactionism considers that the meaning / significance emerged from the process of social interaction that has been done. The meaning of an object grows from the ways in which people behave towards that person.
The theory of symbolic interactionism studying the nature of interactions that are social activities of human social dynamic. For this perspective, individuals are active, reflective and creative, interprets, displays a complex behavior and unpredictable. Got it rejects the idea that the individual is a passive organisms whose behavior is determined by structural forces outside himself. Interaksilah considered important variables that determine human behavior, not the structure of society.
The essence of symbolic interactionism is an activity that is characteristic of humans, namely the communication or exchange of a given symbolic meaning. This perspective seeks to understand human behavior from the viewpoint of the subject. This theory suggests that human behavior should be seen as a process that allows humans to form and regulate their behavior by considering the expectations of others that their interaction partners. Humans act only according to their definition or interpretation of the objects around them. In this perspective view, as affirmed Blumer, social processes in the life of the group that creates and enforce the rules, not rules that create and uphold group life.
According to this perspective theorists, social life is the "human interaction with the use of symbols." Symbolic interactionism Believers view, human behavior is the product of their interpretation of the world around them, so do not admit that the behavior was learned or determined, as adopted behavioristic theory or the structural theory.
In the very famous book, namely "Symbolic Interactionism; Perspective and Method," Herbert Blumer argued that there are three assumptions that underlie human action (in Sutaryo, 2005). Three assumptions are as follows:
1) Human beings act toward things on the basic of the meaning that the things have for them;
2) The meaning of the things arises out of the social interaction one with one's fellow;
3) The meaning of things are handled in and modified through an interpretative process used by the person in dealing with the thing he Encounters.
The first premise of the third until it has ini.Pertama sense, that man is acting against something (whether that object, event, or a particular phenomenon) of the meaning possessed by the objects, events, or phenomena that for them. Individuals respond to a symbolic situation. They respond to the environment, including physical objects (bodies) and social objects (human behavior) based on the meaning contained in these components for them.
Second, the meaning was given by people as a result of interaction with others. Thus, the meaning was not inherent, not glued on the object or the phenomenon itself, but depends on the people involved in that interaction. Meanings negotiated through the use of language. Negotiation is possible because humans are able to name all things, not just physical objects, actions, or events (even without the presence of physical objects, actions, or events) but also abstract ideas. However, names or symbols used to mark objects, actions, events, or ideas that are arbitrary (arbitrary). Through the use of symbols that people can share experiences and knowledge about the world.
Third, the meaning was handled and modified through a process of interpretation in order to deal with certain other phenomena. Individuals interpret the meaning may change from time to time, in line with changing circumstances found in social interaction. Change in interpretation is possible because individuals can perform mental processes, which communicate with itself.
According to Ritzer, the main conclusion to be drawn from the substance of the theory of symbolic interactionism is as follows. Social life is formed through a process of communication and interaction between individuals and between groups by using symbols that are understood its meaning through a process of learning. Person's actions in the interaction process is not solely a direct response to the stimulus is coming from the environment or from outside itself, but from the results of a process of interpretation of the stimulus. So clearly, that this is the result of the learning process, in terms of understanding the symbols, and adjusting to each other the meaning of these symbols. Although norms, social values and meanings of symbols that provide restrictions on his actions, but with the ability to think it has, people have the freedom to determine the actions and goals to accomplish. In short, the symbolic interactionist (the followers of the theory of symbolic interactionism) provides a basis of reasoning that, there is a 'interveness that minding'process between stimulus and response. It is this mental process, and not simply the stimulus, that determines how a man will about them (Ritzer, 1980:194, in Sutaryo, 2005).
Self-concept influences on Interpersonal Communication
The process of interaction and communication between individuals and between groups by using symbols that are understood its meaning through a process of learning is crucial in shaping human self-concept. Similarly, the concept of self that is formed in a person will have an impact also on interpersonal communication.
Self-fulfilling 1.Nubuat
The concept of self is a crucial factor in interpersonal communications, because every person possible to behave in accordance with the concept itself. This tendency is called self-fulfilling prophecy. When we feel have the ability to overcome the problem, then whatever problems we face can eventually overcome. We tried to live according to the labels that we attach to ourselves. Relations with behavioral self-concept, may be summed up by proponents of positive thinkers: You do not think what you are, you are what you think.
Interpersonal communication Success depends largely on the quality of our self concept, positive or negative. According to William D. Phillip Brooks and Emmert (1976:42-43, in Grace, 2005) there are few signs of people who have negative self-concept, namely: 1) sensitive to criticism; 2) responsive to praise; 3) hiperkritis attitude, always to complain, criticize , or underestimate anything and anyone; 4) tend to feel unwelcome by another person; and 5) to be pessimistic about the competition. Conversely, people who have a positive self concept, marked by 5 things, namely: 1) confident of the ability to overcome the problem, 2) feel equal with others; 3) receive compliments without embarrassment; 4) realize that everyone has different feelings, desires, and behaviors that are not entirely approved by the community; and 5) able to improve himself as capable of revealing aspects of personality that is not his favorite and try to change it.
2.Membuka self
Knowledge of self will open communication and at the same time, communicate with other people increases our knowledge of self. The relationship between self-concept and opening up can be explained by the Johari Window. Johari is an abbreviation of the inventor of this model: Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham. In Johari Window, expressed levels of openness and the level of awareness about ourselves.

we know
we do not know



Figure 1. Johari Window
Open area (open area), including behavior and motivation that we know and unknown others. In this area we often do impression management and show ourselves in the form of a mask. Everything we cover is closed, the hidden area (hidden area). Regional unknown but known by others is the blind area (blind area). Meanwhile, areas that do not we and others know are unknown area (area unknown). Broaden public ourselves, we are more open to others, the more intimate our relationship with all others.
3.Percaya self (self confidence)
The desire to shut down, except for negative self-concept, arising from a lack of confidence in his own abilities. People who did not like him feel that he was not able to overcome the problem. People who lack confidence will be avoided wherever possible communication situations. This is known as communication Apprehension. People who aprehensif in communications, will withdraw from the association, trying to communicate as little as possible, and will only talk when pressed alone. Not all communication aprehensi caused by a lack of confidence, but among the various factors, confidence is the most decisive.
4. Selectivity
Self-concept will influence the behavior of our communications because the concept of self-influence to what message we are willing to open ourselves, how we perceive the message, and what we remember. As a good religion, we will diligently serve and listen to religious lectures. This is called selective exposure. If our negative self-concept, we tend to perceive only the negative reactions to us, and the criticisms increase on our people. We will not consider the appreciation of our work. This is called selective perception. Self-concept does not merely affect the perception, but also affects what we remember. This is called selective memory.
Communication Objectives

1. Build / create the understanding / understanding with
2. È understand each other should not approve.

Communication Functions:

1. To educate: to educate
2. To persuade: convince
3. To entertain: entertaining
4. To inform: inform

Forms of Communication:

1. Interpersonal / face to face

- Informal
- No planned
- Effects can be generated three-three (affective, cognitive, psychomotor), because of the communication involved dialogue face to face interior.

2. Group / group

- Number more than 2 people
- Ex. Class (teacher & student)
- Formal
- Planned

3. Mass / mass

- A group of people who loaded communicator and communicant not know
- Collection of people who are not the same background
Ex. Occurs a collision / accident many people gathered to see, there pedicab driver, drivers, students, kernet, asongan sellers, etc..
Component-Component Communication:

1. Communicator / presenter messages / Source / Source

All the communication process comes from sources, which can be

* Individual, if the communication between the individual or individuals, or one with a few people
* An institution or organization, or person who instituted (communication with mass media)

2. Message / Message

Elements of the message includes all material or content that is communicated between the parties involved in the communication process, whether conveyed verbally and non verbally., Either directly or indirectly (through the mass media for example)

3. Channels / Media / Channel

Elements of the channel is a means where the message so that it can be accepted and interpreted by the communicant.
For example: the mass media (newspapers, magazines, television, radio, etc..) Telephone, letter,

4. Communicant / recipients / Receiver

Receiver element is a target of the communication, the bias consists of one or several persons or an institution / organization

5. Destination / Destination / Efect

The effect is the result of a communication activity, the goal of participants in the communication process.

6. Feedback / feedback

Feedback is a response to the message conveyed or communicant when submitted to the communicator

7. Disturbance / Noise

Disturbance terncana not happened in the communication process as a result of the received message is different communicant with the message conveyed by a communicator to the communicant.
Main Goal Is To Communications
establish / create a shared understanding or understanding. Understand each other or understand it does not mean to agree but perhaps there is a change in communication attitudes, opinions, behavior or social change:
a. Change in attitude (attitude change)
a communicant after receiving the message and then his attitude changed, either postif or negative. In many situations we are trying to influence the attitudes of others and try to get others to be positive according to our wishes.
b. Changes of opinion (opinion change)
In a communication to create understanding. Understanding, is the ability to understand accurately the message as intended by the communicator. After understanding what the communicator is created opinions different to the communicant.
c. Changes in behavior (behavior change)
communication aims to change one's behavior or actions.
d. Social change (social change)
establish and maintain ties with other people to become better relationship. In the process of effective communication unintentionally increase the levels of interpersonal relationships.
Important Benefits Communication
a. Convey information (to inform)
inform / explain the information or things that a person unknown to the public and what happens to a person or the public, so that the information provided could add knowledge and insights.
b. Educate (to educate)
provide education and useful knowledge both in formal, non formal and informal which encourages the formation of character and
educational skills and the skills needed in all areas of life.
c. Persuade (to persuade)
Persuade, influence or shape a person and public opinion, convinced about that given that informasiinformasi really know the situation in lingkungannnya
d. Entertaining (to entertaint)
provide entertainment or pleasure, so that a person or the public get a break from the boredom experienced because takanan-pressure both at work, social and lainlain experienced in daily life.
Communication Forms

1. Personal Communication

* Communication Intrapersona: communication processes that take place in a person

Example: A man was sitting alone contemplating his fate, physically he did not say anything like not to communicate, but in her place with the communication process itself.

* Interpersonal communication: the communication process that takes place between individual one with another individual.

Example: Someone to meet old friends and exchanging stories, sharing.

2. Group Communication: the communication process that took place in a group of men.

* Small Group Communication: the communication process is in progress and the possible occur dialogical

Example: lectures, panel discussions, symposiums, forums, seminars, lectures

* Large Group Communication: the communication process is in progress and not going dialogue possible

Example: campaigns, mass meetings, demonstrations students

3. Mass Communication: types of communication addressed to several audiences scattered, heterogeneous and anonym through print or electronic media so that the same message can be received simultaneously and for a moment.


From the discussion about the efficacy of Interpersonal Communication as an agent of change mentioned above we can already predict the Interpersonal Communication of the expected effects of the ongoing process of Interpersonal Communication.
As for the things that can be predicted in Interpersonal Communication can we review from three angles:

* Predicted sociological analysis.

That measure and predict the success / effects of interpersonal communication through sociological analysis. As we know the science of sociology is the study of social interaction, social classification, groups and social institutions.

* Predicted culture analysis.

Interpersonal Communication is predictable in terms of mindset, value system behavior patterns, habits and patterns in the communication process aimed primarily at komunikannya.

* Predicted sociological approach.

That measure and predict the success / effects of interpersonal communication associated with the social environment. Or study the social context of interpersonal communication processes.


* The main purpose of communication is to

establish / create a shared understanding or understanding. Understand each other or understand it does not mean to agree but perhaps there is a change in communication attitudes, opinions, behavior or social change

* The benefits of interpersonal communication for the association is to change attitudes, opinions, or the person's behavior or too biased to say how to change the attitudes, opinions, or behaviors that a person who communicates to avoid misunderstandings due to different opinions.

* Intrapersonal Communication is a process of communication that took place in a person

Example: A man was sitting alone contemplating his fate, physically he did not say anything like not to communicate, but in her place with the communication process itself.
Interpersonal communication is the communication process that takes place between individual one with another individual.
Example: Someone to meet old friends and exchanging stories, sharing

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