In the year 30 Hijri or 651 AD, only about 20 years ago from the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Caliph Uthman ibn Affan RA sends delegation to China to introduce Islamic Daula recently stood. In the journey which took four years, the delegates turned out to Uthman had stopped in the archipelago. A few years later, in 674 AD, the Umayyad dynasty had established trading stations on the west coast of Sumatra. This is the first encounter with the Islamic population of Indonesia. Since then the Muslim sailors and traders continued to arrive, century after century. They buy the produce of the land is green while preaching.
Indigenous population gradually began to embrace Islam, although not massive. Aceh, the westernmost region of the archipelago, was the first to accept Islam. Even in Acehlah first Islamic kingdom in Indonesia was established, namely Pasai. News from Marcopolo mention that at the time of the year persinggahannya in Pasai 692 H / 1292 AD, has a lot of Arabs who spread Islam. So did news of Ibn Battuthah, Muslim pilgrims from the Maghreb., Which when dropped in Aceh year 746 AH / 1345 AD writes that in Aceh has spread Shafi. The oldest relic of Muslims found in Indonesia are in Gresik, East Java. Islamic tomb complex form, which one of them is the tomb of a Muslim named Fatima bint Maimun. Numbers written on his tomb in 475 AH / 1082 AD, ie in the era of Singasari Kingdom. It is estimated that these tombs are not from the natives, but the tomb of Arab traders.
Until the 8th century AH / 14 M, had no indigenous population Nusantara pengislaman massive. New in the 9th century H / 14 AD, the indigenous population to embrace Islam en masse. The experts argued that the history of Islam in Nusantara population heavily in the century when it caused the Muslims already have a significant political force. Is marked by the establishment of several Islamic kingdoms such as the design of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam, Malacca, Demak, Cirebon, and Ternate. The rulers of these kingdoms of mixed blood, descendants of native kings of pre-Islamic and Arab migrants. The rapid Islamization in the seventh century AD 14 and 15 among others also due to the decline of power and influence of the kingdoms of Hindu / Buddhist Majapahit in the archipelago such as, Sriwijaya and Sundanese. Thomas Arnold in The Preaching of Islam says that the arrival of Islam is not as conquerors as well as the Portuguese and Spanish. Islam came to Southeast Asia by peaceful means, not with the sword, not to seize political power. Islam entered the archipelago in a way that really show it as rahmatan lil'alamin.
With the native population into Islam Nusantara and the establishment of Islamic governments in various regions of this archipelago, the trade with the Muslims from the center of the Islamic world became increasingly tight. Arabs who migrated to the archipelago are also more and more. The largest of which is derived from Hadramaut, Yemen. In Tarikh Hadramaut, migration is even said to be the largest in the history of Hadramaut. But after the European nations and the Christians came rakusnya-controlled areas in the archipelago by area, the relationship with the center of the Islamic world as if broken. Especially in the 17th century and 18th century CE. The reason, apart from the Muslims archipelago occupied by the resistance against colonialism, as well as various regulations created by the colonialists. Each time the colonists - mainly Dutch - lowered the Islamic kingdom in the archipelago, they must have passed the agreement whose contents are related to the royal ban trade with the outside world except through them. Then disconnect the Muslims with Muslim archipelago of other nations that have established hundreds of years. Colonialists desire to keep Muslims archipelago with its roots, is also seen from those who make policy merging of the indigenous Arabs.
Since the beginning of the arrival of Europeans in the late 15th century AD to the fertile islands of this prosperous, it has seen their gluttony to master. Moreover, they discovered that these islanders have embraced Islam, the religion of their enemies, so that the spirit of the Crusades was always carried around each time they lowered a region. In their fight against Islam in cooperation with indigenous kingdoms are still adhered to Hindu / Buddhist. One example, cruise lines to decide the Muslims, then after mastering Malacca in 1511, the Portuguese establish cooperation with the Kingdom of Sunda Pajajaran to build a base in Sunda Kelapa. But the purpose of this Portuguese failed miserably after the combined armies of Islam from the north along the coast of Java Island demolish them shoulder to shoulder in the year 1527 AD Of a historic battle was led by a son of Arab blood Aceh Gujarat, namely Fadhilah Khan al-Pasai, which is more famous for his title, Fathahillah. Before becoming an important person in the three Islamic kingdom of Java, namely Demak, Cirebon and Banten, Fathahillah had studied in Mecca. Even the participate defend Mecca of the Ottoman Turkish invasion.
The arrival of the colonialists on the one side has raised the spirit of jihad of the Muslims archipelago, but on the other side make the deepening of Islamic theology uneven. Only among boarding schools (madrassas) are deeply Islamic, and even then are usually limited to the Shafi'i school. While in most of the Muslims, there is mixing faith with pre-Islamic traditions. Priyayi circles close to the Dutch in fact been infected with the European lifestyle. This condition is still happening at least until now. Apart from this, Nusantara scholars are those who persevere against colonialism. Although many of them drawn from the congregation, but this is precisely the congregation who often rose against the invaders. And although in the end of each resistance is successfully suppressed by devious tactics, but history has recorded millions of martyrs who died in the archipelago various battles against the Dutch. Since the resistance of Islamic empires in the 16th and 17th centuries such as Malacca (Malaysia), Sulu (Philippines), Pasai, Banten, Sunda Kelapa, Makassar, Ternate, until the resistance of the scholars in the 18th century such as the War of Cirebon (Good raryin), Java War (Diponegoro), Padri War (Imam Bonjol), and the War in Aceh (Teuku Umar).
Indigenous population gradually began to embrace Islam, although not massive. Aceh, the westernmost region of the archipelago, was the first to accept Islam. Even in Acehlah first Islamic kingdom in Indonesia was established, namely Pasai. News from Marcopolo mention that at the time of the year persinggahannya in Pasai 692 H / 1292 AD, has a lot of Arabs who spread Islam. So did news of Ibn Battuthah, Muslim pilgrims from the Maghreb., Which when dropped in Aceh year 746 AH / 1345 AD writes that in Aceh has spread Shafi. The oldest relic of Muslims found in Indonesia are in Gresik, East Java. Islamic tomb complex form, which one of them is the tomb of a Muslim named Fatima bint Maimun. Numbers written on his tomb in 475 AH / 1082 AD, ie in the era of Singasari Kingdom. It is estimated that these tombs are not from the natives, but the tomb of Arab traders.
Until the 8th century AH / 14 M, had no indigenous population Nusantara pengislaman massive. New in the 9th century H / 14 AD, the indigenous population to embrace Islam en masse. The experts argued that the history of Islam in Nusantara population heavily in the century when it caused the Muslims already have a significant political force. Is marked by the establishment of several Islamic kingdoms such as the design of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam, Malacca, Demak, Cirebon, and Ternate. The rulers of these kingdoms of mixed blood, descendants of native kings of pre-Islamic and Arab migrants. The rapid Islamization in the seventh century AD 14 and 15 among others also due to the decline of power and influence of the kingdoms of Hindu / Buddhist Majapahit in the archipelago such as, Sriwijaya and Sundanese. Thomas Arnold in The Preaching of Islam says that the arrival of Islam is not as conquerors as well as the Portuguese and Spanish. Islam came to Southeast Asia by peaceful means, not with the sword, not to seize political power. Islam entered the archipelago in a way that really show it as rahmatan lil'alamin.
With the native population into Islam Nusantara and the establishment of Islamic governments in various regions of this archipelago, the trade with the Muslims from the center of the Islamic world became increasingly tight. Arabs who migrated to the archipelago are also more and more. The largest of which is derived from Hadramaut, Yemen. In Tarikh Hadramaut, migration is even said to be the largest in the history of Hadramaut. But after the European nations and the Christians came rakusnya-controlled areas in the archipelago by area, the relationship with the center of the Islamic world as if broken. Especially in the 17th century and 18th century CE. The reason, apart from the Muslims archipelago occupied by the resistance against colonialism, as well as various regulations created by the colonialists. Each time the colonists - mainly Dutch - lowered the Islamic kingdom in the archipelago, they must have passed the agreement whose contents are related to the royal ban trade with the outside world except through them. Then disconnect the Muslims with Muslim archipelago of other nations that have established hundreds of years. Colonialists desire to keep Muslims archipelago with its roots, is also seen from those who make policy merging of the indigenous Arabs.
Since the beginning of the arrival of Europeans in the late 15th century AD to the fertile islands of this prosperous, it has seen their gluttony to master. Moreover, they discovered that these islanders have embraced Islam, the religion of their enemies, so that the spirit of the Crusades was always carried around each time they lowered a region. In their fight against Islam in cooperation with indigenous kingdoms are still adhered to Hindu / Buddhist. One example, cruise lines to decide the Muslims, then after mastering Malacca in 1511, the Portuguese establish cooperation with the Kingdom of Sunda Pajajaran to build a base in Sunda Kelapa. But the purpose of this Portuguese failed miserably after the combined armies of Islam from the north along the coast of Java Island demolish them shoulder to shoulder in the year 1527 AD Of a historic battle was led by a son of Arab blood Aceh Gujarat, namely Fadhilah Khan al-Pasai, which is more famous for his title, Fathahillah. Before becoming an important person in the three Islamic kingdom of Java, namely Demak, Cirebon and Banten, Fathahillah had studied in Mecca. Even the participate defend Mecca of the Ottoman Turkish invasion.
The arrival of the colonialists on the one side has raised the spirit of jihad of the Muslims archipelago, but on the other side make the deepening of Islamic theology uneven. Only among boarding schools (madrassas) are deeply Islamic, and even then are usually limited to the Shafi'i school. While in most of the Muslims, there is mixing faith with pre-Islamic traditions. Priyayi circles close to the Dutch in fact been infected with the European lifestyle. This condition is still happening at least until now. Apart from this, Nusantara scholars are those who persevere against colonialism. Although many of them drawn from the congregation, but this is precisely the congregation who often rose against the invaders. And although in the end of each resistance is successfully suppressed by devious tactics, but history has recorded millions of martyrs who died in the archipelago various battles against the Dutch. Since the resistance of Islamic empires in the 16th and 17th centuries such as Malacca (Malaysia), Sulu (Philippines), Pasai, Banten, Sunda Kelapa, Makassar, Ternate, until the resistance of the scholars in the 18th century such as the War of Cirebon (Good raryin), Java War (Diponegoro), Padri War (Imam Bonjol), and the War in Aceh (Teuku Umar).
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