Thursday, December 17, 2009

Understanding Software

software is a computer program which is an instruction to be given to the unit to a computer processor can perform tasks in accordance with the dikehendaki.Program was written in a special language understood by the software in use mesin.Perangkat can be classified into 5 types, it is:

1. Operating system (Operating system)

2. Utilities Program (Program utilities)

3. Program Application (Application Program)

4. Program package (Program Package)

5. Programming language (Programming Language)

Several companies joined to form the standards and techniques for the microcomputer world known ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) and EISA (Enhanched Industry Standard Architecture), among others:

1. COMPAQ Computer

2. Advanced Logic Research (ALR)

3. AST Research

4. EPSON America

5. Everex Systems

6. Hewlett Packard

7. Olivetti

8. Micronics

9. Nippon Electric Corporation (NEC)

10. Tandy Computers

11. Wyse Tevhnology

12. Zenith Corporation

There are several types of software, among others:

1. Software system

System software is divided into 3 parts:

a. Operating systems

The device operating system is an essential part in running an operation komputer.Sistem device is a bridging software between the user and device types keras.Ada several operating systems including Windows, DOS, Linux, and other computer sebagainya.Saat for many types of PC using the Windows operating system

b. Program Bantu (utility)

Is a program that works to help the operating system as described above, such as: anti-virus, Defragmenter, disk format, check the system, and so on.

c. Programming language

Is a useful application to convert a mathematical calculation to be an example aplikasi.Sebagai BASIC language programming language, COBOL. C + + and so on.

2. Application software

Is a device which functions to perform various office tasks such as forms of word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, processing of web pages, to media player devices, and this sebagainya.Hal has developed since the operating system were developed.

Software applications can be categorized into several sections, namely:

a. Word processing (word processor)

Functions to perform word processing, namely work-related texts and various administrative letter menyurat.Contoh: WordStar, Microsoft Word, Amipro, Word Perfect.

b. Processing Numbers (Spread Sheet)

Function to perform a lot of work associated with numbers, such as the use of calculations, financial reports, and grafik.Contoh: Lotus 123, Quatro Pro, Microsoft Excel, Symphony, Super Calc.

c. Data processing (Data base)

Functions to perform processing data.Data may be a number, word or combination of numbers and kata.Contoh: dBase, Fox Base, Fox Pro, Clipper, Microsoft Access, Visual Fox Pro, Paradox and others.

d. Multimedia

Examples of multimedia applications is Winamp, Pro Audio format to play MP3 music or CD Audio.Kemudian RealPlayer, Xing, or Jet Audio which can be used for watching movies or VCDs.

e. Communication and Internet

For inter-computer communication between two computers or more, for example, is a Lap Link, PC Anywhere, Internet Procom Plus.Aplikasi is commonly used for browsing, e-mail, chat and messenger such as: Internet Explorer, Opera, MIRC, ICQ, and others.

f. Education and Games

Software to help you understand things a lot of lessons packaged in the form of games with the aim that was not boring, for example is: PC Globe, Bodyworks, Science Adventure, Reader Rabbit, and others.

g. Designing Images

Specific applications that help them work like AutoCAD Engineer (structural drawings), Protel (images of electronic circuits), Matlab (processing and visualization of mathematical equations), Photos Shop (image processing), and Flash (to create a WEB page), and another.

h. Anti Virus

Software to eradicate the virus from computer storage devices, eg, Mc Afee, Norton Anti Virus, Panda, and lainnya.Virus is software designed to damage data or computer programs, for example is: PC Brain, Hackers, My Heart, Pepsin, Bagle, Mydoom, and others.

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