* 1492: Christopher Columbus discovered the New World.
* 1493: The Inter caetera, Pope Alexander VI confers colonial rights over most of the single New World to Spain.
* January 22, 1506: Kaspar von Silenen and the first contingent of Swiss mercenaries entered the Vatican during the reign of Pope Julius II. This date is the traditional date of founding of the Swiss Guard.
* 18 April 1506: Pope Julius II to laying the first stone of the Basilica of St. Peter's new.
* 1508: Michelangelo began painting the ceiling Kapela Sistina.
* October 31, 1517: Martin Luther's 95 thesis proposed, protesting the sale of indulgences.
* 1516: Saint Sir Thomas More publishes "Utopia" in Latin.
* 1519: Spanish conquest of Mexico by Hernando Cortes.
* January 3, 1521: Martin Luther was finally excommunicated by Pope Leo X in the bull Romanum Pontificem Decet.
* 1521: Baptism of prime Catholics in the Philippines, the first Christian nation in Southeast Asia. This event is commemorated by the celebration of Santo NiƱo de Cebu.
* October 17, 1521: Pope Leo X bestowed the title Fidei Defensor for King Henry VIII of England because of his defense of the sacrament ketujuk and Assertio supremacy of the pope in September Sacramentorum against Protestantism.
* May 6, 1527: Sack of Rome.
* 1531: Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego in Mexico.
* 16 November 1532: Francisco Pizarro Atahualpa defeated. The Inca Empire conquest.
* 1534: Head and the entire village residents in North Maluku Mamuya embraced the Catholic faith.
* August 15, 1534: Saint Ignatius of Loyola and five others, including Francis Xavier met in Montmartre outside Paris to found the Order of the missionary Society of Jesus.
* October 30, 1534: British Parliament approved the Act of Supremacy which made the King of England as the Supreme Head of the Church of England. Anglican schism with Rome.
* 1535: Michelangelo began painting the Last Judgment Kapela Sistina.
* 1536 To 1540: Dissolusi the monasteries in England, Wales and Ireland.
* December 17, 1538: Pope Paul III mengekskomunikasikan King Henry VIII of England.
* 1540: Pope Paul III confirmed the Order of the Society of Jesus.
* 1543: full paper of the heliocentric Copernican theory titled, About Revolution Balls Heaven (De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium) was published. Regarded as the beginning of the revolution of science.
* December 13, 1545: The Council of Trent was held during the papacy of Paul III, to prepare the Catholic response to Protestant reform. The rules produced a guideline for the Catholics are at least three centuries.
* 1546 To 1547: St. Francis Xavier visited and baptized some people in Ambon, Saparua, and Ternate.
* December 4, 1563: The Council of Trent was closed. Decrees confirmed on 26 Januar 1564, by Pius IV in the Bull "Benedictus Deus".
* 1568: St. John Chrysostom, St. Basil, St. Gregory Nazianzus, St.. And St. Athanasius. Thomas Aquinas made the Doctor of the Church.
* July 14, 1570: Pope St. Pius V issued the Apostolic Constitution on the Tridentine Mass, Quo Primum.
* October 7, 1571: Christian fleet of the Holy League defeated the Ottoman Turks in the Battle of Lepanto.
* 1577: Teresa of Avila wrote El Castillo Interior, one of the written works of the classic Catholic mysticism.
* February 24, 1582: Pope Gregory XIII issued the bull Inter gravissimas Julian calendar reform.
* October 4, 1582: the first time the Gregorian calendar was adopted by Italy, Spain, and Portugal. After October 4 is the date of October 15 - ten days is removed.
* 28 September 1586: Domenico Fontana successfully completed the restoration of the Vatican obelisk in place now in the plaza St. Peter. Hailed as a technical achievement at the time.
* 1593: Robert Bellarmine finished his work Disputationes de controversiis christianae Fidei.
* 1598: The role of the Pope in Peace Vervins.
* 1600: Pope Clement VIII approved the use of coffee, although there was a petition filed by the priests to ban the Muslim drink they call "demon drink". The Pope tried a cup and put it "so delicious that's too bad to let the infidels use exclusively. We need to cheat Satan by baptizing." [13]
* 1614: Tokugawa Ieyasu banned Christianity in Japan.
Until 1799 * 1619: East India Company rule in the archipelago, banned the Catholic religion. Catholic priests were expelled, and the native Catholics diprotestankan.
* 19 April 1622: Pope Gregory XV made Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu as a cardinal on the nomination of King Louis XIII - as Cardinal Richelieu. Influence and its policies greatly affect the development of art, culture, politics, religion, and the war in Europe.
* 18 November 1626: Pope Urban VIII solemnly inaugurated the Basilica of St. Peter. Peter's new 1300 years after the first basilica built by Constantine consecrated by Pope Sylvester I.
* 1493: The Inter caetera, Pope Alexander VI confers colonial rights over most of the single New World to Spain.
* January 22, 1506: Kaspar von Silenen and the first contingent of Swiss mercenaries entered the Vatican during the reign of Pope Julius II. This date is the traditional date of founding of the Swiss Guard.
* 18 April 1506: Pope Julius II to laying the first stone of the Basilica of St. Peter's new.
* 1508: Michelangelo began painting the ceiling Kapela Sistina.
* October 31, 1517: Martin Luther's 95 thesis proposed, protesting the sale of indulgences.
* 1516: Saint Sir Thomas More publishes "Utopia" in Latin.
* 1519: Spanish conquest of Mexico by Hernando Cortes.
* January 3, 1521: Martin Luther was finally excommunicated by Pope Leo X in the bull Romanum Pontificem Decet.
* 1521: Baptism of prime Catholics in the Philippines, the first Christian nation in Southeast Asia. This event is commemorated by the celebration of Santo NiƱo de Cebu.
* October 17, 1521: Pope Leo X bestowed the title Fidei Defensor for King Henry VIII of England because of his defense of the sacrament ketujuk and Assertio supremacy of the pope in September Sacramentorum against Protestantism.
* May 6, 1527: Sack of Rome.
* 1531: Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego in Mexico.
* 16 November 1532: Francisco Pizarro Atahualpa defeated. The Inca Empire conquest.
* 1534: Head and the entire village residents in North Maluku Mamuya embraced the Catholic faith.
* August 15, 1534: Saint Ignatius of Loyola and five others, including Francis Xavier met in Montmartre outside Paris to found the Order of the missionary Society of Jesus.
* October 30, 1534: British Parliament approved the Act of Supremacy which made the King of England as the Supreme Head of the Church of England. Anglican schism with Rome.
* 1535: Michelangelo began painting the Last Judgment Kapela Sistina.
* 1536 To 1540: Dissolusi the monasteries in England, Wales and Ireland.
* December 17, 1538: Pope Paul III mengekskomunikasikan King Henry VIII of England.
* 1540: Pope Paul III confirmed the Order of the Society of Jesus.
* 1543: full paper of the heliocentric Copernican theory titled, About Revolution Balls Heaven (De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium) was published. Regarded as the beginning of the revolution of science.
* December 13, 1545: The Council of Trent was held during the papacy of Paul III, to prepare the Catholic response to Protestant reform. The rules produced a guideline for the Catholics are at least three centuries.
* 1546 To 1547: St. Francis Xavier visited and baptized some people in Ambon, Saparua, and Ternate.
* December 4, 1563: The Council of Trent was closed. Decrees confirmed on 26 Januar 1564, by Pius IV in the Bull "Benedictus Deus".
* 1568: St. John Chrysostom, St. Basil, St. Gregory Nazianzus, St.. And St. Athanasius. Thomas Aquinas made the Doctor of the Church.
* July 14, 1570: Pope St. Pius V issued the Apostolic Constitution on the Tridentine Mass, Quo Primum.
* October 7, 1571: Christian fleet of the Holy League defeated the Ottoman Turks in the Battle of Lepanto.
* 1577: Teresa of Avila wrote El Castillo Interior, one of the written works of the classic Catholic mysticism.
* February 24, 1582: Pope Gregory XIII issued the bull Inter gravissimas Julian calendar reform.
* October 4, 1582: the first time the Gregorian calendar was adopted by Italy, Spain, and Portugal. After October 4 is the date of October 15 - ten days is removed.
* 28 September 1586: Domenico Fontana successfully completed the restoration of the Vatican obelisk in place now in the plaza St. Peter. Hailed as a technical achievement at the time.
* 1593: Robert Bellarmine finished his work Disputationes de controversiis christianae Fidei.
* 1598: The role of the Pope in Peace Vervins.
* 1600: Pope Clement VIII approved the use of coffee, although there was a petition filed by the priests to ban the Muslim drink they call "demon drink". The Pope tried a cup and put it "so delicious that's too bad to let the infidels use exclusively. We need to cheat Satan by baptizing." [13]
* 1614: Tokugawa Ieyasu banned Christianity in Japan.
Until 1799 * 1619: East India Company rule in the archipelago, banned the Catholic religion. Catholic priests were expelled, and the native Catholics diprotestankan.
* 19 April 1622: Pope Gregory XV made Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu as a cardinal on the nomination of King Louis XIII - as Cardinal Richelieu. Influence and its policies greatly affect the development of art, culture, politics, religion, and the war in Europe.
* 18 November 1626: Pope Urban VIII solemnly inaugurated the Basilica of St. Peter. Peter's new 1300 years after the first basilica built by Constantine consecrated by Pope Sylvester I.
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