Indonesia began to develop in the days of Hindu-Buddhist kingdom thanks to trade relations with neighboring countries or further afield such as India, China and the Middle East region. Hinduism arrived in Indonesia is estimated at the beginning of the Tarikh AD, brought by travelers from India, among others: Maha Rishi Agastya in Java known as Guru or Dwipayana and travelers from China of the Buddhist Pilgrim Pahyien.
Two great kingdoms in this age is Sriwijaya and Majapahit. During the 7th century until the 14th century, the Buddhist kingdom of Srivijaya flourished on Sumatra. Explorers China I-Tsing visiting the capital of Palembang about 670 years. In his prime, Srivijaya controlled areas of West Java and as far as Malays Peninsula. The 14th century also witnessed the rise of a Hindu empire in East Java, Majapahit. Patih Majapahit between years 1331 to 1364, Gajah Mada, succeeded in obtaining power over what is now part of Indonesia and its magnitude is almost the entire peninsula Malays. Inherited from the Gajah Mada, including codifying the law and in Javanese culture, as seen in the epic Ramayana.
Surrounding the arrival of Islam in the 12th century gradually mark the end of this era.
Flow Time
- 300 - Indonesia has trade relations with India trade relationship began intensive 2nd century AD Trading of goods in international markets such as: precious metals, jewelry, handicrafts, perfumes, medicines. From the east of Indonesia traded sandalwood, camphor, cloves. These trade relations are a big influence in Indonesian society, especially with the entry of Hindu and Buddhist teachings, other influences seen in the system of government.
- 300 - has been doing commercial shipping links across China. Evidenced by the journey of two Buddhist monks and Gunavarman Fa Shien. This trading relationship has been commonly done, the goods traded frankincense, sandalwood, handicrafts.
- 400 - Hinduism and Buddhism have been developed in Indonesia viewed from the history of kingdoms and relics of the period include a temple, god statues, sculpture, metal goods.
- 671 - A Buddhist priest from China, named I-Tsing departs from Canton to India. He stopped at Sriwijaya to learn Sanskrit grammar, and then he stopped at the Malays for two months, and had continued his journey to India.
- 685 - I-Tsing returned to Srivijaya, here he lived for four years to translate the Buddhist scriptures from Sanskrit into Tionghoa language.
- 692 - One of the Hindu kingdom of Sriwijaya in Indonesia to grow and develop into a large trade center visited by Arab traders, Persia, China. Traded include textiles, camphor, pearls, spices, gold, silver. Some of the Malay Peninsula, the Strait of Malacca, Sumatra, Sunda, including power Jambi Kingdom. At this time the kingdom of Srivijaya developments related to the expansion of Islam in Indonesia in the early period. Also known as Srivijaya maritime empire.
- 922 - From a note written report of a traveler China has come kekerajaan Kahuripan in East Java and Java has been reward maharajah short sword tipped with ivory berukur the emperor of China.
- 1292 - Venetian traveler, Marco Polo stopped at the northern part of Aceh on the way home from China to Persia by sea. Marco Polo Perlak argue that Islam is a city.
- 1345-1346 - Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta passed Ocean on its way to and from China. Given also that the ocean is a very important port, where the trading ships from India and China. Ibn Battuta found that Indian authorities was a follower of one of Mahzab Shafi'i Islamic teachings.
- 1350-1389 - Peak glory of Majapahit, under the leadership of King Hayam Wuruk and patihnya Gajah Mada. Majapahit ruled the Indonesian archipelago and even the Malacca Peninsula in accordance with the "oath Palapa" Gajah Mada, who wanted to unite Nusantara.

Kutai Martadipura
Kutai Martadipura is patterned oldest Hindu kingdom in the archipelago and throughout Southeast Asia. The kingdom is located in Muara Kaman, East Kalimantan, precisely in the Mahakam river upstream. Kutai name taken from the name of the discovery of an inscription that describes the kingdom. Kutai name given by the experts because there are no inscriptions that clearly mentions the name of this kingdom. Because it is very little information can be obtained due to lack of historical sources.
The information was obtained from Yupa / monument in the sacrifice that comes from the 4th century. There are seven yupa the main source for experts in interpreting the history of the Kingdom of Kutai. From one of these yupa known that the king who ruled the kingdom of Kutai time was Mulawarman. His name was noted for his philanthropy in yupa oxtail menyedekahkan 20,000 to the Brahmins.
Mulawarman is Aswawarman children and grandchildren Kudungga. Name Aswawarman Mulawarman and very thick with German language influence when viewed from the way the writing. Kudungga is the lords of the Kingdom of Campa (Cambodia) which came to Indonesia. Kudungga itself allegedly has not embraced Buddhism.
Aswawarman probably the first king of the patterned Kutai Hindu. He is also known as the founder of the dynasty that Kutai Wangsakerta given the title, which means forming a family. Aswawarman have 3 sons, and one of them is Mulawarman. Son Aswawarman is Mulawarman. From yupa known that during the reign of Mulawarman, Kutai experiencing the golden age. Territory covering almost the entire region of East Kalimantan. People Kutai live well and prosper. Kutai seemed not appear again by the outside world because of lack of communication with foreign parties, so very little is heard of him. In fact, in the year 1365, Negarakartagama Javanese literature mentioned only in passing.
Kutai ended when King Kutai named Maharaja Setia Dharma killed in battle at the hands of the king Kukar-13, Aji Mendapa Prince Panji Anum. Please note that this Kutai (Kutai Martadipura) different from the Kingdom of the capital Kukar the first time in Kutai Lama (Cape Kute). Kukar later became known as the Islamic kingdom of Kutai Kartanegara.
Names of the King of Kutai:
1. Maharaja Kudungga
2. Maharaja Asmawarman
3. Maharaja Irwansyah
4. Maharaja Sri Aswawarman
5. Maharaja Marawijaya Warman
6. Maharaja Gajayana Warman
7. Maharaja Tungga Warman
8. Maharaja Jayanaga Warman
9. Maharaja Nalasinga Warman
10. Parana Nala Maharaja Tungga
11. Warman Gadingga Maharaja Dewa
12. Maharaja Dewa Indra Warman
13. Warman Sangga Maharaja Dewa
14. Maharaja Singsingamangaraja XXI
15. Maharaja Candrawarman
16. Prabu Maharaja Ne Suriagus
17. Maharaja Darmawan Ahmad Ridho
18. Maharaja Riski Subhana
19. Maharaja Sri Lanka Gods
20. To Parana Maharaja Dewa
21. Maharaja Wijaya Warman
22. Maharaja Indra Mulya
23. Sri Maharaja Dewa Aji
24. Honor Putera Maharaja
25. Nala Maharaja Pandita
26. Indra Maharaja Dewa Paruta
27. Dharma Maharaja Setia
Kalinga Kingdom
Kalinga is a Hindu kingdom in the design of Central Java, the center located in Jepara regency now. Kalinga was there in the 6th century AD and its existence is known from the sources of China. This kingdom was once ruled by Queen Shima, who is known to have rules if any one steal, would cut off his hand.
Putri Maharani Shima, Parvati, married with Royal Crown prince named Galuh MANDIMINYAK, who later became king of the Kingdom to Galuh 2. Maharani Shima has named SANAHA grandchildren who married into the king of the Kingdom of Galuh 3, namely BRATASENAWA. Sanaha and have children Bratasenawa named SANJAYA who later became king of the Kingdom of Sunda and the Kingdom Galuh (723-732M).
After the Empress died in the year Shima 732M, Sanjaya replaces the great-grandfather and became king of the Kingdom of Kalinga NORTH later called EARTH MATARAM, and then founded the dynasty / Sanjaya Dynasty in Ancient Mataram Kingdom. Power in West Java handed it to his son from TEJAKENCANA, namely TAMPERAN BARMAWIJAYA aka RAKEYAN PANARABAN.
Then King Sanjaya Sudiwara married daughter Dewasinga, King Kalinga or EARTH SOUTH SAMBARA, and has a son of Rakai Panangkaran.
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