RMS Ibrahim, Suryono Adisoemarta, Mohammed Ihsan, Robby Soebiakto, Putu, Firman Siregar, Adi Indrayanto are some legendary names in the early development of Indonesian Internet that may be less widely known by the Internet audience in Indonesia this year 2000. Each has contributed personal expertise and dedication in building historical footage computer network in Indonesia. At that time in the early 1990s the Internet network in Indonesia, better known as the community network. The spirit of cooperation, mutual assistance of family & very warm and was among the perpetrators. The atmosphere is somewhat different with the Internet today that Indonesia was more commercial and individual in some activities, especially involving Internet commerce.
The writings of the existence of the Internet network in Indonesia can be viewed in several articles in print media such as KOMPAS titled "low-cost computer networks use radio" in late 1990 / early 1991's. Also some short articles on the magazine Mahsiswa Association of Electrical Electron ITB in 1989's. Incidentally, I was the author of some of these articles. Does not feel the time passed so quickly, without felt that it had passed us all more than 10 years ago.
Inspiration early writings come from Indonesia Internet our activities in amateur radio counterparts, especially in Amateur Radio Club (ARC) ITB in the year of 1986. Capital flight Rig Kenwood TS430 HF SSB's Harya Sudirapratama YC1HCE with the Apple II computer YC1DAV owned about a dozen young people like Harya ITB Sudirapratama YC1HCE, J. Tjandra Pramudito YB3NR (now lecturer at UNPAR), Suryono Adisoemarta N5SNN (now a lecturer in Texas, U.S.) with my YC1DAV we sit on the senior amateur radio as Robby Soebiakto YB1BG, Achmad Zaini YB1HR, Joshua YB2SV, YB0TD on 40m band. Mas Robby temperature Soebiakto YB1BG is among the radio amateurs in Indonesia especially for the radio packet data communications are then pushed to the TCP / IP, packet radio technology, TCP / IP which was adopted by fellow BPPT, LAPAN, UI, & ITB which then become the foundation PaguyubanNet in the year-1992-1994's. Mas Robby Soebiakto YB1BG was the first coordinator of AMPR IP-Net (Amateur Packet Radio Network) which is known as the Internet domain name and IP AMPR.ORG 44,132. Currently AMPR-net in Indonesia YC1DAV coordination by the author. Coordination and its activity requires one to become a member and in coordination ORARI through YBNET-L@ITB.ac.id mailing list.
In the year 1986-1987-an early development of packet radio network in Indonesia Mas Robby is also a pioneer YB1BG friends among the amateur radio network linking Indonesia amateur Bulletin Board System (BBS) is an e-mail network of store and forward linking lots " server "BBS radio amateurs around the world for e-mail can proceed smoothly. In the early 1990s the communication between the time I was in Canada to call colleagues YC1DAV/VE3 amateur radio in Indonesia is carried out through this network of radio amateurs. With the equipment PC / XT and 2 meter walkie talkies, communications between the Indonesia-Canada continues smoothly through a network of radio amateurs. Mas Robby was successfully built YB1BG amateur satellite gateway at his home in Labu through OSCAR satellites owned by radio amateurs and we do further communication faster between Indonesia and Canada. Knowledge gradually transferred through a network of radio amateurs.
RMS Ibrahim (usually called Ibam) motor behind his operation in the UI Internet, as this paper was written was in Singapore to continue S3. Ibam never be the operator that runs the gateway to the Internet from the UI that is part of the network UNINET universities in Indonesia. UUCP protocol that is simpler than TCP / IP is used primarily used to transfer e-mail & newsgroups. RMS Ibrahim is also the first holder of Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) what would later be known as IDNIC (http://www.idnic.net.id).
Mohammed Ihsan is a staff researcher at LAPAN Bungur Ranch not far from Bogor and in the early 1990s supported by the head of his Mom Adrianti in cooperation with DLR (German his NASA) tried to develop a computer network using packet radio technology in the band 70cm & 2m. Network is known as DLR support JASIPAKTA Germany. TCP / IP in the protocol running on top of AX.25 packet radio infrastructure. Mr. Ihsan is to operate a relay link between the ITB in Bandung with the existing Internet gateway in the BPPT.
Mr. Firman Siregar is one of the motors that operate at BPPT gateway packet radio work on 70cm band. Simple 386 PC running the program on the NOS DOS operating system used as a gateway packet radio TCP / IP. IPTEKNET still in the very early stages of development of communication channels to the internet still using X.25 Public switched data network via a network connected to the gateway at the German DLR.
Putu a name that stuck with PUSDATA development lead times DEPRIN time Mr. Tungki Ariwibowo pusdata.dprin.go.id run the BBS until now still in operation. In the early days of development Pak Putu BBS was instrumental in building an e-mail users, especially in Jakarta Mr. Putu very fortunate to have a minister Mr. Tungki the "maniac" and an impressive IT from Mr. Tungki he would answer his own e-mail. Perhaps Mr. Tungki is Indonesia's first minister to answer e-mail itself. I got fascinated get e-mail response from a minister Mr. Tungki the time it was in South America in his working visit. No kidding, a minister but still taking the time to reply to e-mail.
Mas Suryono Adisoemarta N5SNN at the end of 1992 returned to Indonesia, the opportunity is not missed by members of the ARC Amateur Radio Club ITB as Basuki Suhardiman (now in AI3 ITB), Aulia K. Arief (now in WAHID), Arman Hazairin (now in Telkomsel) supported by Adi Indrayanto (now S3 in the UK) to try to develop the gateway packet radio in the ITB. Starting with the spirit & capitalize PC 286 marks perhaps the ITB is the poorest institutions are desperate for work in PaguyubanNet network. Other colleagues such as UI, BPPT, LAPAN, PUSDATA DEPRIN is the first institution related to the network in the 1990s they have the facilities much better than ITB. In the ITB packet radio modem in the form of TNC Terminal Node Controller is an equipment loan from Muhammad Ihsan from LAPAN.
Starting from 1200bps packet radio technology on top, ITB was developed in 1995's gain 14.4Kbps leased line connection to RISTI Telkom as part of Internet access remains IPTEKNET provided free of charge to colleagues the other. September 1996 was a transitional year for the ITB, because the network connection with research ITB Asia Internet Interconnection Initiatives (AI3) to obtain bandwidth 1.5Mbps (now 2Mbps) to Japan continue coupled with a connection to Telkomnet & IIX for 2Mbps. ITB eventually become one of the most important part of the Indonesian education network calling itself the linking AI3 Indonesia 25 + education institutions in Indonesia.
This educational network is not only a monopoly ITB course, other educational networks bigger is the network of vocational dibawahi Dikmenjur (dikmenjur@egroups.com) which currently has 270 + Vocational linking across Indonesia. Currently there are 4000 CMS has a huge potential if successfully connected. Not to mention that 10,000 high school can be linked to the Internet must not lose he called in 1300 linked the PTN / PTS (Currently only ~ 200 PTS / related PTN) in Indonesia to the Internet.
In the year-1989-1990's, my friends Indonesian students abroad began to build a discussion on the Internet, one of the discussion on the Internet that Indonesia's first in indonesians@janus.berkeley.edu. Starting from the first mailing list on the Janus discussions among friends Indonesian students abroad along with alternative ideas fostered public awareness. This pattern was the mailing list continues to grow from a mailing list on the legendary Janus, eventually became so many mailing lists especially in Indonesia hosted by servers in the ITB & egroups.com. This mailing list became one of the most strategic tool in the development of the Internet community in Indonesia.
In the year of 1994 began operating Indonet led by Sanjaya. Indonet is Indonesia's first commercial ISP at that time the POSTEL not know about the business gaps Internet & still very few Internet users in Indonesia. As I recall the initial connection to the Internet is via dial-up by Indonet, a step which perhaps desperate enough. Location Indonet still in the area at the complex Rawamangun UI professor Sanjaya's father is a chance the UI faculty. As we all know that the Internet business development in Indonesia has become widespread with 60 of the ISPs that obtain licenses from the government. ISP Association (APJII) formed by Sanjaya cs Motori in 1998-an. Inter-ISP connections efficiency continues to build some Internet Exchange (IX) in Indosat, Telkom, APJII (IIX) & some other ISPs exchange each other. APJII even begin to enlarge manouver Internet market in Indonesia by SMU2000 program that evolved into Sekolah2000.
Recent developments that need to be considered is the trend toward e-commerce and internet cafes are one & the other mutual support that led to the Indonesian community in the world more solid information. Colleagues to build e-commerce community on several mailing lists such as the main warta-e-commerce@egroups.com, mastel-e-commerce@egroups.com, e-commerce@itb.ac.id & i2bc@egroups.com. While co-organizer of many gathered WARNET asosiasi-warnet@egroups.com, on May 25, 2000 was a historic day for WARNET counterparts - have been born since the existing cafe associations physically at a meeting in the office Dikmenjur. Chairman of the Association are co-Warnet Rusdiah Rudy, Treasurer and Secretary Adlinsyah colleague Abdullah Koro. WARNET in Indonesia will be provided domain war.net.id.
Thus the history of the Internet in a flash of Indonesia, we realized that we were still a long struggle. There are many things that need to continue fighting in order to move the nation toward Indonesia knowledge based society.
Mailing List Indonesia
In the year-1989-1990's, my friends Indonesian students abroad began to build a discussion on the Internet, one of the discussion on the Internet that Indonesia's first in indonesians@janus.berkeley.edu. Starting from the first mailing list on the Janus discussions among friends Indonesian students abroad along with alternative ideas fostered public awareness. This pattern was the mailing list continues to grow from a mailing list on the legendary Janus, eventually became so many mailing lists especially in Indonesia hosted by servers in the ITB & egroups.com. This mailing list became one of the most strategic tool in the development of the Internet community in Indonesia.
Internet Service Provider Indonesia
In about the year 1994 began operating Indonet led by Sanjaya. Indonet is Indonesia's first commercial ISP. At that time the POSTEL not know about the business gaps Internet & still very few Internet users in Indonesia. Initial connection to the Internet is via dial-up by Indonet, a step which perhaps desperate enough. Location Indonet still in the area of complex Rawamangun UI faculty, Sanjaya's father is a chance the UI faculty.
Early access in the early Indonet use text mode with a shell account, lynx browser and email client pine on AIX servers.
BBS started in 1995 some of Indonesia such as Clarissa provide Telnet access to foreign countries. By using the remote browser Lynx in the U.S., the Internet users in Indonesia can access the Internet (HTTP).
Recent developments that need to be considered is the trend toward e-commerce and internet cafes are one & the other mutual support that led to the Indonesian community in the world more solid information. Colleagues to build e-commerce community on several mailing lists such as the main warta-e-commerce@egroups.com, mastel-e-commerce@egroups.com, e-commerce@itb.ac.id & i2bc@egroups.com.
The fight footage IT & Internet Indonesia
Trailers and records the Internet struggle in Indonesia can be read in the Wikibook Internet History Internet History Indonesia in Indonesia.
Home Internet Users Through CIX and CompuServe
Since 1988, CIX (England) offers e-mail and Newsgroups. Later offers services HTTP and FTP access. Some Internet users use the 1200 bps modems and telephone lines are very expensive International to access the Internet. Since 1989 CompuServe (USA) also offers e-mail and newsgroup recently, HTTP / FTP. Some users CompuServe using a modem that is connected to the Infonet Gateway located in Jakarta. CompuServe access costs are still expensive, but much cheaper than CIX.
The writings of the existence of the Internet network in Indonesia can be viewed in several articles in print media such as KOMPAS titled "low-cost computer networks use radio" in late 1990 / early 1991's. Also some short articles on the magazine Mahsiswa Association of Electrical Electron ITB in 1989's. Incidentally, I was the author of some of these articles. Does not feel the time passed so quickly, without felt that it had passed us all more than 10 years ago.
Inspiration early writings come from Indonesia Internet our activities in amateur radio counterparts, especially in Amateur Radio Club (ARC) ITB in the year of 1986. Capital flight Rig Kenwood TS430 HF SSB's Harya Sudirapratama YC1HCE with the Apple II computer YC1DAV owned about a dozen young people like Harya ITB Sudirapratama YC1HCE, J. Tjandra Pramudito YB3NR (now lecturer at UNPAR), Suryono Adisoemarta N5SNN (now a lecturer in Texas, U.S.) with my YC1DAV we sit on the senior amateur radio as Robby Soebiakto YB1BG, Achmad Zaini YB1HR, Joshua YB2SV, YB0TD on 40m band. Mas Robby temperature Soebiakto YB1BG is among the radio amateurs in Indonesia especially for the radio packet data communications are then pushed to the TCP / IP, packet radio technology, TCP / IP which was adopted by fellow BPPT, LAPAN, UI, & ITB which then become the foundation PaguyubanNet in the year-1992-1994's. Mas Robby Soebiakto YB1BG was the first coordinator of AMPR IP-Net (Amateur Packet Radio Network) which is known as the Internet domain name and IP AMPR.ORG 44,132. Currently AMPR-net in Indonesia YC1DAV coordination by the author. Coordination and its activity requires one to become a member and in coordination ORARI through YBNET-L@ITB.ac.id mailing list.
In the year 1986-1987-an early development of packet radio network in Indonesia Mas Robby is also a pioneer YB1BG friends among the amateur radio network linking Indonesia amateur Bulletin Board System (BBS) is an e-mail network of store and forward linking lots " server "BBS radio amateurs around the world for e-mail can proceed smoothly. In the early 1990s the communication between the time I was in Canada to call colleagues YC1DAV/VE3 amateur radio in Indonesia is carried out through this network of radio amateurs. With the equipment PC / XT and 2 meter walkie talkies, communications between the Indonesia-Canada continues smoothly through a network of radio amateurs. Mas Robby was successfully built YB1BG amateur satellite gateway at his home in Labu through OSCAR satellites owned by radio amateurs and we do further communication faster between Indonesia and Canada. Knowledge gradually transferred through a network of radio amateurs.
RMS Ibrahim (usually called Ibam) motor behind his operation in the UI Internet, as this paper was written was in Singapore to continue S3. Ibam never be the operator that runs the gateway to the Internet from the UI that is part of the network UNINET universities in Indonesia. UUCP protocol that is simpler than TCP / IP is used primarily used to transfer e-mail & newsgroups. RMS Ibrahim is also the first holder of Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) what would later be known as IDNIC (http://www.idnic.net.id).
Mohammed Ihsan is a staff researcher at LAPAN Bungur Ranch not far from Bogor and in the early 1990s supported by the head of his Mom Adrianti in cooperation with DLR (German his NASA) tried to develop a computer network using packet radio technology in the band 70cm & 2m. Network is known as DLR support JASIPAKTA Germany. TCP / IP in the protocol running on top of AX.25 packet radio infrastructure. Mr. Ihsan is to operate a relay link between the ITB in Bandung with the existing Internet gateway in the BPPT.
Mr. Firman Siregar is one of the motors that operate at BPPT gateway packet radio work on 70cm band. Simple 386 PC running the program on the NOS DOS operating system used as a gateway packet radio TCP / IP. IPTEKNET still in the very early stages of development of communication channels to the internet still using X.25 Public switched data network via a network connected to the gateway at the German DLR.
Putu a name that stuck with PUSDATA development lead times DEPRIN time Mr. Tungki Ariwibowo pusdata.dprin.go.id run the BBS until now still in operation. In the early days of development Pak Putu BBS was instrumental in building an e-mail users, especially in Jakarta Mr. Putu very fortunate to have a minister Mr. Tungki the "maniac" and an impressive IT from Mr. Tungki he would answer his own e-mail. Perhaps Mr. Tungki is Indonesia's first minister to answer e-mail itself. I got fascinated get e-mail response from a minister Mr. Tungki the time it was in South America in his working visit. No kidding, a minister but still taking the time to reply to e-mail.
Mas Suryono Adisoemarta N5SNN at the end of 1992 returned to Indonesia, the opportunity is not missed by members of the ARC Amateur Radio Club ITB as Basuki Suhardiman (now in AI3 ITB), Aulia K. Arief (now in WAHID), Arman Hazairin (now in Telkomsel) supported by Adi Indrayanto (now S3 in the UK) to try to develop the gateway packet radio in the ITB. Starting with the spirit & capitalize PC 286 marks perhaps the ITB is the poorest institutions are desperate for work in PaguyubanNet network. Other colleagues such as UI, BPPT, LAPAN, PUSDATA DEPRIN is the first institution related to the network in the 1990s they have the facilities much better than ITB. In the ITB packet radio modem in the form of TNC Terminal Node Controller is an equipment loan from Muhammad Ihsan from LAPAN.
Starting from 1200bps packet radio technology on top, ITB was developed in 1995's gain 14.4Kbps leased line connection to RISTI Telkom as part of Internet access remains IPTEKNET provided free of charge to colleagues the other. September 1996 was a transitional year for the ITB, because the network connection with research ITB Asia Internet Interconnection Initiatives (AI3) to obtain bandwidth 1.5Mbps (now 2Mbps) to Japan continue coupled with a connection to Telkomnet & IIX for 2Mbps. ITB eventually become one of the most important part of the Indonesian education network calling itself the linking AI3 Indonesia 25 + education institutions in Indonesia.
This educational network is not only a monopoly ITB course, other educational networks bigger is the network of vocational dibawahi Dikmenjur (dikmenjur@egroups.com) which currently has 270 + Vocational linking across Indonesia. Currently there are 4000 CMS has a huge potential if successfully connected. Not to mention that 10,000 high school can be linked to the Internet must not lose he called in 1300 linked the PTN / PTS (Currently only ~ 200 PTS / related PTN) in Indonesia to the Internet.
In the year-1989-1990's, my friends Indonesian students abroad began to build a discussion on the Internet, one of the discussion on the Internet that Indonesia's first in indonesians@janus.berkeley.edu. Starting from the first mailing list on the Janus discussions among friends Indonesian students abroad along with alternative ideas fostered public awareness. This pattern was the mailing list continues to grow from a mailing list on the legendary Janus, eventually became so many mailing lists especially in Indonesia hosted by servers in the ITB & egroups.com. This mailing list became one of the most strategic tool in the development of the Internet community in Indonesia.
In the year of 1994 began operating Indonet led by Sanjaya. Indonet is Indonesia's first commercial ISP at that time the POSTEL not know about the business gaps Internet & still very few Internet users in Indonesia. As I recall the initial connection to the Internet is via dial-up by Indonet, a step which perhaps desperate enough. Location Indonet still in the area at the complex Rawamangun UI professor Sanjaya's father is a chance the UI faculty. As we all know that the Internet business development in Indonesia has become widespread with 60 of the ISPs that obtain licenses from the government. ISP Association (APJII) formed by Sanjaya cs Motori in 1998-an. Inter-ISP connections efficiency continues to build some Internet Exchange (IX) in Indosat, Telkom, APJII (IIX) & some other ISPs exchange each other. APJII even begin to enlarge manouver Internet market in Indonesia by SMU2000 program that evolved into Sekolah2000.
Recent developments that need to be considered is the trend toward e-commerce and internet cafes are one & the other mutual support that led to the Indonesian community in the world more solid information. Colleagues to build e-commerce community on several mailing lists such as the main warta-e-commerce@egroups.com, mastel-e-commerce@egroups.com, e-commerce@itb.ac.id & i2bc@egroups.com. While co-organizer of many gathered WARNET asosiasi-warnet@egroups.com, on May 25, 2000 was a historic day for WARNET counterparts - have been born since the existing cafe associations physically at a meeting in the office Dikmenjur. Chairman of the Association are co-Warnet Rusdiah Rudy, Treasurer and Secretary Adlinsyah colleague Abdullah Koro. WARNET in Indonesia will be provided domain war.net.id.
Thus the history of the Internet in a flash of Indonesia, we realized that we were still a long struggle. There are many things that need to continue fighting in order to move the nation toward Indonesia knowledge based society.
Mailing List Indonesia
In the year-1989-1990's, my friends Indonesian students abroad began to build a discussion on the Internet, one of the discussion on the Internet that Indonesia's first in indonesians@janus.berkeley.edu. Starting from the first mailing list on the Janus discussions among friends Indonesian students abroad along with alternative ideas fostered public awareness. This pattern was the mailing list continues to grow from a mailing list on the legendary Janus, eventually became so many mailing lists especially in Indonesia hosted by servers in the ITB & egroups.com. This mailing list became one of the most strategic tool in the development of the Internet community in Indonesia.
Internet Service Provider Indonesia
In about the year 1994 began operating Indonet led by Sanjaya. Indonet is Indonesia's first commercial ISP. At that time the POSTEL not know about the business gaps Internet & still very few Internet users in Indonesia. Initial connection to the Internet is via dial-up by Indonet, a step which perhaps desperate enough. Location Indonet still in the area of complex Rawamangun UI faculty, Sanjaya's father is a chance the UI faculty.
Early access in the early Indonet use text mode with a shell account, lynx browser and email client pine on AIX servers.
BBS started in 1995 some of Indonesia such as Clarissa provide Telnet access to foreign countries. By using the remote browser Lynx in the U.S., the Internet users in Indonesia can access the Internet (HTTP).
Recent developments that need to be considered is the trend toward e-commerce and internet cafes are one & the other mutual support that led to the Indonesian community in the world more solid information. Colleagues to build e-commerce community on several mailing lists such as the main warta-e-commerce@egroups.com, mastel-e-commerce@egroups.com, e-commerce@itb.ac.id & i2bc@egroups.com.
The fight footage IT & Internet Indonesia
Trailers and records the Internet struggle in Indonesia can be read in the Wikibook Internet History Internet History Indonesia in Indonesia.
Home Internet Users Through CIX and CompuServe
Since 1988, CIX (England) offers e-mail and Newsgroups. Later offers services HTTP and FTP access. Some Internet users use the 1200 bps modems and telephone lines are very expensive International to access the Internet. Since 1989 CompuServe (USA) also offers e-mail and newsgroup recently, HTTP / FTP. Some users CompuServe using a modem that is connected to the Infonet Gateway located in Jakarta. CompuServe access costs are still expensive, but much cheaper than CIX.
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