Thursday, October 15, 2009

Be careful, cold AC Fat Can Make!

Instead of dealing with hot weather is more comfortable stay in a room with air conditioning, aka AC. But be careful, a new study says the AC is considered potentially create more body fat. Oops!

These allegations submitted by the Clinical Nutrition Research Center at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. Reported by ABC, Tuesday (11/7/2006), the engine thermostat, either heating or air conditioning may be one cause of obesity is excessive obesity alias to someone.

In general, working system thermostat to adjust the heat or cool the room in accordance with the desired user. With the help of tools, the body will be in "The Thermoneutral Zone," which is a temperature range when the body no longer need to spend energy to adapt to room temperature.

If no conditioning or heating the body must work extra. To adapt to the temperature, the body expends energy reserves stored in the body, such as fat. With the help of air-conditioning and heating, the body does not need to spend extra energy and the remaining stored fat, stay safe in place.

But of course not entirely obesity caused by AC alone. Patterns of unhealthy eating, smoking, consumption of certain drugs, lack of sleep, and several other factors also support the

To avoid or overcome obesity, surely one must learn to live healthy. But, when someone tries to live healthy, the challenges facing weight problems just grew. Examples of people who quit smoking.
A person who stops smoking, usually looking for other activities as a distraction. One of the favorite activities selected for diversion is not an exercise, but eat a snack snacking alias generally high in calories.

Back about the air-conditioning, Darwin Deen, professor at the University of Medicine Albert Einstein denied the assumptions proposed by the Clinical Nutrition Research Center at the University of Alabama is. According to him, the room temperature has nothing to do with weight fluctuates.

"A lot of people can stay slim in a climate different. It seems the AC is not too much effect," said Terrill Bravender.

Excessive calories and intensity of physical activity is still a major determinant of one's weight problem. But, it could not hurt to keep healthy habits start and did not much depend on the machines that pamper the body.

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