Thursday, September 17, 2009

Take advantage of the cache for saving quotas and speed up Internet connection

Last longer idly browsing tips eh nemu this one, which created the cache saves Manfaatin quotas and speed up internet connection, in fact how
setting and the workings of the use of this cahe??. This is a way to speed up the smart internet connection.

Sebenernya cache function that we use a browser that we no longer need to load the files that we downloaded earlier (the web we've ever visited, well this way we can save a large cache, and there was also discussion of his block trojan again. his principal mantab deh.

To measure the cache storage can not be limited depending on the load of your hard drive. So to increase the cache could be to your liking.

There are several configurations that will be undertaken to do this way, his steps are as follows:

1. Click the tool on the Internet Explorer menu, click Internet options

2. On the connection tab, click LAN Settings

3. Proxy Server was given a check, fill in the address "" & set port, eg "8080"

4. Click ok

5. On the advanced tab, look at the tree HTTP 1.1 settings, check:
- Use HTTP 1.1
- Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connection

6. Click ok

For those who use the Internet through a dial-up access, how settingnya:

1. Click the tool on the Internet Explorer menu, click Internet options

2. On the connection tab, the frame Dial-UP and Private Network Settings, click Settings

3. Proxy Server was given a check, fill in the address "" & set port, eg "8080"

4. Click ok

5. On the advanced tab, look at the tree HTTP 1.1 settings, check:
- Use HTTP 1.1
- Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connection

6. Click ok

For those who use mozilla firefox is also settingannya in Tool Menu, Sub menu option, Network connection, click settings, Proxy Server was given a check, fill in the address "" & set port this tool, eg "8080" and click ok.

There is also need for further additional applications can be downloaded here

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