Thursday, September 17, 2009


Regional Conditions

Fundamental problems in the area is limited infrastructure, especially for Internet access are adequate. Instant access Telkomnet there around 240 cities, but of course this is not feasible for mass access. This product positioningnya to access personal, so its capacity is very limited.

Many cafes in the area using Instant Telkomnet service because there is no choice. Many weaknesses, among others, could not be used to access multiple computers at once, there was no public IP address used for the necessary services such as mail servers or web servers. The result thus could not develop services or in other words become business forward, stagnant.

While the required internet cafe, local government and educational institutions are usually mass access requiring a large capacity. If there are 24-hour dedicated connection in the area, generally too limited in capacity. Thus very limited and expensive needs.

Local ISP Access

Lintas Langit Nusantara services complement the needs and capacity to the reduction of Internet access costs in areas that have a dedicated connection but there is low quality and limited capacity. Especially for DVB Downstream access only the most economical investment cost. DVB service requires dedicated access to a local ISP in prospect location, as access to upstream and IIX.

So to prospective customers in the region, should be sought first to provide dedicated local access from the local ISP. The first alternative is to use a dedicated wireless service from Indosat Mega Media or Indo Internet or Frame Relay LC Lintas Arta. When all three services from ISPs are not available at the site, then the second option is Astinet LC from Telkom. Another alternative is the wireless connection Wasantara Net (WNet).

Apart from the ISP mentioned above, there is the possibility of other ISPs can provide services that will be needed by potential customers. Because the current Local ISP's quite a lot of stand alone in the area and might be able to work together. Information can be asked to complete the ISP.

If the local ISP is not able to provide wireless access, perhaps because they have not mastered, the sky Nusantara Cross can help and set up their own WLAN equipment. What is needed is access permit and placement of equipment at the location of Concerned local ISPs.

Local ISP Access Investment

Access from the local ISP requires special investment. Component is the provision of access devices. There are three options Leased Line (LC - Leased Channel), Frame Relay and Wireless LAN.

LC device

1. A pair of baseband modem (second hand) about 6 million rupiah (one time)
2. Cisco 2500 series (second hand) about 4 million dollars (one time)
3. LC Registration Telkom and installation cost 2 million rupiah (one time)
4. Internet access Astinet around 64 kbps from 5 to 9 million dollars per month
5. LC links Telkom rental of 1.5 million rupiah per month
6. Capacity up to 256 kbps
7. Total investment of 12 million rupiah.

Note: Alternative access devices is the provision of rent, rental rates vary.

Frame Relay device

1. Frame Relay modem pair (second hand) about 6 million rupiah (one time)
2. Cisco 2500 series (second hand) about 4 million dollars (one time)
3. Registration Frame Relay Lintas Arta and installation cost 2 million rupiah (one time)
4. Lintas Arta Internet access around 64 kbps from 7 to 9 million dollars per month
5. Capacity up to 2 Mbps
6. Total investment of 12 million rupiah.

Note: Alternative access devices is the provision of rent, rental rates vary.

Wireless LAN devices

1. A pair of Wireless LAN point to point around $ 900 including installation (one time)
2. Tower triangle about 32 feet or 7 million dollars per meter of 200 thousand rupiah (one time)
3. Accommodation and transportation tower about 1 to 2 million rupiah (Java)
4. Rent location at Local ISPs, tariffs vary
5. Capacity up to 1 Mbps
6. Total investment 18 million dollars.

Note: Especially for Wireless LAN local loop access devices (point to point) Indosat Mega Media is the rent, rates from 2 to 4 million per link per month.

Dedicated Internet access from the local ISP will then be combined with access to services DVB One Way (Downstream Only) from Cross Sky archipelago to accelerate and improve the international Internet channels. Access the Internet from a local ISP (Astinet or WNet) will be used as a channel request (upstream) and the IIX (Indonesia Internet Exchange).

Thus, there will be access for efisieni separate the point where international and local where IIX. So that maximization will occur on both sides.

Alternative DVB One Way Service (Downstream Only)
(Combination With Internet Access from ISP Local)

DVB downstream connections objective is to maximize the capacity and quality of access to both sides of the link, ie to the local isp (IIX and international requests) and downstream from the international. In the condition using only the prospect of a link local isp, eg 128 kbps, the channel capacity that will be used primarily to:

1. upstream to the IIX
2. downstream of the IIX
3. upstream to the international
4. downstream from the international

With a combination of DVB downstream, there will be efficiencies to link primarily to local isp IIX:

1. upstream to the IIX
2. downstream of the IIX
3. upstream to the international

Downstream from the international efficiency will fully use the link from the DVB access. General characteristics of Internet usage in most of Indonesia is to download data from the international channel. The need for capacity reaches 4 times the access to the IIX (domestic, local Indonesia).

Capacity upstream / international requests through a link local isp needs are not too large, about 1 / 8 capacity downstream. So if the international downstream by 256 kbps DVB capacity will require a capacity of about 32 kbps upstream on the link local isp. It would be better if the ratio is increased up to 1 / 4 capacity.

With the transfer of international access to the DVB, the local ISP will be maximized link to access IIX including online games that are currently rampant. In other words, access to online games to be more freely IIX international temporary access is not disrupted.

Access devices DVB One Way (Downstream Only)

1. Parabolic antenna mesh (net laba2) regular size 12 feet, cost about 2.5 million rupiah (one time)
2. Low Noise Blocker (LNB) 15 Kelvin, approximately the price of local brands from 250 to 300 thousand dollars (one time)
3. Services installation and alignment (pointing) to Agila-2 satellite from the local technicians Parabola Store
4. Refurbish PC (DVB router) for about 2 million rupiah (one time)
5. DVB PCI Card for about $ 250 (one time)
6. Capacity up to 3 Mbps
7. The total investment of 7 million dollars.

Domestic Distribution

Infrastructure that is used for domestic distribution of the NOC to the location of ISP customers using WLAN technology. Coverage area can reach a radius of 4 to 6 km with a 24 dbi Omnidirectional Antenna, Access Point and a minimum of 32 m tower at the point of the NOC. Domestic distribution of investment:

1. 1 Access Point ($ 750 - one time), serving 16 to 32 outstation, depending on the allocation of capacity
2. 1 Omnidirectional Antenna 15 dbi ($ 350 - one time), with lightning Arrester
3. Tower triangle about 32 feet or 7 million dollars per meter of 200 thousand rupiah (one time)
4. Accommodation and transportation tower about 1 to 2 million rupiah (Java)
5. Variable costs include an Ethernet cable (UTP), power cable (electrical) and the radio box
6. WLAN 802.11b maximum throughput of 1 Mbps for outdoor applications
7. The total investment of 20 million rupiah.

Meanwhile, the investment cost CPE (Client Premise Equipment) for each point outstation location Ranged from $ 400 - $ 500. Not including the cost of installing a variable depending on conditions including an ethernet cable (UTP), power cable (electrical) and the monkey cage box and tower for the radio or pipes.

Investment Office and the Network Operation Center (NOC)
(Assumption Building / Office Owned Self)

1. 5 PC Server (Web, DNS, Router, Mail, Proxy), about 20 million rupiah
2. 2 KVM Switch, UPS for Server 5, 1 UPS for wireless 5 million rupiah
3. 1 Manageable Switch 16 or 24 ports, Refurbish, about 5 million dollars
4. 1 Office Switch 16 ports and 1 Workshop Switch 5 port, about 4 million dollars
5. Stabilizer, electrical grounding, surge protector, about 5 million dollars
6. Office Desktop PC 5 and PC Workshop 2, approximately 21 million dollars
7. Network, WLAN and Working Tool Kit, about 5 million dollars
8. 2 AC and Office Furniture, about 10 million rupiah
9. Total Investment 75 million rupiah.

Note: Assumptions used Operating Systems and Software / Open Source Utility.

Production Cost and Price of Service
(Simplified Calculation Assumptions Maximum)


1. Assumption 128 kbps upstream capacity to the local ISP, around 12 million rupiah per month
2. Assumption DVB capacity 512 kbps downstream, around 1270 U.S. dollars (12 million rupiah) per month
3. Registration fee and deposit to 512 kbps downstream, about $ 900 (one time)
4. Total access cost around 24 million rupiah per month.


1. Manager, about 2 million dollars per month
2. Administration, about 1 million rupiah per month
3. Network Administrator, about 1 million rupiah per month
4. Field Technician 2 people, around 1.5 million rupiah per month
5. Marketing 1 person, about 1 million rupiah per month
6. Electricity, stationery, telephone, etc.., About 1.5 million rupiah per month
7. Total operating 8 million per month.

So the total cost of production of an ISP in the region is around 32 million rupiah per month with an installed capacity of 512 kbps 128 kbps upstream and downstream.

Projected Revenue

Capacity 512 kbps 128 kbps upstream and downstream can be used to access the shared workstation pc 128 units with a high standard of normal dial-up equivalent of about 4 kbps. When used for cafes, such access can be Subdivided into 8 cafe @ 64 or 16 pc kbps/16 cafe @ 32 kbps / 8 pc.

ISPs generally provide tariff of 3 million dollars per month for 32 kbps and the capacity of 5 million rupiah per month for 64 kbps capacity. The projected revenue is $ 8 cafe x 5 million rupiah = 40 million rupiah per month or 16 cafe x 3 million rupiah = 48 million rupiah per month. So gross profit (gross) before taxes and return on investment will reach 8 to 16 million rupiah per month.

Personal and RT / RW Net

By Maximizing the ability of management traffic, an ISP in the region can access based on the ratio of idle capacity allocation dedicated customers (cafes, schools, companies etc) to then be allocated to access personal and RT / RW Net. Characteristics of home Internet users is intermittent - on demand, not at the same time and not continuously. This can be done so that the sharing ratio, combined with the existing idle capacity.

Idle capacity to access such capacity is assumed above can reach 16 to 32 kbps usptream and 64 to 128 kbps downstream. This capacity can be allocated between 8 and 16 customers personal RT / RW Net. Both are served using an ethernet cable around the location of the BTS or the NOC and ISP access via WLAN Outdoor short-range. For example for the distance of 500 m to 1 km can use the antenna milk cans. Thus the cost of CPE can be reduced to about $ 200 alone.

ISPs generally provide tariff of 300 thousand dollars per month for personal access to a dedicated RT / RW Net. So that a projection of potential revenues of 8 x 300 thousand rupiah = 2.4 million rupiah, or 16 x 300 thousand rupiah = 4.8 million dollars in addition. With the price of 300 thousand dollars, a dedicated personal access subscribers RT / RW Net access will get better capacity than dial-up (4 to 8 kbps) the flat 24 / 7. Nonetheless, prospect profiles that would be interested in this personal access are those who are used to using dial-up access over 30 hours per month with a capacity or purchasing power is high enough for investment CPE devices.

Potential market segments which are similar to a personal dedicated Corporate SOHO (Small Office Home Office) which requires Internet access fixed costs / flats to support the office operations.

Characteristics of SOHO users is access maximum (peak) during working hours (work hours), this in contrast to personal home users who do maximum access after business hours or after hours. In terms of potential sharing ratios, then the SOHO and personal user home can be combined, allowing the addition of revenue for ISPs in the region.

Projected Capital Returns / BEP
(Assumption Before Tax and Services ISP Setup)

Investment Details:

1. LC / Frame Relay / WLAN access upstream to the local ISP, a maximum of 20 million rupiah
2. One Way DVB devices, including installation, a maximum of 7 million dollars
3. Domestic distribution device, a maximum of 20 million rupiah (including tower)
4. Office and NOC, a maximum of 74 million rupiah
5. Registration and deposits, up to 9 million dollars
6. Total investment, a maximum of 130 million rupiah.

With the assumption of gross income (gross) amount could reach about 8 to 16 million rupiah per month with the addition of the personal market segment to about 5 million dollars. So per month will earn a maximum of about 20 million rupiah. Theoretically, investing 130 million dollars divided by revenue potential of 20 million rupiah per month will result in the return on investment within a period of 7 months out of grace period, etc. ..

ISP Education

If penyelanggara ISP in this area for the purposes of education / school / college. Assuming access providers do not take advantage, then each school will cover Internet access fees for 24 million rupiah / 16 schools = 1.5 million rupiah per month.

Access can be applied to 16 schools as well. Assuming that does not use excessive access, then each school can increase the amount of the standard 8 computer units or 10 pc to 12 pc. Of course there is the sacrifice of quality, but not significant. However, arrangements must be made through a proxy (cache engine) and traffic limiter (QoS) on the side of the organizer (Network Operation Center) ISP Education.

To assist the operation and maintenance costs, in addition to getting a subsidy from the budget by the institution, this network can be combined with commercial services. Existing capacity is also being distributed to serve cafe / SOHO / RT / RW Net around the location.

Reality is very difficult to calculate a sustainable economy if an ISP operation of market-based education course. Can not be avoided if the ISP's education also must have a commercial orientation for their own survival. The results obtained can be used as development capital, because ISPs are generally difficult to obtain education reinvestment commitment.

By reducing the gross and operating profit up 32 million rupiah per month, required about 50% capacity to the composition of the location of commercial services. With the ratio of quantity-oriented, standards can be met by the desired educational market price of 1.5 million. This figure is the maximum, in the sense that can not be even lower and the maximum number of institutions that can be served is 8. 16 to 32 institutions with the addition of BTS investment.

ISP License (Call Yahoo Messenger)

DVB RCS Access

If not available access to a dedicated upstream from the local ISP, then the only solution is a Two Way VSAT access. Of course, investment costs are still quite expensive. The most economical solution is LinkStar DVB RCS. Investment VSAT Equipmentnya lowest, $ 7000. Monthly cost 512 kbps 128 kbps upstream and down is $ 1920. Still equivalent to the first calculation above (DVB Downstream Only).

However, it should be a record, access DVB RCS is burstable or sharing capacity with other DVB RCS users. Ideally calculations so reliable capacity is about 1 / 2 of the 128/512 during peak (full). However, LinkStar DVB RCS remains the most rational choice for areas with no available infrastructure dedicated upstream access at all.

SCPC Two Way

This solution is the most expensive and the best, because it is for the enterprise. There are 2 options combined SCPC upstream and downstream DVB:

1. DVB SCPC upstream and downstream, the price of about $ 20,000 of equipment
2. 128 kbps SCPC $ 525 monthly upstream and downstream, 512 kbps DVB $ 1270
3. Combination lowest price with best quality of SCPC and DVB systems

The second option is to access Full Duplex SCPC, upstream and downstream:

1. SCPC two-way, the price of about $ 30,000 of equipment
2. 128 kbps monthly costs $ 525 SCPC upstream and downstream, 512 kbps SCPC $ 1870
3. Best VSAT solutions in terms of quality and support capacities up to 8 Mbps symmetric

SCPC systems are usually chosen because he was completely dedicated. Each nodes / points will occupy a different frequency slot in the satellite so that it is capable of interference noise.

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