Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Internet for good deeds

  • Is it true that the internet has a bad image ...............?


Not wrong if people rate the Internet as a medium for spreading evil, or as an instrument of evil, indeed as the internet's development in Indonesia. Internet use by some people for things that are less good or even a very despicable thing, such a picture that contains pornographic, stolen credit cards to others, or as a medium for blasphemy each one-another.
But not that we judge sedangkal internet, good and bad news is that depending on our own, there are many good things that we can take from the internet such as our religious charitable fields, here are tips on doing a good deed to the internet:

  • Disseminate knowledge, with internet access that we have not ruled us to spread our knowledge to many people with the internet media, and of course a positive science which has to build value, and areas of expertise that we have.
  • Answering a question, with email facilities we have, we can answer questions from many people who want to know about our expertise.

The two examples above is the easiest thing did good with the internet, although there are many other things, much the way that we can do for charitable with the Internet, but most are in education, the most important is the large and small rewards that we can very depending on the our intentions.

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