Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Calculating knowledgeable in ArcView

To determine the broad ArcView polygon in many ways that can be used. One of them with the additional extension to ArcView called AV Tools (made by Nicolas Adi Wibowo,S.kom, rosenetworksemarang@gmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it). Here's how the process.

1. Change the view to the projected width is calculated. View -> Properties -> change the map units to meters and distance units to meters projection and click -> click default radio button -> enter the UTM-1983 in the category and you enter the zone datum (for example kalimantan timur 50) -> click custom ago select Transver mercator projection and WGS 2984 to spheroid -> click ok.
2. Activate the extension AV Tools. File -> Extension -> check AV Tools and click ok.
3. Select a theme that will be calculated width.
4. Click the Tools button AV, and pillih Calculate Area / Perimeter / length
5. A confirmation window will display and update the area perimeter, click ok.
6. Open the table of the theme. Then click Table -> Start editing
7. Add a new field. Edit -> Add Field. Give the name as you wish (eg width) select the string in the Type column. Specify how many digits behind the comma desimkal then click ok.
8. Click on the field have been made before, and then click calculate. Select Area on the left side of the table for the 10,000 ago (eg [Area] / 10000) click ok.

Welcome to try, the following articles I will write the other way to calculate the knowledgeable.

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