Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is the VB (Visual Basic)?

As well as PHP, Visual Basic is a programming language that is easily learned, and this tutorial will deliver you to enter the world with VB enjoy.

With Visual Basic, you can ngembangin application and game-based Windows game. Visual Basic is easier learned than other programming languages (such as Visual C + +) but still is a programming language that is very powerful.

Interested? Read this tutorial aja more.

Visual Basic is suitable for application development than the development of the game. Aja, you can create a stunning game using Visual basic, but if you want to create a more professional games such as Quake 2 powerful, then you may well choose to use another language (like C + +), which of course would be far more difficult to use.

However, Visual Basic actually is very adequate to meet the needs of almost all programming applications dangame you want.

Benefits of Visual Basic:

- Language is simple. Many things may be difficult jikak we use other programming languages, can be done easily by using Visual Basic.

- Because Visual Basic is so popular, then there are so many resources that you can use to learn and develop the ability both to you as a book, web site etc. With so many resources, then of course you will be very easy to find answers to problems that you face right?

- You can get a lot of tools either free or on the Internet that will help you save time in programming. For example, if you want to create a program to ping one computer in your network, instead of making ping program itself, you can control a donlot do this and you menempelkannya in the program. If compared with other languages, Visual Basic has a variety of tools most widely lho.

The lack of Visual Basic:

- Visual Basic programming language that is powerful, but actually not too good for the game-making game that is completely satisfactory.

- More slower than other programming languages.

Next: What is the first Visual Basic program for you.

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