Friday, July 31, 2009

What is Proxy?

Proxy server is a program that receives a request (request) from a client, such as a web browser or ftp client, and then forward the request to the server that dituju. One program that is quite powerful in dealing with the problem of limited access speed and data security that is used to handle the Internet needs is Squid. For a network administrator, is a major task to set the cross-Lau in a data network both in and out of the network. Squid is the best option to build a proxy server because of the powerful and free support ICP.
Through a proxy server, as if the client merasaberinteraksi directly to the internet server that dituju.Kenyataannya, before the data or the query submitted to the goal, the data is directed first to the proxy, the proxy server will then forward to the server that dituju, namely the Internet.
Below is a comparison between a client and does not use a proxy using the proxy:

1.Without using Proxy
Web browser / FTP Client ->> Internet Server

2.use Proxy
Web browser / FTP Client ->> Proxy Server-> Internet Server

Advantages of Operating System using proxy data is requested from the client will be directed to the proxy server and then proceed to internet.Pada when the data come from the server, the data will be driven by the Internet server to the proxy server and proxy server forward the data to the page you request client .

Besides providing data to clients, proxy servers also store a copy of the data in the webcache as hardisk.Apabila I have another user of a data request, the proxy server will retrieve the data from hardisknya without having to connect to the server to provide data internetyg page. If the request done by the same user many times will affect the internet access speed significantly.

Proxy Server Installation
proxy setup:
1.take in squid ftp source (gateway) or download in
2.ekstrak source
3.compilation and setup
4.start proxy

1.Download Source in
eg, here we will use the squid-2.6.stable-13.tar.gz

2.untuk unpack the source then use the command:
tar-zxvf squid-2.6.stable-13.tar.gz

3.langkah next is to create a group eg groupnya we give the name of squid
# groupadd squid

after that we create a user with the name of squid
# useradd-g squid-d / home / squid squid

Create direktory with the name of the squid will be placed on direktory usr / local
# mkdir / usr / local / squid
# mkdir / home / squid
change ownership of directory:
-r # chown squid: squid / home / squid
# cd squid-2.6.stable13
#. / configure - prefix = / usr / local / squid
# make
# make install
# chown-R squid: squid / usr / local / squid
replace the password with the squid:
# passwd squid

4. LOGIN user with squid
# / usr / local / squid / sbin / squid-Z
# / usr / local / squid / sbin / squid-dfy

1 comment:

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    efforts and I will be waiting for your next post thanks
    once again.


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