Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What is ebay??

Ebay.com is the central buying and selling-auction goods or services the largest online world, people around the world can buy or sell on ebay, ebay because many users of 200 million in June 2006 (the same as the population of the world's fifth largest after indonesia 220 million people) you can find almost any goods or services on ebay such as:

- stuff unique (Antiques)
- Works of art (Art)
- Perlengkapan baby (Baby)
- Books (Books)
- Business and Indrustri (Business & Industrial)
- Camera and Pohto (Cameras & Photo)
- Car, boat, vehicle and spare part (Cars, Boats, Vehicles & Parts)
- Handphone and PDA (Cell Phones & PDAs)
- Clothing, shoes and accessories (Clothing, Shoes & Accessories)
- Coins and paper money (Coins & Paper Money)
- Collection (Collectibles)
- Computers and networks (Computers & Networking)
- Consumer Electronics (Consumer Electronics)
- A small ship (Crafts)
- Puppet (Dolls & Bears)
- DVD and Movies (DVDs & Movies)
- Kenangan entertainment (Entertainment Memorabilia)
- Gift (Gift Certificates)
- Health and beauty (Health & Beauty)
- Home and garden (Home & Garden)
- Jewelry and watches (Jewelry & Watches)
- Music (Music)
- Hearing the music (Musical Instruments)
- Barang china and glass (Pottery & Glass)
- Housing (Real Estate)
- A special service area (Specialty Services)
- Barang sports (Sporting Goods)
- Kenangan sports, sports card store, fans (Sports Mem, Cards & Fan Shop)
- Stamp (Stamps)
- Tickets (Tickets)
- Toys and hobby (Toys & Hobbies)
- Travel (Travel)
- Video Games
- What (Everything Else)

Main way of payment on ebay is with Paypal, because it is safe for buyers and sellers, is suitable for auction payments and IM, the address that Paypal users deal is verified by Paypal so the possibility of fraud decrease. However there are also sellers who accept payment ways like egold, moneybooker, stormpay, western union, check, bank transfer etc.

Ebay history

eBay was founded in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar as AuctionWeb, part of the site including a personal, writing Omidyar donated to the Ebola virus. Initially this site is owned by Echo Bay Technology Group, Omidyar consulting firm. Omidyar had tried to register a domain name EchoBay.com but the name was owned by another person, so he cut short name to eBay.com. eBay bermarkas in San Jose, California, Meg Whitman has become president and CEO of eBay since its March 1998

Ebay to be the biggest because it is successful using the momentum as the first user to get as much as possible. Originally done by offering the service for free. After a lot of users start, then started to pull eBay paid for the listing fee.

At that time, several competitors began to appear, and some even offer free listing fees. Fortunately for eBay, then the number of users to its web site has reached the number of lots.

Even when a giant Yahoo! a Yahoo! Auctions listing fee and offers free of charge as well, eBay is not affected. Some eBay users that had tempted bid Yahoo! and switch to it eventually
lap back to eBay because the buyers can not find that many sellers, and sellers who can not find many buyers.

Here we can see how valuable the network effect. Values of eBay already tumefy network such that even though the eBay
listing fee is also, not many are thinking to move to another heart.

Through this network effect, eBay successfully created a large value (exponentially when compared with the number of users), and it is able to get the most value from it.

Interestingly, Yahoo! learn from the successful experience to reverse the situation when entering Japan. Yahoo! precede entry to Japan and eBay is that the only market where eBay less competitive and eventually decided out of eBay Japan.

The importance of network effect in the industry makes this online Auction eBay and Yahoo! precede each other trying to enter the market even though other regional originally they had to ruin it first.

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