Saturday, July 4, 2009

How to eradicate Sality Virus (exe)

If the folders on the computer you have any extension. Exe,. Com. . scr likely your computer has a virus sality fell ill. To eradicate the virus sality is not easy, besides mendupilkasi folder, sality virus also attacks the files with the extension. Exe.

This course will be very possible because the performance of computer applications that are installed will not work normally. Unfortunately the master and all the applications that have in the drive can not be executed, including antivirus. While you will be doing the scanning online via the internet, all the free online antivirus scanning is also not accessible. So how do I remove / eradicate the virus sality of making this?

Sality virus will spread quickly through a network share by using the default Windows folder or share that has full access to the way that have menginfeksi file extension exe / com / scr.

To that end, company security Vaksincom suggest that computer users to turn off the Default Share (C $, D $ ff ..) and avoid full folder sharing on your network.

Here's how short W32/Sality.AE clean the virus from Vaksincom cited:
1. Disconnect the computer that will be cleared from the network and the Internet.

2. Turn off System Restore during the cleaning process takes place.

3. Turn off the Autorun and Default Share. Please download the file and run the following ways: right-click install repair.inf ago.

4. Turn off the active application program in memory so that the cleaning process faster, especially programs that are in the startup list.

5. We suggest using the removal scan tools with the first extension of the removal tools with an extension other [for example: CMD] that does not diinfeksi back by W32/Sality.AE.

6. So that the computer that is infected can W32/Sality.AE podići safe mode, please restore the registry has been modified by the virus.

Please download the following files and then run on the OS that is infected W32/Sality.AE.


7. Fix registry lain yang diubah oleh virus, silahkan download tools berikut kemudian jalankan file tersebut dengan cara: klik kanan repair.inf lalu install

8. Restart the computer and re-scan using the removal tools to ensure your computer has been clean from viruses.

9. For optimal cleaning and prevent re-infection should install and scan with the antivirus that can detect Sality well.

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