Friday, July 31, 2009

Comparison and differences between Windows and Linux telusuri

There are many similarities and there are many differences between Linux and Windows. This article discusses the differences between Windows and Linux, each course has a value of plus minus, than please yourself.

User Interface
In Windows, you do not have many choices the user interface. For instance, in Windows 95/98 you only recognize the default user interface of Windows 95/98. You lucky little more if using Windows XP, because you can move from the property of the Windows XP interface to Windows 98 is more lightweight.

In Linux, you can find many kinds of user interface. And usually the user interface options you can adjust the specification of the computer or your work environment. For instance, on a slow computer you can use a lightweight user interface, such as Xfce or Fluxbox.

Or if you like the style of the Mac, you can choose GNOME desktop model or use a utility Docker. And if you're used to in Windows and have a fast enough computer, you can choose the KDE desktop.

With KDE, you can still choose to use the style of Windows XP or Windows Vista. Options and variations are very much in Linux, you can adjust according to your favorites.

Security and virus
One of the main problems in Windows that you find most often is a virus and spyware. From year to year, this problem is not the decline but even more swell. This all happened because a lot of security holes in Windows that can be exploited by those who are not responsible.

Because too many security problems in Windows, not surprisingly, if not then it appears to ridicule the name Windows Vista, which lengthen a Virus, Spyware, Trojan and Adware.

Linux derived from the Unix operating system that has a stronger level of security. That's why there are not many viruses on Linux and if there can not proliferate rapidly and are usually not able to bring a great damage.

Although not sepenting in Windows, you can still find the program anti-virus program in Linux, such as ClamAV and F-Prot. PCLinux has provided the ClamAV anti-virus can be found on the Start menu> Applications> FileTools> KlamAV.

Spyware is a problem that is quite common in the Windows world. Usually the spyware program, collect and send your data to a server. For a more positive things, this program is usually used for marketing purposes.
Unfortunately, there is also a bad aim is to steal identities, credit cards, and other negative actions.

Not many spyware programs that menginfeksi Linux Linux work considering how the more difficult to be penetrated. PCLinux has been providing pre-installed firewall to protect your system and can be activated through the PCLinux Control Panel.

Installation and Kelengkapan Program
Windows is the operating system, that is why Windows does not provide a lot after the program installed. Even if you may have will only find the Internet Explorer, Media Player, Notepad, and several other small programs.

This is very different with Linux. Although also a Linux operating system, but Linux is distributed with many programs in it (the term is known distribution - the distribution of the word - Linux). Once installed, you will find many programs of almost all program categories. Only a category Office Suite, Multimedia (Sound, Video, Graphics), Internet (Browsers, Email, Chat, Downloader, Messenger, Torrent, News), 3D, Games, Utility, etc..

With the installation of almost the same, you get not only an operating system but also all the programs needed for daily activities in Linux.

System Configuration
Windows recognized the ease in pemakaiannya, because almost all things can be done with a point n 'click that is based graphics,

In Linux, you may often hear the need to learn the commands manually on the command line. Some of the news is true, but the later development of Linux already has a very rapid, so that almost all the things you can do as easily as in Windows.

With PCLINUX Control Center, the system configuration you can do is point n click. PCLINUX have the hardware detection is good, so almost all run automatically. And almost all of the program in PCLINUX comes with a configuration that is ready for use. For example, the Internet browser has been accompanied by a number of plug-ins. No need to download and install the flash plug-ins or the other.

Hardware Support
In Windows, you usually never hear hardwre problem, because almost all the hardware that is already included drivernya. Unlike with Linux in which you may often hear a hardware does not work in Linux. This is because the hardware does not provide Linux driver version. Fortunately, recent enough that many vendors already provide Linux driver support. And the introduction of Linux hardware will increase the longer the start, so rarely heard in the Linux hardware problems.

Handling the Crash
Linux is generally seen as a stable operating system. And if you compare Linux with Windows 95/98/ME, Linux is much more stable. For Windows XP - if you follow the instructions with the system well - will also be stable enough.

And just as with Windows, a time you will also find a problem in Linux. Although rare, but the program crashes or hangs can occur. This is a fact of life in the computer world.

However, there are some differences in Windows and Linux. Unix and Linux have a multi-user nature. Linux applications are run with different Windows. When an application is locked, you can off easily. Simply press the key combination Ctrl + ESC, and you can select the application (or process) which are problematic.

And if the graphics system is locked, you can switch to the command-prompt (by pressing Ctrl + Alt + F1) and kill the process the software manually. You also have the option to restart desktop just by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Backspace. This means you do not have to even reboot a Linux system are experiencing.

Partition Harddisk
Linux is not naming the drive C: for a partition. All drives are in a large storage system. Folder / mnt is the place for you to access all media on the computer, either another partition, CD-ROM, Floppy, or Flashdisk.

Later KDE has made access to the media to provide the system with the Storage Media, which is accessible through My Computer or the file manager Konqueror.

File Naming
Linux uses "/" to separate folders and not "used DOS / Windows. Linux is case-sensitive, this means that the file "Hello.txt" different from the file "hello.txt". Linux also does not consider the file extension too. If you change the file name "Hello.txt" to "Hello", Linux is still to know that this file is a text. And when you click on the file "Hello", Linux will automatically open a text editor program.

Convenience and Security
You may already know, that as a regular user (not Root) You can not write any file in the folder. User only has write access in their home folder. As a regular user, you will not be able to change an important part of the Linux system. This indeed seems too restrictive and making, but it is far more secure, because only certain people who have access to the Root may only touch the system. Even viruspun can not easily touch the Linux system. That's why you do not hear a lot of virus in Linux.

This is far different with Windows which is very vulnerable to the virus. This occurs because the Windows user also has the right as well as administrators. Most Windows users do not know this, so that their system is very vulnerable to virus attacks. Windows Vista now has adopted the Linux system is security.

In Windows, you may often encounter problems decrease the speed of Windows. One of the causes are usually the files on the hard disk that are not arranged neatly again. that is why you are advised to use the defrag program.

In Linux you will not find a program for men-disk defrag. You do not need to defragment the hard drive Linux! Linux file system that handles all this automatically. However, if your hard disk already filled to 99% you will get the speed. Make sure you have enough space to handle the Linux system and you will never have problems deframentasi.

File system
Windows have two system files. FAT (from DOS and Windows 9x) and NTFS (from Windows NT/2000/XP). You can even read and save files in the FAT and NTFS system owned Windows. This does not apply otherwise, Windows will not be able to read or save the file on a Linux system.

Like Windows, Linux has some kind of file system, including ReiserFS or ext3. This system in some more good things from FAT or NTFS Windows as the property of a technique called journaling. Save this journal entry on the file system. When a Linux system crash, the journal will be completed after the reboot, and all the files on the hard drive will keep running smoothly.

3D Desktop
The technology appears to akan are presented in the latest operating system is a 3D Desktop. Windows mengawalinya in Windows Vista provide the Flip 3D feature. not long after Linux 3D Desktop feature provides a more complete, such as Flip 3D, 3D Cube, 3D Ring, etc..

In Vista, the 3D feature is less popular because it requires a high specification machine. Unlike the remote that is capable of running Linux 3D Desktop feature on the computer with the specification that is very low. Linux is well known from the beginning on the server, is now showing at the kebolehannya surpass desktop with Windows in the case of the 3D Desktop.

Partition Harddisk
Linux is not naming the drive C: for a partition. All drives are in a large storage system. Folder / mnt is the place for you to access all media on the computer, either another partition, CD-ROM, Floppy, or Flashdisk.

Later memperudah KDE has access to the media to provide the system with the Storage Media, which is accessible through My Computer or the file manager Konqueror.

File Naming
Linux uses "/" to separate folders and not "\" used DOS / Windows. Linux is case-sensitive, this means that the file "Hello.txt" different from the file "hello.txt". Linux also does not consider the file extension too. If you change the file name "Hello.txt" to "Hello", Linux is still to know that this file is a text. And when you click on the file "Hello", Linux will automatically open a text editor program.

Convenience and Security
You may already know, that as a regular user (not Root) You can not write any file in the folder. User only has write access in their home folder. As a regular user, you will not be able to change an important part of the Linux system. This indeed seems too restrictive and making, but it is far more secure, because only certain people who have access to the Root may only touch the system. Even viruspun can not easily touch the Linux system. That's why you do not hear a lot of virus in Linux.

That is why in Linux, you are advised not to use Root user for day-to-day. Make at least 1 computer for each user and only use the Root for the administration of the system.

This is far different with Windows which is very vulnerable to the virus. This occurs because the Windows user also has the right as well as administrators. Most Windows users do not know this, so that their system is very vulnerable to virus attacks. Windows Vista now has adopted the Linux system is security.

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