Building on RT / RW Net is a concept where multiple computers in a housing or block can be interconnected and can share data and information. The concept of the RT / RW Net is empowering pemakain internet where internet facility is available 24 hours a day for a month where the cost akan akan issued because all the cheap cost of infrastructure development, and operational costs will be subscribed by the joint.
The concept of RT-RW Net-practically the same as the concept Warnet, cafe owners will buy or rent a phone or internet bandwidth from the provider / ISP (Internet Service Provider) eg Telkom, Indosat, or Indonet, and sold back to customers who come to rent a computer for internet play whether to open the Email, message, Browsing, etc. Main Game. Whether RT / RW Net is Cheap? Jawabanya is yes. Let's take the example with the rent on the computer with Warnet Rp.3.500 / hour. Assume we rented for 4 hours per day then the costs will be issued for a month is Rp. 420000. Compare with the RT / RW net with this assumption we subscribe to the amount of bandwidth Speedy 384Kb price of Rp. 750,000 per month. So if the number of people who join misalkan 10 people a month so residents will only pay approximately 75,000. Costs include very low because customers will be free to use the internet for 24 hours a day for a full.
The RT / RW-Net
RT / RW-Net is a network computer self-help communities in the scope of RT / RW media via cable or Wireless Hotspot 2.4 GHz and as a means of communication that people are free from laws and government bureaucracy. Utilization of RT / RW Net can be developed as an online forum for effective communication for people to exchange information, express opinions, conduct polls or election chairman RT / RW and others that are free without limit of time and distance through the media e-Mail/Chatting / Web portal, in addition to the internet connection which is the main facility. In fact, the facility can be developed to become a media free phone with the VoIP technology
Objectives build RT / RW-Net
- Participate in the development of cheap internet in the community.
- Develop a community aware of the presence of information technology and the internet.
- Sharing information dilingkungan RT / RW so that more people care about the environment around.
- Promote any community activities RT / RW to the Internet so that the community can be more in the know and can be used as a means to do business Internet.
Purposes of RT / RW Net is creating a kind of Intranet that contains various information about the activities in the surrounding environment. With tersambungnya homes to the Internet network is ongoing and is not interrupted, the internet business will be expected to flare the internet including a payment for telephone bills, electricity, bank balance checking, booking plane tickets etc..

For the RT / RW Net, there are 2 charge will be issued the initial investment cost and cost of monthly fees. Initial investment cost is the cost that is only issued once the costs for infrastructure development. While the cost of monthly fees and service charges are costs that will be issued each month to pay for the internet where besaranya akan large depending on the bandwidth or channel capacity that will be rented. The cost for this monthly fee also depends on the number of customers who joined. For Internet connection direncakan akan use services that Telkom Speedy albeit sometimes a bit slow for the day - a day.
Including the initial investment cost is the cost for making Netwotk (jaraingan) between the RT / RW and the cost of providing equipment to users / citizens who want to join. Including the costs that will be issued by the prospective customer for the purchase of equipment is the Computer / Notebook, Wireless Card and Antenna Receiver
To start the project RT / RW Net should have a place that will serve as the Central (the server) RT / RW-Net which is a place to manage the system or network server akan diletakanya modem device, Billing Server, Access Point and Switch, and also as a place to distribute internet connection overlooks customers / members of each house.
To distribute the internet connection overlooks the customer there are two ways that umunya adopted the system by using the cable (UTP) system and Wireless (Radio Waves). With a variety of considerations including the location of the home customers who spread the cable system will not be efficient if the cable must attract customers kesetiap / home because distance and contours of the land is not flat. With the efficiency and effectiveness considerations including ease of maintenance and we proposed to use the system when akan distribute Wireless internet connection kesetiap home network system including the establishment of a computer or Local Area Network (LAN).
Equipment needed (Customer Candidate)
Every citizen who wants to join in the RT / RW net is the equipment required is:
- Desktop PC / Notebook
- Wireless Card (for computer / Internet that have not yet Cards Wireless / WiFi)
- Yagi antenna or pan Bolik
All costs for the cost of equipment is needed by the citizens if you want to join the RT / RW. Type of PC that is suitable for residents, the type of wirless card and a good quality and the type of antenna the recipient will be installed in every home.
Cost estimates of the RT / RW-Net (Hardware & Tower / Antenna)
Place the server will be built into a tower / antenna with a height of about 25 meters so it can reach all households in the block, including a house on the block D. From this tower will be installed an antenna and the Access Point so that the radio frequency signal or can be captured by all customers.

cost that will be shared by residents who want to join the RT / RW Net. The more people that join the cheaper the cost will be issued for this development
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