Monday, June 22, 2009

Withdraw $ 166 on paypal march-april 2008 at Bank BNI Indonesian

Good morning all, Monday is certainly more on the more busy I ... This time I try to create a posting on Withdraw paypal soalnya moment its more appropriate because some of my friends are trying to Withdraw perdananya. I am sure many here have a paypal to Withdraw banknya each. If I can actually told during the March-April I Withdraw paypal total of $ 166. Withdraw the process requires that I must try, try because there is no story of my friends was about to Withdraw paypal. Perhaps I have to lose $ 50 for the try that, while the successful entry of only $ 116 only.

The story at that time I just verified paypal and want one immediately receive money from paypal. Based on a search on google that made some new people who have been told it has succeeded Withdraw paypal to the bank to the Cosa Bank BCA and then a longer Mas from Yogya which he said has been successfully Withdraw to Bank Mandiri. Only chance I have a bank account and Commerce BNI therefore I wanted to try to Withdraw paypal to bank accounts that I have that.

Short stories I try to Withdraw Bank of Commerce through the debit card is $ 50 on 11 march 2008, I also have not been waiting a week in, because not go-go I try again to Withdraw Bank BNI. Then Withdraw paypal $ 20 on 17 March 2008. Finally, the money from paypal to the first hand me over to Bank BNI, as earlier when I was successful Withdraw paypal to Bank BNI (March 2008). Although the Bank BNI had been to the Bank to Withdraw paypal Commerce ATM has not been entered as well.

In the March-April I have been 3 times to Withdraw Bank BNI and all successful:
a. On 17 March 2008 - Withdraw $ 20 received a clean Rp.164.208, --
b. On 26 March 2008 - Withdraw $ 28 received a clean Rp.235.826, --
c. 28th april 2008 - Withdraw $ 58 received a clean Rp.531.609, --

Withdraw to Bank of Commerce:
a. Date 23 March 2006-Withdraw $ 10 received a clean Rp.73.689, --

To Withdraw to debit $ 50 to trade at this time the money never came to hand. I do not know where this money nyasarnya? Are there any friends here who also had to Withdraw debit / ATM business? Therefore, it seems that experience I will never again want to try again to Withdraw debit / ATM bank trade. Also because the Bank has to find the appropriate Withdraw paypal me the Bank BNI alternative to Withdraw Bank Niaga.

O yes this experience because I want to sharing some tips on my number of banks in the Bank BNI and Bank of Commerce are:

1. Charging lengthen Bank Name: Bank Negara Indonesia, Bank Niaga.

2. Code Bank BNI (009) and Commerce (022).

3. BNI branch code should check directly to his Bank BNI.
example: Bank BNI branch code is 19 for the code paypal bank branches must be 4 digits in 0019 before the number zero code branch. The code paypal all be 0,090,019.

4. Bank Code Niga code can be found in the account. Example: no rek. 034-256-155-22, the code branches 034. Code paypalnya be 0,220,034.

5. Name of business name with the same name should we. This experience of a friend who Withdraw to Bank BCA same so as not rejected by banks, after the business name and the name of the same original can even Withdraw.

6. In the name of the bank must be exactly the same with the name of the paypal money if we can not decline in the bank.

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