Monday, June 22, 2009

Tips Before Making / Paypal Account Opening

To start a paypal account to make peer can start from now

click here if you want to create a paypal account.

Colleagues, I sure have a lot of colleagues here who have a paypal account, have been verified and Withdraw. However, the possibility is also not closed many colleagues who we know have not paypal and have never been to create paypal account. Therefore, there is also a good idea I wanted to share some of my experience using paypal account, a little to help the many colleagues who did not know about the paypal.

How I have from 2005 wanted to create a paypal account, but when it encountered obstacles because paypal does not accept accounts from Indonesia. So at that time only use e-gold account only. Besides, at that time I also try to create an account e-currency such as e-bullion, netpay, emmocorp, and several other accounts even though rarely used.

Since 2006, if not a month in march I find surprising is that paypal can accept membership from Indonesia. After knowing paypal accept members from Indonesia, I immediately make a paypal account in the year 2006. After a few months later, in stages, can accept paypal account paypal fund from another country, at that time still have to verify a credit card, and also the surprising fact of months already can accept paypal bank in Indonesia. I was already waiting time like this, because I find many opportunities to get dollars paypal easily than from the internet with e-gold. However, I also know there are a few years before the hunter dollars paypal accepted in Indonesia can draw dollars through paypal using your account even if other countries.

Previously, I also have some articles about paypal that is on the development of e-currency, verify paypal, paypal to Withdraw Bank BNI and Bank Niaga. The simple paypal can own say in the internet as a means of payment without the need to use our credit or debit card (mastercard, visa, discover, etc.) as a means of direct payment. Using a credit or debit card on the Internet is very risky because of the easy-going theft of credit or debit card. Therefore, paypal is a payment solution on the internet can be said that safe and fast.

However, paypal itself very seriously, and once against the fraud SCAM site on the internet, so it's good before we join the paypal knows a few things that it is important that we use paypal account to Withdraw and not problematic.

Some of the things that are important and must be considered before a paypal account:

1. Setting up the front and rear according to the ID card, driver's license and other proof of identity. First and last name in the paypal is very important because most can not be changed again after the paypal account is created. Even when upgraded to business accounts only have facilities for the correct name, but only 2 errors because of incorrect characters typed. When more than 2 characters, we must send a variety of evidence to paypal and also not approved. Can be many weeks to review the team even paypal monthly.

The name is important because it must match the name listed in the credit / debit card at the time of verification if not then we can account problematic. Names are also important and must be the same with the name of the Bank because if we do not Withdraw money to the bank will return to paypal even fined $ 5.

2. Do not try too often to open the paypal flit computer, this will complicate the paypal because paypal asks you the address.

3. Password must remember good things and never let paypal password to employees or other people.

4. We are permitted to make only one personal account and one premier / business account, not more than paypal terms because if we can not paypal problems. A time when the fraud was detected by paypal paypal account we could probably even in the limited closed forever.

5. Never try to create an account to two or more persons on a single computer on the case because a family is affected because of limited account paypal account to make all family members using the same computer and doing activities that are considered to be suspicous.

6. We can accept payment account even though we have not been verified. However, we should account immediately verified due to the already verified akan add another member of the trust.

Not many things that I think it is important before making known paypal account, even though a few things but this is very important to note that our account is not problematic. Name, proof of identity, the name dicredit / debit card, and the name of the bank is very important because I hear many cases of error dinama. Do not be equated with the yahoo account paypal account, because clearly different and a free email account while paypal is money we diinternet.

Many more tips-tips actually safe to use paypal other, peers can search in the search engine. Disitus English-language site on the internet.

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