Part List
one type-N female connector with 4 holes around, have recommended teflon insulation between the outer and inner connectors.
-20 Cm-shaped copper or brass rod with a diameter of 2mm
1.dengan pliers cut wire I used to be 5 parts masing2 4 cm long.
2.dgn are griping (surface pinchpenny) Justify to 4 in the perforated plug N page making it easier for us menyolder the reflector
Solder 3.dengan high power (high heat 80 watt minimum) to four solder wire rod you want to use in the connector 4 page, Hati2! heat is high enough you can thaw teflon insulation you have in the middle point between the connectors. (the white part susu)
4.tekuk 0.5 cm at the tip of the wire (4 pieces ditekuk I) with a 90 degree angle, with the construction Hati2 little complicated this
inserted after the fourth side N connector, mk you can solder the "hot wire" I work as an antenna with a substantive Hati2 neat and of course not ..?
jg then trim the bottom end of the existing connector on the N
and techniques with a "donkey bridge" our corner of the image 30 degrees and paste on the wall for measuring the accuracy of the angle of antenna do we make ...
then cut with a right radial 3:05 cm (I = tertempel reflector at the four corners of the connector to N) and the central wire (I tersolder in the middle connector) kehati2an this need for high accuracy and we will work on the vital high-freq! mk the higher the freq, the more critical akan nilai2 I also have the making of an antenna on the page ...
in making this alokasikan on channel 6 (2.44 GHz) or the nick point at the existing channel freq (channel 13). adl best advice do not cut along the middle of the first 3.0 cm, let along what it is and reduce each measuring 0.1 cm and signal with a magnitude such Netstumbler.ini vituperate software called "tuning and matching" jd too true, let channel with fixed or WLAN AP will tuju.anda you can see the tuning by cutting the amount of this success when the signal will increase in the intersection you desired.
iner short length of the wire the higher the channel be accessed (in the optimum receive signal and transmits) and the lower channel spent the length of the wire ... iner.
Omni calculation
I. Omni directional Antenna
a. Rubber Ducky Antenna
Many found diperalatan 2.4GHz 802.11 wireless network, such as access point and wireless router.
Adding the average gain for this antenna about 2-2.2dbi (
One way to add the power of wireless power Omni directional antenna / rubber ducky antenna is to add this kind of right in the back of the parabola antenna, so that the antenna was a wide spread can be directed to one area in particular. Gain obtained in about 10 to 12 dB.
b. 360 Degree Omni
Obtained gain is 5-6 dBi.
2. Directional Antenna
a. Directional Yagi
Gain obtained + - 15 dBi.
b. Directional Sector
Widely used in the tower, telecommunication tower. Wide ranging distribution of 90-180 degrees. The antenna is used for both mengjangkau 360 degree area, but not mengingingkan all point to a single antenna.
c. Directional Patch
Gain obtained around 18dbi.
The distribution range more narrow than the yagi antenna.
Easily hidden
d. Directional parabolic
Can reach remote areas.
Can reach 16 km with 22 dBi gain (
e. Directional Dish
Gain obtained 16-24 dBi.
used in my office. By using standard 802.11b 11Mbps, directional antenna 18dbi Dish, Poe bridge the distance under 500 meters, and LOS. Speed ranges are 2-3 Mbps can be reference for all his friends.
Antenna-antenna is an antenna above the standard often used a lot of people, not closed the possibility still many types of antennas that have to do with merging or modification of the forms above the antenna.
The dBi, the distance range, wide coverage and can be searched on Google, because I still understand it. (for those who want to share my knowledge to be: p).
Images obtained from the above website and all copyright in their hands.
6 Responses to "Types wireless antenna that needs to be known! (part 1) "
1. Thank you for the information .... Pak, the information.
Mulyadi said this on August 27th, 2007 at 7:45 pm
2. yup. ngak pp for all my tasks, this article will also take longer kok
nalpha said this on August 28th, 2007 at 2:20 pm
3. I tambahin little ya mar:
In wireless systems, the antenna is used for conversion to electrical waves into waves elektromagnit. Large energy can increase the antenna signal and send the receipt, referred to as Antenna Gain measured in:
dBi: relative to isotropic radiator
dBd: relative to the dipole radiator
where 0 dBd = 2.15 dBi
Conducted by the FCC must meet the terms of the amount of power out of the antenna. Power is measured by two ways:
1.Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP)
measured in dBm = power in the antenna input [dBm] + relative antenna gain [dBi]
2.Effective Radiated Power (ERP) measured in dBm = power in the antenna input [dBm] + relative antenna gain [dBd]
In the wireless system, there are many factors that cause loss of signal strength, such as cables, connectors, and other prophylactic lightning will cause a decrease in the performance of the radio installed if carelessly
On the radio power is low, such as 802.11b, the dB is very valuable, and should note "3 dB Rule".
Each increase of 3 dB or lose, we will get twice the power or lose half.
-3 DB = 1 / 2 power
-6 DB = 1 / 4 power
+3 DB = 2x power
+6 DB = 4x power
Sources that cause the loss of power in the wireless system: free space, cables, connectors, jumpers, anything that is not visible.
3dB Rule can be applied prak-tis with the help of antenna
Access Point with 802.11b standard has 13dB for the 300 meter distance, so if we use an antenna 15dB (28dB total) rumusannya to be:
13 + 3 dB - distance to 600 meters
16 + 3 dB - distance to be 1.2 KM
19 + 3 dB - distance to be 2.4 KM
21 + 3 dB - distance to be 4.8 KM
24 + 3 dB - distance to be 9.6 KM
1dB loss ... considered.
ON signal strength:
Signal Propagation
Signal leaving the antenna, it will spread in the air and disappeared. Antenna selection will determine how the type of rambatan will happen.
At 2.4 GHz is very important if we install the devices on the path that is free from obstruction. If the signal is interrupted rambatan, the decrease in signal quality will occur and disrupt komunikasinya.
Trees, buildings, floatation tank water, and the tower is a device that often interfere with the signal rambatan
Loss of power in the wireless system is the Free Space Propagation Loss. Free Space Loss is calculated with the formula:
FSL (dB) = 32.45 + 20 log10 F (MHz) + 20 log10 D (km)
Be Free Space Loss at a distance of 1 km using a frequency of 2.4 GHz:
FSL (dB) = 32.45 + 20 log10 (2400) + 20 log10 (1)
= 32.45 + 67.6 + 0
= 100.05 dB
ABOUT Antenna:
Antenna Pattern Radiasi
General parameters:
main lobe (boresight)
half-power beamwidth (HPBW)
front-back ratio (F / B)
pattern nulls
Typically, measured on two conditions:
Vector electric field that draws on the E-field
Vector magnetic field that draws on the H-field
Polarization antenna relative to the E-field from the antenna.
If the E-field is horizontal, then antenanya Horizontally Polarized.
If the E-field vertical, then antenanya Vertically Polarized.
Any of the chosen polarization, the antenna on a single RF network must have the same polarization
Polarization can be used for:
- Increasing isolation from unwanted signals (Cross Polarization Discrimination (x-pol) is usually around 25 dB)
- Reduce interference
- Assist a particular service area
Impedance matching will result in the transfer of power is maximum. The antenna also functions as a load-matching its transmitter (50 ohms)
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is a unit that showed up where the antenna according to (match) with the transmission path sent.
Return Loss VSWR deal with, namely the power of the signal by dipantulkan antenna with power sent to the antenna.
The greater the value (in units of dB), the better. 13.9dB with the same number VSWR 1,5:1. Return Loss of 20dB is quite good value, and equal to VSWR of 1,2:1
Calculation To Create Self-Antenna
The formula used by Jason Hecker ( take on many of the Chapter
19 from the ARRL Antenna Handbook ( where we will see enough
many examples of helical antenna design, including how to measure performance.
In the helical antenna formula taken from page 19-23 ARRL Antenna Handbook on
circumference of the winding
axial length of one turn
G = 0.8 to 1.1
diameter of ground plane / reflector
circumference is pi times the diameter
Diameter of the coil is usually fixed, with the pipe pralon 40 mm diameter of the coil
is 42 mm. If we use a frequency that is (2.425GHz) so long
= 0.123711 meter waves.
= 0.13195m
= 1066
If we measure, the S
30 C
out of range. But it seems that the problem is not fatal.
Page 21
Diameter ground plane G = 1:05 = 0.130m
Gain of the antenna in dBi defined as:
Gain = 11.8 + 10log10 (C
* N * S
where n is the number of winding.
Gain = 11.8 + 10log10 (1066 * 1066 * 13 *
= 18.5dBi
In the table below show clearly that
add the amount of twist. Increase of approximately
3dB akan get in with the men-double the amount of twist. Approximately 13 twist to fit
meter long pipe & 0:55 is a good compromise between length vs. gain.
801.11 on card that many dipasaran general we can set the frequency
used as many as 11 channels (U.S. FCC). Therefore, you may want to
change C
to the frequency where we work.
Another thing to note is in the antenna beam width. Wide beam
usually are calculated using the power at 50% (3 dB) lower than
power in the center. Formula / calculation is:
Half Power Beam Width = 52 / (C
= 52 / (1066 * sqrt (13 * 0.31830))
= 23.98 degrees
Article one of this article is that I take from the source even if the new contents remain the same but I hope this article can be a second-mencerahkan you that your hungry akan science GBU
Antenna Kaleng (first meeting)
Written by TPOTC Surabaya
Monday, 06 February 2006
Sekelumit news from the meeting where (Electrical Engineering Building) is still short of many. Both in terms of means of loans here and there, the limited means of support other causes of the observed maximum is less. But this was not the spirit of learning menyurutkan fellow colleagues who have in Surabaya. Following specification tool that we use: 1. Linksys WRT54
2. PCMCIA Orinoco
3. Susu procal cans (diameter 12.7 cm) long with 17 cm.
4. Pigtail cable
5. Copper cable 2.5 mm
6. N Female
7. UPS
8. PC
9. Netstumbler
Target dituju that I can be flown flown home ngelink that is enough. The problem would not have much test laptop idle hiks sad ... .... Kaleng deliberately cut a 17 cm pure. So sorry you less maximum results.
How to compare observations with the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) between the antenna and antenna Omni cans. If installed on the Linksys Omni antenna signals tend to be unstable, while the antenna using the cans tend to be more stable. Once more sorry pole and binoculars (Binocular) so there is no signal sometimes ride down sometimes depending on specialty. I have GPS ... even fun. Soalnya for the data (research purposes) is required ideal conditions ... ... hiks not even have.
Tuh kayak above image .... Only pigtail nempel in cans. Not only to research that. Now the client is given pigtail antenna to ditambahan cans. So the results obtained as follows.
Noise difference between using the cans with the cans are not using it at around 6 dBm. Ok we made the PR in Surabaya and also the temen temen oprek for wireless research.
1. Laptops need a pilot distance learning UPS + 2
2. Binoculars or GPS
3. Pole protester who flexibel
Special Thx:
1. Buddy-buddy who support the event: Mr. Mas Day and Day (ayasayasen)
2. Iro (and the kost Semolowaru Indah)
3. The Lab
Making parabolic antenna, Omni and rotena
Parabolicantena parabolic antenna is an antenna that resembles parabole just like parabolic antenna is made of aluminum and pembuatannya singkatalat and materials with the required function-electric drill to put a nail-rivet pliers merivet aluminum rivet for rivet-nails to hang aluminum obenk-minus for menutar mur-mur type minus unutuk hand-tighten the antenna equipment grinda to clamp alunium-soldier with a cable to connect the aluminum flat-konnector to make antenanya in the pipe-hitsring to coat the cable picrtail-capillary tube to place the AC cable and make a default - holder for the default drive to monting-monting is for attaching a parabolic antenna to the tower-key English or wrench no 10ukuran parabolic antenna-size pieces, until the first 300 cm 3 for the middle-round 210 for the 3-lap akir 30 for the 3-side aluminum in the size 48.5 cm 2 for the one that only 28.5 and 25-create content with the antenna cable rj 8upresentasi making omnialat and materials that need to be used for the soldier-connect cable with konnector-hitsring to coat the cable picrtail AC-capillary pipe to put the cable and make default-holder for the default drive to monting-monting is for attaching a parabolic antenna to the tower-cable rj 8u content for Omni antenna is used as often or in an Omni antenna Sectoral spread due to signal one direction but not the Omni transmit signals to all directions and jangang meletakkn near Omni cable prophylactic because lightning can-can also Omni tersambar lightning tersebutpresentasi making an antenna or antenna rotena kupu-kupumembuat antenna rotena content by using the cable rj 8u equipment and materials to make the antenna rotenasoldier to unify each of aluminum flat have been content with cable rj 8ulem shoot merakatkan for the content of cable rj 8u to aluminum flatpipa capillary acclammontingantena rotena often use to make in testing radio-radio
Antenna assembly
1. Microwave antenna grid parabolic type and loop yagi and the need to built because of a number of components, with different types of patch panels, panel sector and Omni directional
2. Duplex antenna according to the instructions (manual) and the image that included the construction
3. Mur Tighten all bolts and connectors, including and especially the reflector
4. Note that the microwave antenna is very sensitive to changes in focus, the antenna assembly at the time noticed the most of the focus of the reflector horn (antenna driven), small changes will result in a focus on broad changes such as gain (db) antenna
5. Several types of grid parabolic antenna has a stem extender that can change the location of the focus of the reflector so that the horn can set the required gain.
Antenna pointing
1. In general, the antenna is installed with the horizontal polarization
2. Navigate antenna according to the direction shown compass and GPS, this way we consider a center point direction (center beam)
3. Slide the antenna with a fixed direction to the right and left to center beam, one by one at each stage of the calculation does not exceed ½ specification antenna beam width for each side (left or right), eg 24 db antennas, typically has a beam width 12 degrees then , the maximum shift to the left and right of center beam is 6 degrees
4. Marked changes in each direction and set skornya, determining the best way how to find done with the average value of the best, the main parameters that must be considered is the signal strength, noise and stability
5. Since most radio devices Wireless In A Box does not have a utility for graphically represents signal strength, noise etc. (except for statistics and PER) then make it more practical to use a pointing device standard 802.11b radio that has a graphical utility such as the Orinoco, or use Wave Rider
6. Then if necessary adjust the antenna ELEVATION klino meter in accordance with the antenna on the corner of the station opposite, kelengkungan calculated based on the calculation of the earth and compare it with the contours on the topographic map
7. ELEVATION direction and when the answer has been estimated to reach when needed can be done from the inversion of antenna polarization vertical to the horizontal beam width to narrow the focus and increase the transmission, the second point condition occupy the same antenna (parabolic grid) and the second point must be the same antenna polarization ( means on the side opposite the antenna polarization must also be behind the vertical)
Grid Antenna 2.4 GHz 24 dBi is often used as a WLAN antenna. Can be used with IEEE 802.11g and 802.11b. If I want to install an antenna must be used in a frequency that would not allow the garuk same Balmon. Must be smart and smart-pointing that can be a good signal strength and troughput large.
There are many options for using this antenna. Made in Taiwan, USA and South Korea also have, depending on the tastes and needs only.
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